Assessment #2 Draft Research

Nagat. Almatare

English 102

Professor: Polish

Rough Draft Research Paper




In the play (Anon(ymous), Anon had traveled from one place to another looking for his mother and wanting to go back home because none of the places was his birth home. Anon had to leave his native home with his mother, because of war Anon and his family tried to escape from death but, Anon drowned in the water when the family was on the boat leaving their home. Anon’s mother still had hope in her heart that her son might be alive somewhere. People run away from war because they’re fear of death but death can follow us in different aspect of the world. So why did the play writer Naomi Lizuka wrote that Anon drowned without giving a clear conclusion to the play? Was Anon died and he was seeing the next world? Was Anon a live but dreaming in his coma? Was this all a dream because of what he had gone through in his journey of running away from a war? This play reminds me of Shakespeare’s Play: “Hamlet’s delay lies neither in his incapacity for swift action nor in the overwhelming difficulty of eliminating Claudius, the readers seem to have reached a frustrating dead end in their understanding of Shakespeare’s greatest work. Fortunately for them, however, a psychoanalytic reading of the play may provide the necessary means through which Hamlet’s seemingly inexplicable behavior can be rationalized”.( Sihyun)1. In many cases readers expect a conclusion in a play: sometimes it can be a happy or sad ending.

Anon explored different places like when the white rich family rescued him and the rich family’s daughter felt that she owned Anon, because of her rich father who owns land and mountains. Anon felt that was never his home so he left, kept on traveling to find what he calls “home”. Anon’s mother in the play worked for a sewing factory where the white rich family came and told her that they have rescued a boy from drowning in the water, but that boy ran away because he wanted to go home, the place of his birth.

Rough Draft for Assignment # 2

David Fernandez

English 102


November, 3, 2017


There are certain events in life that cause us to have emotions that we don’t like to experience.  These events could happen to us or someone we know but if it’s something we view as negative then we definitely don’t want us or our loved ones go through it. Since some things happen unexpectedly it can benefit us learn how to control our actions when we are experiencing these unpleasurable feelings. This can come from leaving your homeland and coming to a different environment, Coping with the loss of someone close to you , or just dealing with the stress of your life. All of this is mentioned in the play “Anon(ymous)” by Naomi Iizuka. We can see that some of the characters in this play have some issues that they have to deal with.

Throughout the play Nemasani was trying to cope with her lost son by making shroud because she thought he was dead. Even though Anon ended up being alive he was still nowhere to be found and she had no idea what could have happened to him. So part of her still wanted to hold on to the fact that he was still alive because there was still no proof of his death. “The mourning and burial ceremonies can help people accept reality in a short period and return to order” (chen). There was no body found yet so there could not have been a burial ceremony. This burial ceremony could have helped Nemasani realize that her Anon was did but since there was no ceremony she did not entirely give up on him still being alive.

Having to adapt into a new culture is something that Anon had to deal with at times in this play. Right from the start of the play it is clear that Anon does not see the United States as his home and wishes to go back to his.

Assignment # 2 Pre Draft

I think Naomi Lizuka had to have done some research about the struggles refugees face when there in a new environment. I think Naomi does a great job in creating the characters in the play to play those difficult roles. What really stuck out to me in the play is not knowing the location of the play. Why would Naomi hide that from the crowd she is targeting? What message is she trying to get across to her crowd. This a question I would like to research on more closely. By researching this question, I would have a better understanding of the play when I read it the second time.

Pre-Draft Assignment #2

I think Naomi Iizuka did a research on immigration and its impact on people, mother love, teenagers, drama, landscapes, and food. Some preparations that actors will have to do to perform this play are to be emotional, actors will also have to be prepared to transform into different settings during the play, they will also have to be prepared to stay focused during the play. The three things that grabbed my attention were: the use of food in the play because it was used mostly as source of persuading. The names that were used in the play because they played  a major role in constructing characters, lastly, immigration because it is an important topic that affects young generation, especially in our present time.In order for me to understand the three parts of that play that grabbed my attention, I will need to do a deep research on people with similar experience as the play, watch videos or documentaries, and talk to people around me would be a perfect way for me to understand the three concepts.This kind of research will help me connect to the play deeper and it will allow me to acquire the information more broadly.I might want to explain the powerful impact of immigration on people.My research will be great contribution for me to gain extra unique insight and themes of the play.

Pre draft assignement 2

Naomi Izunaka probably had to research was on culture throughout the play there are many cultural references to food and the country they live in especially the names of the characters.

The actors in the play had to be really in character so that the audience can understand their roles and emotions throughout the play.

The first thing that grabs my attention in the story is ‘setting in where the story takes place. In the 6th scene, anon talks Naja and tells him that he comes in his dreams to help him so I’m not sure if the story is or in his dream or part of it. The second is the use of eurocentrism which involves forcing someone to love you because of their economic power. The third is the people Anon the story that helps him throughout the poem.

Understanding why the poem uses Eurocentrism and economic values in the play. The use of a dreamlike setting in scene 6th and building a relationship with people of different backgrounds

These kinds of rhetorical choices in the poem better understanding some of the issues in the story that can relate to what happening in modern issue.

The point I’m trying to get across with the play is to show how minority and oppression still has a hold on society today. For example, in the playwright, there were many instances of characters using discriminatory word or actions to Anon or nemesani.




pre draft

I think Naomi Lizuka research struggles refugees faced moving around to new locations. Some preparations the actors had to do while performing this play might be mediation or practing getting in the shoes of a spiritual immigrant. The three things that grab my eye in the play is the sense of not knowing the location, partial romance and the possibility of parts being un realistic. Research like this can help me understand rhetorical choices because by further educating myself in the topic Ill be able to analyze it diffrently.

Assignment # 2 pre draft

Naomi Iizuka probably had to research  how people from different social class and culture behave when they have to live together in the same world. I see the actors having to learn how to react to certain situations and also do some studying on similar events and see how others reacted. I like how this play has all these characters that we get to know with their own unique personality, I also like how Naja can communicate with Anon, and its interesting how we don’t know where Anon is from but when he talks about his homeland we can find things in common with other places.  I might have to research human nature and how can their environment influence their personality. This will help me understand people.

Monday October 23rd Jeanpierre Capunay

What grade are you aiming for? I am aiming for an A

What specific things according to the grading contract, you are going to do to earn that grade? I will try to cover all the aspects for this essay so I can receive the grade I want.

How much time are you expecting to put in it?I will try to start November 1 and take my time and not rush at the last minute.

What kind of effort you expect to put into your peer reviews? I am always open to give my two senses.

what kind of help you expect from me? I just need some guidance if I get stuck through the essay.

what experience have you had with research in the past? Not really a big fan of research paperwork. I only did it once last semester for English 101.

what makes you nervous about writing a research paper? giving my all and full 5 pages and end up getting a D or F.

what makes your excited about writing a research paper? not exciting in any way.

what questions do you have about writing a research paper? Too many questions to write, but I will be heading to b200 if I need additional help .

Pref-draft for Assignment 2

Farah Jimenez
English 102
Jenifer Polish
October 26, 2017
Pre-draft for Assignment 2

1. What kinds of research do you think Naomi Iizuka had to do in order to write Anon(ymous)?
In order to write Anon(ymous) t Naomi had to research about the immigrant’s backgrounds (reasons to leave their country, food, way of speaking) problems that they face and how they interact to each other. Also she may even research about how a boy around 12 years old feel in order to fit in.

2. What kinds of preparation might actors have to do to perform this play?
Actors have to research about some of the issues that immigrants face, how they act, dress, talk and what kind of stuff they do in order to survive around their new environment.

3. What three things grab your attention most in the play? Why?
One of the things that grab my attention was this boy going around from places to places saying different names and in all of those places ending saying that he was nobody.
Second, Anon never feel being at home in all the places that he been.
Third, the connection between Anon and his mother. He was searching for her all the time and that he never forgot about her. While, she always has the faith that he wasn’t dead and that maybe somebody adopt him.
All this grab my attention because I was confused when we started to read the play and it took me a while putting everything together.

4. What kinds of research might you perform to help you understand those three parts of the play in a deeper, more meaningful way (beyond you saying what is about)?

I have to finish the reading before we even finish it in class and also I watch the performance to get a better picture.

5. How can this kind of research help you understand and critique the rhetorical choices in Anon(ymous)?

By finishing it I was able to put all this piece together and by watching it everything became clear and I feel that I was able to understand better the meaning of the play.

6. What point you want to make with your research paper?

The point that I want to make with my research paper is that most of us spend a lot times to figure out how to fit in on the different situations of life.

7. How can you use your research to ask a question about Anon(ymous) that contribute an important, unique insight to the conversations about the play?

I may be able to talk about or mention all the themes that they play mentions.

Assignment # 2

Assignment # 2 — Research Essay Analyzing Anon(ymous)

We do research every day: when we hear a snippet of a new song by our favorite artist, we look it up; when we watch a TV show and recognize an actress but can’t tell from where, we google their character to figure out where we know them from; when we need to go somewhere we haven’t gone before, we google maps our way there (yeah, I used it as a verb).

Research — in its many forms — allows us to answer questions (and find new questions!) that itch, questions that ache, questions that we can’t quite get our minds around. As we read Anon(ymous), the play will surely inspire a lot of questions in us. Some of these questions are going to be ripe for research: together, we will generate our own research questions that will guide our investigations. You will use your research to help you write a deep analysis of Anon(ymous) and the exigent issues it evokes. You will need to cite (in MLA format, which we will discuss in class) at least three sources (aside from Anon(ymous)), one of which must be a scholarly article published in an academic journal. Your essay must be at least 750 words long (5 pages double spaced).

Due Dates:

Friday, October 20th — Comment on the google doc version of this assignment. What questions do you have about the assignment? What apprehensions do you have? Clarifications? Excitements?

Monday, October 23rd — Draft your expectations for Assignment 1 and email them to me before class. All you need to do here is to please answer the following questions: what grade you are aiming for; what specific things, according to the grading contract, you are going to do to earn that grade; how much time you are expecting to put in; what kind of effort you expect to put into your peer reviews; what kind of help you expect from me; what experiences have you had with research in the past; what makes you nervous about writing a research paper; what makes you excited about writing a research paper; what questions do you have about writing a research paper?

Friday, October 27th — Pre-draft for Assignment 2 posted to the blog before class. All you need to do here is to please answer the following questions: What kinds of research do you think Naomi Iizuka had to do in order to write Anon(ymous)? What kinds of preparation might actors have to do to perform this play? What three things grab your attention most in the play? Why? What kinds of research might you perform to help you understand those three parts of the play in a deeper, more meaningful way (beyond just saying what it’s about)? How can this kind of research help you understand and critique the rhetorical choices in Anon(ymous)? What point might you want to make with your research paper? How can you use your research to ask a question about Anon(ymous) that can contribute an important, unique insight to the conversations about the play?

Friday, November 3rd — Rough draft for Assignment 2 posted to the blog before class. Try to have as many of your thoughts/analysis expressed in your draft as possible. Include with your draft at least 5 specific questions that you would like your peer reviewer to answer, and cite at least 2 sources (aside from Anon(ymous)). Include your works cited list.

Monday, November 6th —  Post your peer review commentary and answers as a comment to two of your classmates’ Rough Draft posts before class.

Friday, November 10th — Post your most recent, edited and revised project to the blog before class. In addition, please include your 600 word reflective artist’s statement regarding what you learned, what you didn’t learn, how you can use what you learned in the future, the kind of research you did and how you think this helped you analyze the play, and how you think you could have pushed your analysis even further. What rhetorical choices did you make in your research paper and how did these choices advance your analysis? How did the process of peer review push your analysis forward? If it didn’t, why not? How can you and your partners conduct your peer reviews differently next time? What fresh rhetorical insights might you bring from this assignment into future assignments?