rough draft for assignment # 3

Nathalie Bonilla
Spoken word
Peer pressure

As I enter the party jocks hand me a drink. Thinking to myself if I don’t take a sip I won’t be a big hit. Tasting the acidy thirst quencher, Makes me want to barf it all back up just from a sip I just took. Looking around thinking how can people enjoy this orange potion drink? The guy who’s supposed to be my best friend but also very in love with me takes away the fun cup. After trying to fit this disgusting awful drink I get penalized from the scent that is in nature normal to me. After getting peer pressured into taking a sip of orange pollution into my body. I get embarrassed I have a shadow named Bruno following me asking what I am doing in such a place. Your right why would a nerdy calm Islamic girl be doing here late night at a party trying alcohol for the first time. Having this shadow follow me around trying to stop my every move of “making a bad decision” which can maybe change my life forever. Asking me if my strict parents know I’m out this late of the night. I’m sure if he was from Israeli too they would be setting up the wedding by now. “No” they don’t know I’m living my life the way I want to and no one will be able to control me. I just want to be a normal teenager. I know sneaking out wasn’t the answer. But Abu and Abu-Jann don’t understand what I would do to live a normal young adult life. My grades are perfect I do everything they ask me to do!. What about me! and what I want to do. I know this night changed my life but for the better I’m not just kamala any more I’m Mz marvel.

pre draft for assignment # 3

Nathalie Bonilla
Eng 102
Pre-draft for assignment 3
• What did you learn in class on Monday that impacted how you approach reading comic and or understanding ms marvel? Did it impact your choice of format for this assignment?
On Monday in class I learned how difficult or I should say challenge it is to make a comic book. There is a lot of thought and many details that you need to focus on. I found it to be so interesting when we were able to make our own mini comic. You either start with an image in your head that you grow from. Or you begin with a story and you just imagine what the character will look like. In class I started with the image first which became a doctor who was a dad and had his daughter in his hospital hurt from something that she had broken. This at first was funny that my character became what it became. Mz marvel is a really good comic I love everything about it I am really enjoying it. I have never opened a comic book before in my life. I am glad this one was the first I could have opened. I’m looking forward to finishing this assignment strong. I’m thinking of maybe making a drawing for my assignment.
• What format are you thinking of using?
I’m thinking of maybe using the format of a drawing to show the emotion of the scene that I want to use for my project.
• What unique about thus format that will allow you to learn more about the comic than what is expressed on the surface?
Well the only thing you see on the surface is basically the drawings and the text. But something you should pay close attention to is the facial expressions and the surroundings that the characters have around them. That’s what makes the scene more interesting.
• What questions or concerns or excitements do you have about creating a project in this format?
I’m very excited to see what I come up with but I am also very concerned on how I will be able to portray this drawing to explain what I’m trying to say. I want to make sure my audience understands what I’m trying to say.
• What is ms marvel teaching you about writing so far?
Mz marvel is teaching me that you need to be very precise and clear on what you are trying to say in your text. And to make sure that your text matches the images on what’s going on. Make sure your characters show the emotion in their face when you are writing the text. Paying attention to detail is also very important. Ill make sure to focus on my text and when I draw to keep that in mind.

artist statement # 3

Artist Statement for Assignment # 3
• What inspired you to choose the format you did for this project?
What inspired me at first was to draw a comic, but I thought to myself I would really enjoy writing a spoken word. I enjoyed the beginning of the semester a lot because of the poems we were writing. I liked how in dept the words can be. The fact that someone can say a lot just by performing a poem not just by reading words on a page.
• Who is your audience for this project? What should they know before diving into your work?
My audiences for this project are for people like my professor. I’m just kidding your not a nerd professor polish. No but my audience are people who enjoy comics and get a kick on the new things that authors create. They know exactly when and what specific comics come out.
• What do you want them to learn from your project?
I want them to learn that you can create a spoken word out of anything. I was inspired by the way that mz marvel took a sip of vodka. Just like any newbie at a party she doesn’t really know what alcohol tastes like. The peer pressures that you go through as a teenage high school girl. But in her case she’s not any ordinary teenage girl.
• Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?
I hope my audience will be able to learn what I’m trying to do with this spoken word. It’s basically writing a poem from a scene that I picked out of the comic book. I really take each skit and read into if I was mz marvel what I would be thinking about being in this high school party.
• What emotional impact were you going for?
The emotion that I’m going for is sympathy but also it’s where the book is having its turning point. That night when she leaves that party she runs into captain marvel which is the one who grants her to become mz marvel so it is the beginning to a very important part of the comic book.

• What specific panels of Ms. Marvel inspired the type of project you created?
In the beginning of the comic I feel sympathy for amina, for the simple fact of how good of a girl she is but her family is so strict with her and can’t cut her any slack. The fact that she needs to sneak out in order to go to a party that she could have easily asked her parents is sad. Ig you’re a good student and you obey your parents every rule why can’t you have fun being a teenager? Being a teenager are the best years you need to start experiencing
• What did you learn about your own writing/creation process through doing this project?
I learned that I breaking down a pre draft and a pre assignment is very beneficial because it breaks down the process of creating a project. I think I will be using this method in the future with other classes. I need to be organized with my work and take breaks in between in order to expand my mind of my ideas.
• What unique perspective did you bring to your close reading of Ms. Marvel that someone else might not have? What is the value of this perspective?
When I started reading mz marvel I was telling myself this is a girl who is in high school gets straight as has no excitement in her life. She’s smart and nerdy. She has a guy with a big crush on her so having her turn into mz marvel really kicks her life into gear. But in the beginning you can really relate to her being a normal high school student. I always just kept in mind ok I see this ordinary girl I know something drastic needs to happen because then this comic would be really boring.
• What did you learn through this project?
I learned through this project that creating a comic book or let another scene from a comic is a long process. I learned that you can either start with a drawing or make a story out of drawing that picture. Or start with a story and then draw the characters that you want them to stand for.
• What did you not learn?
Throughout this project and or class, whatever that was needed to be covered was covered. I understood many things and learned different thing I didn’t know before. There was nothing I didn’t learn.

• What would you still like to learn?
For this class I think we did well in covering spoken words, plays and comic books I enjoyed this class and last assignment because he didn’t bore me to death. I was very excited and intrigued to make sure I kept up with my deadlines and projects in order to learn efficiently and work towards the grade that I want.
• What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project?
I really liked that fact that we would do peer review. For the second project I had help from my classmates to help me create my research question. I liked the fact that I can have my classmates give me a different point of view for my project. To help me understand more. I know we have our professor to turn to if we need help but it’s also helpful to have classmates help us as well.
• If you had another week to work on your project, what would you do with it? How would you change it?
I would defiantly want to make a spoken word with the whole comic book. Take my time and break down each page and treat every page differently to make it very interesting. I think I would go as far as recording myself and performing it.
• What will you take with you from this project into future projects?
I never knew I was able to write poetry let alone spoken word. I loved this trope of poetry because you can write anything and make it your own like your own style. You can perform it however you want.
• The last thing you want to tell your audience before they dive into your project is…
What I want my audience to know about my project is to read the comic page before or after, it’s up to you if you want to read the spoken word first before you see the page that I based it on.
Peer Reviews: Ms Steele and diegop

draft of 3rd project: spoken word Mz marvel

Nathalie Bonilla
Spoken word
Peer pressure

As I enter the party jocks hand me a drink. Thinking to myself if I don’t take a sip I won’t be a big hit. Tasting the acidy thirst quencher, Makes me want to barf it all back up just from a sip I just took. Looking around thinking how can people enjoy this orange potion drink? The guy who’s supposed to be my best friend but also very in love with me takes away the fun cup. After trying to fit this disgusting awful drink I get penalized from the scent that is in nature normal to me. After getting peer pressured into taking a sip of pollution juice into my body. I get embarrassed I have a shadow named Bruno following me asking what I am doing in such a place. Your right why would a nerdy calm Islamic girl be doing here late night at a party trying alcohol for the first time. Having this shadow follow me around trying to stop my every move of “making a bad decision” which can maybe change my life forever. Asking me if my strict parents know I’m out this late of the night. I’m sure if he was from Pakistan they would be setting up the wedding by now. “No” they don’t know I’m living my life the way I want to and no one will be able to control me. I just want to be a normal teenager. I know sneaking out wasn’t the answer. But Abu and Abu-Jann don’t understand what I would do to live a normal young adult life. My grades are perfect I do everything they ask me to do! What about me! and what I want to do. I know this night changed my life but for the better I’m not just kamala any more I’m Mz marvel.

Assignment #3 Draft

Going into reading this comic I really had no idea what it was going to be like. I’ve never been into comics before because I just figured it’s all the same thing. It also takes a lot for me to get into something too so I didn’t really know what to expect. Getting into Ms. Marvel opened my eyes to what comics are really about and I’m not going to lie I was super lost at first. What was really intimidating was that everyone seemed to know a lot and were talking freely about it. So then I’m faced with pretending to know what’s going on or asking questions and getting somewhat a gist of what I will be reading. I chose to ask and I’m pretty glad I did because now I can write this beautiful piece of writing you’re about to read. My analysis of the comic will revolve around the scene with her father and how I believe their relationship shapes and molds her as a super hero and young woman.
It’s no secret her dad is a traditional man and is protective over Kamala but you see a very compassionate side to him as well. Unlike Kamalas mother, her dad seems to be the voice of reason. We see this when she’s fighting crime because she goes back to say something her father always says. This shows me that even though she finds her father annoying she still views him as a protecter. The scene I want to focus on is the one where she just gets back from fighting the guy and robots from the basement and her mother starts yelling at her about how she’s changing and “this isn’t the Kamala she raised.”During this argument the dad tells the mom that he will have a talk with Kamala. During the conversation he ask her what is going on and although Kamala doesn’t tell him she confides in him for comfort. Her dad starts telling her a story on why they decided to name her Kamal and the story is quiet moving. He continues to let her know how her name means perfection and that they named her that because her mother was told that after her brother was born she would no longer be able to have any more children but then came Kamala. This scene showed me another side of her father that I had not really seen before. In the beginning we see him acting his role and being the typical striked dad. But in this scene I saw that protecting fatherly relationship and you see the love he has for Kamala. The author to me did this on purpose and the reason for this is to show how the dynamic between her and her dad is and in a lot of ways he plays role in how she is. I believe his role impacts the way she deals with situations, she’s careful when being Ms. Marvel and the reason for that is because of they way her father watches over.

to be continued…. more will be added! need some more insight on what y’all think!
1) What do you think I should add?
2)Do you like where its going so far?
3)What am I not making clear?
4) What would make my writing stronger?
5) This isnt done yet but what do you think about the intro so far?

Pre-draft for Assignment 3 and answering the questions!

Going into reading this comic I really had no idea what it was going to be like. I’ve never been into comics before because I just figured it’s all the same. It also takes a lot for me to get into something too so I didn’t really know what to expect. Getting into Ms. Marvel opened my eyes to what comics are really about and not going to lie I was super lost getting into it. What was really intimidating was that everyone seemed to know a lot and were talking freely about it. So then I’m faced with pretending to know what’s going on or asking questions and getting somewhat a gist of what I will be reading. I chose to ask and I’m pretty glad I did because now I can write this beautiful piece of writing you’re about to read. My analysis of the comic will revolve around the scene with her father and how I believe their relationship shapes and molds her as a super hero and young woman.
It’s no secret her dad is a traditional man and is protective over Kamala but you see a very compassionate side to him as well. Unlike Kamalas mother her dad seems to be the voice of reason. We see this when she’s fighting crime because she goes back to say something her father always says. This shows me that even though she finds her father annoying she still views him as a protecter. The scene I want to focus on is the one where she just gets back from fighting the guy and robots from the basement and her mother starts yelling at her about how she’s changing and “this isn’t the Kamala she raised.”

To be continued…. 5/24 When the girl came in to explain comics

-What did you learn in class on Monday that impacted how you approach reading comics and/or understanding Ms. Marvel?
I learned that comics vary and are all very different, this helped me understand that I can’t have a broad mindset when reading comics in the future.
-Did it impact your choice of format for this assignment? What format are you thinking of using?
It did not impact my choice for format and I am thinking of writing a analysis piece of a scene in the comic and adding a real life experience. —What is unique about this format that will allow you to learn more about the comic than what is expressed on the surface?
I will connect the scene to my life and although different stories I will manage to help my reader understand the two correlate.
-What questions or concerns or excitements do you have about creating a project in this format?
My only concern is having someone not understand my message but I am excited to connect my personal experience to Kamala.
What is Ms. Marvel teaching you about writing so far?
Ms. Marvel is teaching me to not be afraid to write something different and to not be scared just because you don’t know about it.

Assignment 3 Draft (Not done yet)


Dear diary,                                                      

     School was just a regular day today, but something weird happened later at the Circle Q. I was with Nakia when both Zoe and Josh came into the store, Zoe was actually being nice to me, and Josh invited us to a party. I mean isn’t that great ?! Zoe and Josh are very popular in school, and the fact that they invited us means a lot so we MUST go to that party. I am kind of scared to ask my Father for permission, he is so scary and always so strict but I don’t care, I’m going to that party no matter what!!!…  OMG my mom just in came into my room without even knocking! She almost caught me writing in my diary, she would’ve killed me if she read about me going to that party no matter what. I had to tell her I was looking at some epic stuff in the internet on and of course she believed it. Well it’s dinner time, that’s why my mom appeared in my room, so this is the time for me to ask my father and I will come back to report his response……..

I HATE MY LIFE. I mean why can’t I go to ONE party, I’ve always done what they ask me to do. IT JUST ISN’T FAIR, MY BROTHER GETS EVERYTHING HE WANTS JUST BECAUSE HE IS A BOY. I MEAN ABU WANTS ME TO BE LIKE BRUNO?! HOW?! UGHH!!… Why can’t I just have a normal life ?…. 

You know what, I am going to have a normal life, from now on. I am going to that party. I am going to that party, I don’t care if Abu said no…….


Dear diary, 


OMG OMG OMGGGGGG!! I’M FREAKING OUT BUT I’M ALSO VERY EXCITED! I just got back home from the craziest night ever!! I was at the party and to be honest the party was not so great. When I got there stupid Josh and his friends tricked me into drinking juice with alcohol! That was pretty upsetting but it got worse. Bruno was at the party and when he saw me he just grabbed me and pulled me away from them. It was so annoying because who does he think he is ? He is not my father, he was just embarrassing me and making me look like a child!! I got really upset so I decided to leave the party. That is when the freaky stuff happened, I was just walking back home and thinking to myself how stupid I was to even think that I could fit in Zoe and Josh’s gang by going to a party. Then I started feeling lightheaded and dizzy, I FAINTED right on a street corner. But this isn’t all, I started seeing CAPTAIN AMERICA, IRON MAN, AND CAPTAIN MARVEL!!! I was so confused. Captain America made me feel like crap, but he was right. He made me realize that I was wrong, I thought that by disobeying my parents, my culture, and my religion I would be “accepted” by my classmates, but instead they laughed at me…  Then I explained to Captain America, Iron Man, and Captain Marvel that I wasn’t sure who I was supposed to be, that I want to be beautiful and awesome and butt kicking and less complicated. I was basically describing Captain Marvel, so then she said “All right, kid. As fate would have it, you’re about to get the kind of total reboot most people only dream about. But can I tell you something? It is not going to turn out the way you think. Good luck Kamala Khan”. I was so confused but I wasn’t able to ask for a clarification because that’s when they all left, and there I was, all alone in a corner. When all of a sudden I’m trapped in a COCCOON?! I brake out and I seem to be EXACTLY LIKE CAPTAIN MARVEL!! I HAD BLONDE HAIR, I WAS WHITE, AND HAD A GOOD BODY WITH HER OLD SUIT SUPER UNDERDRESSED!! I started freaking out and puking and then I went back to being Kamala. I thought maybe the guys put something weird in my drink or maybe it was the fog that there was. But it all did happen, it was all real. So I decided to see if I can transform myself into Captain Marvel again except this time on purpose. I failed.. but that’s when I heard Zoe and Josh talking. You can tell Josh was drunk by the way he was talking to Zoe. When I heard their voice, for some reason I got scared and nervous and felt little, well guess what ? yup, I turned TINY. It was a neat trick but it wouldn’t have helped me when Zoe fell into the water. Oh yea I saved a life today. I’m pretty cool huh. Well the details are kind of hard to explain through writing, but it was definitely very interesting and awesome! Josh was really drunk he let go of Zoe while they were dancing, and she ended up falling into water. I EMBIGGENED myself back to normal size and got to help, when I was there I automatically made my hand huge to scoop her out of the water. It sucked that I wasn’t able to make it normal size right after I saved Zoe, so I didn’t look as cool when I ran away. I ran back home to sneak in, but it was a lot harder than I remembered. My brother Aamir was the first one to catch me sneaking back into my room but both Abu and Aami caught me before because BRUNO IS A SNITCH. So I got the speech and got in trouble. My punishment is that from now on I just go to school and back home, no mall, no parties, no movies. But it is not like I was able to do any of that stuff before, so It doesn’t really affect me. Anyway I don’t know what this means now. I saved a life, is it time for me to keep saving more people? I am not sure, but whatever my plans are I should get some sleep. Lets see how tomorrow goes for me. Good night diary. 

Rough Draft assignment #3

Becoming Ms.Marvel

A press conference is being held in honor of Ms.Marvel’s recent achievement, rescuing the mayor of Jersey City from a flaming building.Then, one interviewer asks Kama- I mean Ms.Marvel a interesting question. How did you become the person you are today?

Kamala Khan- Wow! Thats actually a great question. Well, to begin answering this question I just want to say that I had a rough start. You all are probably thinking “how could she have a rough start? She’s a super hero. She has powers.”I gotta tell ya, it wasn’t easy peasy lemon squeezy like most of you think being a super hero is. These powers were just given to me as if I was the chosen one; the chosen one to make things right again. And I was in a stage in my life where I was still figuring out who I am and who Im becoming. Yes , by the looks of it I am a Pakistani girl and I’m young too. When I first gained my powers, I was having some difficulties controlling them. For example, I would try to embiggen myself, but instead I would turn small. Or even when I wasn’t trying to do a super power, my body and apperance would tweak out of control. Do any of you know why it was so hard to control my powers in the beginning? NO YOU DON’T AND YOU KNOW WHY YOU DON’T KNOW? BECAUSE YOU DON’T KNOW ME AND GUESS WHAT? At that time I didn’t know myself either. When I started gaining control over my powers, it wasn’t because of practice or a super hero mentor. My dad and the Quran are the main reasons I was brought to my senses. My father told me that my real name means perfection and that I don’t have to be anyone but myself. and everytime I thought of my father’s words, I stopped overthinking and had confidence and I would be able to complete my missions or rescues. THIS IS WHAT HELPED ME CONTROL MY POWERS. I would turn small by accident because thats how I was feeling…. small. Remembering quotes that my dad would say when he saw carnage on tv such as, “Whoever kills one person, its as if he has killed mankind…. And whoever saves one person, its as if they saved MANKIND.” This made me feel better and made me want to help and save people. I would like to thank all of you for honoring me but really you all should be honoring yourselves for always being yourself. Don’t ever think that you have to impersonate someone else or another lifestyle to impress anyone. BEING YOURSELF IMPRESSES EVERYONE THANK YOU HAVE A NICE DAY EVERYONE.

Ms.Marvel! Ms.Marvel!

I will not be taking no further questions.

  1. How do you feel about this monologue?
  2. Should I add or get rid of some details?
  3. does my monologue fully correspond with the comic and Kampala’s character? if not tell me what needs to get fixed.
  4. is there any writing decisions I could’ve made? for example pauses, punctuation, or add movement as if you can visualize it.

Assignment # 3 Artist’s Statement Prompt

With Assignment # 3 due on Wednesday June 7th, your Artist’s Statement is more important than ever: this is the last piece of writing I’ll be reading from you this term! Especially if you’re writing fiction or creating a comic for Assignment # 3, make sure you’re taking full advantage of the additional opportunity to show me your close reading skills through your Artist’s Statement!

Be sure to include:

  • links to your expectations, your pre-draft, your rough draft, and the name of the two people whose work you peer reviewed (if you emailed me any of these things, let me know so I can look it up easily, and if you gave me a physical copy, submit it back to me)
  • a 600 word artist statement.

This artist statement should include answers to the following questions:

What inspired you to choose the format you did for this project?

Who is your audience for this project? What should they know before diving into your work?

What do you want them to learn from your project?

Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?

What emotional impact were you going for?

What specific panels of Ms. Marvel inspired the type of project you created?

What did you learn about your own writing/creation process through doing this project?

What unique perspective did you bring to your close reading of Ms. Marvel that someone else might not have? What is the value of this perspective?

What did you learn through this project?

What did you not learn?

What would you still like to learn?

What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project?

If you had another week to work on your project, what would you do with it? How would you change it?

What will you take with you from this project into future projects?

The last thing you want to tell your audience before they dive into your project is…

Rough drat 1

The sharp winds slapped her face as they whirled all around her. It was cold even for Jersey standards. The buildings looked grim and grey, making her current situation seem impossibly hopeless. Bruno had disappeared and Kamala spent every waking moment of the last few days searching for him. The usual hideout, the junk yard, she searched everywhere she could think of, and the frustration built as every single lead went nowhere. Kamal sighed and fell down on the floor feeling hopeless. Her red and blue suit didn’t make her feel as powerful as usual. As she racked her brains for where he could be, she began to feel disheartened and the world around her grew larger.

“Where could he be? There’s gotta be a clue somewhere.” Kamala said under her breathe.

“If he’s in danger I have to find him fast.. Think Kamala think!”

Just then, a thought ignited her brain and she immediately remembered what might be a key clue to finding Bruno. Two months ago she was stopping a bank robbery she remembered a certain man who was different than the other robbers. It didn’t seem as if he was getting captured, but more allowing her to take him in. His face was covered in a black mask and he wore a dark green trench coach. Kamala remembered gripping him tightly with her right hand and he spoke to her.

“You remind me of someone I know. You seem so interesting. So pure, like an empty canvas.”

His voice was like gravel on the sidewalk. It sent a chill down her spine and a tingly sensation raced around her body. He was captured but Kamal felt like she wasn’t in control. Something felt different with this criminal.

“I assume your new to this crime fighting thing. I’m guessing you think you have it all figured out?” The mysterious stranger asked.

“It’s none of your business.” Kamal replied. Her voice quivered as she answered.

“Oh but it is. I’ve been so…  bored. All these heros are so uninteresting. They have no limits. They dont wrestle with themselves. Who are they to decide what they should and should not do.” The man talked, but strangely it drew Kamal’s attention.

He continued his monologue. “But you, you’re different. You fight with yourself every day. You believe you’re in control, but you’re not. When faced with an impossible decision, I wonder how you’ll react. It makes me feel alive thinking about it.”

“Yeah you can think about it jail.” Kamal said with a grin.

“Thats not going to happen.” The man replied.

“Oh yeah? well y..” Kamala was interrupted by an explosion.

The ceiling crumbled and fell on her making her lose the grip on the man. As he walked away she could hear him speak.

“You’ll be hearing from me soon, my pet project. You can call me the Butcher.” He walked away laughing.

“It cant be.. right?” Kamal whispered.

Kamala returned home, in a daze, thinking about if the Butcher was really behind this. What could she do? Should she call the police? As she walked into her room, she noticed something was off. She felt a certain chill in the room. The curtains on her windows danced with the wind.

“Thats odd.. I dont remember leaving my windows open.”

Just then she noticed a note on her desk. She lunged for it and scanned it rapidly. In the note was a short message. “Come to the abandoned warehouse by the river, alone. Heed the instructions, or Bruno suffers.” On the bottom it was signed “The Butcher.”

Kamala’s knees turned to jelly as she was met with a surge of different emotions. She was happy to find Bruno, but she was scared on what the Butcher had in store for her. It didn’t matter what she was feeling however, she needed to save Bruno no matter what. Kamala rushed towards the abandoned warehouse. The building was broken down after years of being left all alone. Kamala’s stomach churned as she turned the knob on the entrance door slowly. Every fiber of her body told her to turn back, but she knew she couldn’t. As she entered, all she could see was darkness. Suddenly, lights flashed on, illuminating the entire warehouse. However the only thing that came into vision was one person. He was dressed in a green trench coach, and the same alluring black mask. It was him, it was the Butcher.

“I’m glad you could make it.” His voice was the same as always. But this time it was different. His voice calmed Kamala down, as if he wasn’t here to hurt her.

“Where’s Bruno??!” Kamal yelled.

“Dont worry, we’ll get to him soon enough. After all he’s the most important piece of today’s lesson.” The butcher was calm as he spoke. As if he was talking to a student.

“You see, my hobby is to show people  who believe that they can do good that nothing matters in the end. When faced with difficult choices, the people who are so sure of justice are the one’s who falter. When the actions one must take are grey, the people who live by a code of black and white are the one’s fail everyone around them.” As he talked, it seemed as though he was speaking of something familiar to himself.

“I have no time for this, show me Bruno right now, or I’ll crush you.” Kamala demanded. Her voice seemed angry, yet it had a hint of desperation. She just couldn’t see where the Butcher was going, and she was afraid to find out.

“Ah but you will make time, if you want to save Bruno that is.” The butcher replied.

“What do you want from me?” Why are you doing this?” Kamala asked.

“You see, I could see it in your eyes. Your sense of pure justice. You believe that the right thing is so easy. That all you need to do is make the right choice. But what if the decision you make isn’t the right choice? What if there is no right choice? Will you falter in front of an impossible decision?” The man explained, but as he spoke, Kamala only became more confused.

“You’re insane, just show me Bruno right now!.” Kamala yelled, getting more and more enraged.

“Relax, I’m going to explain everything.” As he talked, he moved over to a wall with different colored buttons and switches. He pressed the red button, and Kamala began to hear a mechanical buzzing all around her. The wall behind the Butcher began to rise and Kamala made out what seemed to be a chair and what seemed to be a transparent wall leading to a closed off room. She saw what seemed to be a person behind the walls. The person seemed drained, unable to move.

“It’s Bruno!” Kamala thought.

“Let Bruno go right now!” Kamala demanded, as her fists grew to the size of a small car.

“Ah you see, whether he gets out or not.that will be up to you. Bruno only has enough air to live for about 5 more minutes, and the wall is reinforced with vibranium making it impossible to destroy.” The Butchers voice seemed to have a hint of excitement like a child describing his favorite video game.

The Butcher walked across to the chair and sat down. He strapped himself in and looked towards Kamala.

“What do you want from me? Please just let him go.” Kamala begged. Brute force wasn’t going to save Bruno. All thoughts left Kamala’s brain, and she stood trembling uncontrollably.

“Let me tell you a little story. Once there was a little boy who lived with his mom and dad. He loved his mom very much. He was also the biggest fan of super heros. He loved, them and wanted to be just like them. He wanted to get rid of all the evil in the world.” The Butchers tone changed, his voice became hoarse.

“But his dad would yell at his mom and beat her, the little boy would always worry for his mom’s safety. One day his dad came home really drunk, and started beating his mom again. The little boy finally had enough and reached for a knife. All the little boy had to do was go after his dad and his mom and him would be safe forever.”

“But the little boy couldn’t go through with it, he was too afraid to make the decision. The Butchers voice changed again, this time his voiced seemed more apathetic. “The next day the boy returned from school to find police cars all over his house. His dad had killed his mom and was arrested.”

Kamala could feel a little tremble in the voice of the Butcher. ” You see, the little boy could have saved his mom but he faltered in the face of an impossible decision. He chose not to take action and it would haunt him forever.” Now I’m going to see what you’ll do in with the same problem.”

“On your right you’ll find a lever, that lever will open the wall to Bruno freeing him. However that same lever will inject a poison from this chair and it will instantly kill me.” The Butcher seemed to be almost laughing as he explained. “The choice when you think of it in terms of good and evil seems so easy.”

“But in reality, it’s an impossible decision, it is one that changes you, tests you in a way that takes you to the very peak of what kind of hero you want to be. What will you do?” The Butcher became silent, and he sat and waited.

“You’re INSANE!! Stop all of this!” Kamala roared at the top of her lungs.

The Butcher just sat in silence. Bruno didn’t have much time left, she had to act. Kamala ran over to the lever, and she put her hands on it. It was cold, lifeless, unlike her body which was burning, both with anger and a sense of desperation. Kamala could not bring herself to pull the lever, her body stopped in its tracks. Her mind raced inside of her, bringing of thoughts of her dad, her mom, and anyone else as she thought of advice for what she should do. However she could not focus on any of them, as the situation was making it impossible for her to focus on anything.

“What should I do?” Kamala thought. “What would Captain America do?”

With each passing second, Kamala felt her mind rushing, her heart felt as if she was moving at the speed of light. She turned to look at the Butcher. Even through his mask she could see a calmness on his face. Kamala knew she needed to act. Being a hero was important to her, but nothing was more important than the people she loved.

Kamala emerged from the warehouse. The sun was rising as a ray of light blinded her, and seemed to blanket the cold river. Kamala’s mind was still blank, not a single though was going through her head. She continued to walk in a daze, until one thought came to her. In the last few seconds she could hear the Butcher whisper something to himself.

“I see.. I was wrong,” the Butcher said under his breathe, and as he said that, Kamala could almost feel as if he was smiling.

  1. Is the piece written in a well paced manner?
  2. Is anything confusing or difficult to understand?
  3. The motive of the villain seems to be a bit unclear, any suggestions?
  4. I purposely kind of put an open ended ending to keep it from being even darker than it turned out to be. Does it take away from the story?
  5. Any suggestions are welcome!