artist statement # 3

Artist Statement for Assignment # 3
• What inspired you to choose the format you did for this project?
What inspired me at first was to draw a comic, but I thought to myself I would really enjoy writing a spoken word. I enjoyed the beginning of the semester a lot because of the poems we were writing. I liked how in dept the words can be. The fact that someone can say a lot just by performing a poem not just by reading words on a page.
• Who is your audience for this project? What should they know before diving into your work?
My audiences for this project are for people like my professor. I’m just kidding your not a nerd professor polish. No but my audience are people who enjoy comics and get a kick on the new things that authors create. They know exactly when and what specific comics come out.
• What do you want them to learn from your project?
I want them to learn that you can create a spoken word out of anything. I was inspired by the way that mz marvel took a sip of vodka. Just like any newbie at a party she doesn’t really know what alcohol tastes like. The peer pressures that you go through as a teenage high school girl. But in her case she’s not any ordinary teenage girl.
• Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?
I hope my audience will be able to learn what I’m trying to do with this spoken word. It’s basically writing a poem from a scene that I picked out of the comic book. I really take each skit and read into if I was mz marvel what I would be thinking about being in this high school party.
• What emotional impact were you going for?
The emotion that I’m going for is sympathy but also it’s where the book is having its turning point. That night when she leaves that party she runs into captain marvel which is the one who grants her to become mz marvel so it is the beginning to a very important part of the comic book.

• What specific panels of Ms. Marvel inspired the type of project you created?
In the beginning of the comic I feel sympathy for amina, for the simple fact of how good of a girl she is but her family is so strict with her and can’t cut her any slack. The fact that she needs to sneak out in order to go to a party that she could have easily asked her parents is sad. Ig you’re a good student and you obey your parents every rule why can’t you have fun being a teenager? Being a teenager are the best years you need to start experiencing
• What did you learn about your own writing/creation process through doing this project?
I learned that I breaking down a pre draft and a pre assignment is very beneficial because it breaks down the process of creating a project. I think I will be using this method in the future with other classes. I need to be organized with my work and take breaks in between in order to expand my mind of my ideas.
• What unique perspective did you bring to your close reading of Ms. Marvel that someone else might not have? What is the value of this perspective?
When I started reading mz marvel I was telling myself this is a girl who is in high school gets straight as has no excitement in her life. She’s smart and nerdy. She has a guy with a big crush on her so having her turn into mz marvel really kicks her life into gear. But in the beginning you can really relate to her being a normal high school student. I always just kept in mind ok I see this ordinary girl I know something drastic needs to happen because then this comic would be really boring.
• What did you learn through this project?
I learned through this project that creating a comic book or let another scene from a comic is a long process. I learned that you can either start with a drawing or make a story out of drawing that picture. Or start with a story and then draw the characters that you want them to stand for.
• What did you not learn?
Throughout this project and or class, whatever that was needed to be covered was covered. I understood many things and learned different thing I didn’t know before. There was nothing I didn’t learn.

• What would you still like to learn?
For this class I think we did well in covering spoken words, plays and comic books I enjoyed this class and last assignment because he didn’t bore me to death. I was very excited and intrigued to make sure I kept up with my deadlines and projects in order to learn efficiently and work towards the grade that I want.
• What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project?
I really liked that fact that we would do peer review. For the second project I had help from my classmates to help me create my research question. I liked the fact that I can have my classmates give me a different point of view for my project. To help me understand more. I know we have our professor to turn to if we need help but it’s also helpful to have classmates help us as well.
• If you had another week to work on your project, what would you do with it? How would you change it?
I would defiantly want to make a spoken word with the whole comic book. Take my time and break down each page and treat every page differently to make it very interesting. I think I would go as far as recording myself and performing it.
• What will you take with you from this project into future projects?
I never knew I was able to write poetry let alone spoken word. I loved this trope of poetry because you can write anything and make it your own like your own style. You can perform it however you want.
• The last thing you want to tell your audience before they dive into your project is…
What I want my audience to know about my project is to read the comic page before or after, it’s up to you if you want to read the spoken word first before you see the page that I based it on.
Peer Reviews: Ms Steele and diegop

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