Was Anon Dreaming? Final paper

Nagat Almatare

English 102


                                           Was Anon Dreaming?


In the play “(Anon(ymous),” Anon had to leave his native home with his mother because of war. Anon and his family tried to escape from war and death, but ironically, Anon drowned in the water when the family was on the boat leaving their land. However, Anon’s mother still had hope in her heart that her son might be alive somewhere. As Anon lived running from one place to another, he kept on wishing to go back home because none of the places he had visited felt like his birth home.

It is interesting how people run away from war because their fear of death. However, we all know death can follow us in, and to, any part of the world. Anon had traveled from one place to another looking for his mother, so why did the author, Iizuka, wrote that Anon drowned and then found his mother without making it clear how he did? In this play, Iizuka the author not give a clear conclusion to the play which raises many questions. For instance, was Anon dead and seeing the next world? Was he alive but dreaming as in a comma? Or was all this just a dream because of what he had gone through in his journey of running away from a war? This paly arouses these and more questions because of the way it ends. Its vagueness allows readers to think whatever they want about Anon and how the story ends.

For me, the play reminds me of Shakespeare’s works and how his work was looked down upon because its controversy and many times unpopular endings. For instance, in one of in Hamlet, readers get frustrated by Hamlet’s delay in eliminating Claudius. However, as explained by Sihyun (2017) “a psychoanalytic reading of the play may provide the necessary means, as through Hamlet’s seemingly inexplicable behavior can be rationalized”(p. 2). In the play, Hamlet’s father’s ghost visits the castle, and his suspicions are confirmed. The Ghost complains that he is unable to rest in peace because he was murdered. Claudius, says the Ghost, poured poison in King Hamlet’s ear while the old king napped. Unable to confess and find salvation, King Hamlet is now consigned, thus, his soul goes before going to Heaven and walk the earth by night. He entreats Hamlet to avenge his death, but to spare Gertrude, to let Heaven decide her fate. In the end of the play, I didn’t understand why Hamlet stabs Claudius with a poisoned sword and then pours poisoned wine down the King’s throat. Before he dies, Hamlet declares that the throne should now pass to Prince  of Norway, and he implores his true friend Horatio to accurately explain the events that have led to the bloodbath at Elsinore. With his last breath, he releases himself from the prison of his words: “The rest is silence.”

In many cases readers expect a conclusion on what they are reading, but sometime unknown conclusion can keep us thinking to create our own play. When the rest are in silent was unknown conclusion that kept the audience high expectations to think, what will happen next? Who will die again? Similar questions that people would ask about Anon to what will be next. What is the ending of the story? What this all a dream?

Anon explored different places like when the white rich family rescued him and the rich family’s daughter felt that she owned Anon because of her rich father who owns land and mountains. Anon felt that was never his home so he left, kept on traveling to find what he calls “home”. Anon’s mother in the play worked for a sewing factory where the white rich family came and told her that they have rescued a boy from drowning in the water, but that boy ran away because he wanted to go home, the place of his birth. Anon’s mother felt that it might be her son that drowned and it was definitely Anon. I read an report article about dreams by (Nielsen1,2 and Stenstrom1,3) ” recent studies5 suggest that dreams only rarely portray complete

Episodic memories, that is, reproductions of ensembles of places, actions and characters; such memories occur in a mere 1.4% of reports. Isolated fragments or features of episodic memories are more common, however. The reproduction of isolated spatial or temporal features of memories occurred in 28–38% of reports in one study; 65% of dream elements were linked to features of waking events in another study5. In very emotional dreams such as nightmares caused by traumatic experiences, dream imagery can become highly episodic.”

So was Anon dreaming? The memory selection task measures the ability to distinguish between memories that relate to ongoing reality.

In conclusion, plays can also have a clear story with a closure ending, but in the play “(Anon(ymous),” we all can make own conclusion and think of our own way we see the play going towards. For me, all the adventures of the play had sounded that it could’ve been a dream. So, this was my own conclusion of Anon, What might be yours?

Nagat. Almatare

English 102

Professor: Polish

Rough Draft Research Paper




In the play (Anon(ymous), Anon had traveled from one place to another looking for his mother and wanting to go back home because none of the places where is birth home. Anon had to leave his real home with his mother because of war but, Anon drowned on a boat as his family tried to run away from death. Anon’s mother still had hope in her heart that her son might be alive somewhere. People can run away from war because they’re fear of death but death can follow us in different aspect of the world. So why the play writer Naomi Lizuka wrote that Anon drowned without giving a clear conclusion to the play? Was Anon died and he was seeing the next world? Was Anon a live but dreaming in his coma? Was this all dream because of what he had gone through in his journey of running away from a war? This play reminds me of Shakespeare’s Play: “Hamlet’s delay lies neither in his incapacity for swift action nor in the overwhelming difficulty of eliminating Claudius, the readers seem to have reached a frustrating dead end in their understanding of Shakespeare’s greatest work. Fortunately for them, however, a psychoanalytic reading of the play may provide the necessary means through which Hamlet’s seemingly inexplicable behavior can be rationalized”.( Sihyun)1. In many cases readers expect a conclusion in a play: sometimes it can be a happy or sad ending.

Anon explored different places like when the white rich family rescued him and the rich family’s daughter felt that she owned Anon because of her rich father who owns land and mountains. Anon felt that was never his home so he left, kept on traveling to find what he calls “home”. Anon’s mother in the play worked for a sewing factory where the white rich family came and told her that they have rescued a boy from drowning in the water, but that boy ran away because he wanted to go home, the place of his birth.

Assessment #2 Draft Research

Nagat. Almatare

English 102

Professor: Polish

Rough Draft Research Paper




In the play (Anon(ymous), Anon had traveled from one place to another looking for his mother and wanting to go back home because none of the places was his birth home. Anon had to leave his native home with his mother, because of war Anon and his family tried to escape from death but, Anon drowned in the water when the family was on the boat leaving their home. Anon’s mother still had hope in her heart that her son might be alive somewhere. People run away from war because they’re fear of death but death can follow us in different aspect of the world. So why did the play writer Naomi Lizuka wrote that Anon drowned without giving a clear conclusion to the play? Was Anon died and he was seeing the next world? Was Anon a live but dreaming in his coma? Was this all a dream because of what he had gone through in his journey of running away from a war? This play reminds me of Shakespeare’s Play: “Hamlet’s delay lies neither in his incapacity for swift action nor in the overwhelming difficulty of eliminating Claudius, the readers seem to have reached a frustrating dead end in their understanding of Shakespeare’s greatest work. Fortunately for them, however, a psychoanalytic reading of the play may provide the necessary means through which Hamlet’s seemingly inexplicable behavior can be rationalized”.( Sihyun)1. In many cases readers expect a conclusion in a play: sometimes it can be a happy or sad ending.

Anon explored different places like when the white rich family rescued him and the rich family’s daughter felt that she owned Anon, because of her rich father who owns land and mountains. Anon felt that was never his home so he left, kept on traveling to find what he calls “home”. Anon’s mother in the play worked for a sewing factory where the white rich family came and told her that they have rescued a boy from drowning in the water, but that boy ran away because he wanted to go home, the place of his birth.

My final Rap song. “Stop the Hate!”

                                                                          Stop the Hate

I was inspired by Jonathan Mendoza the poet. I was inspired by his words, about biracial boy, how he felt and how he expressed his thought into words.

I wish he spoke more of what is biracial boy and what does it mean?
Does it have a definition of human being and who did biracial boy choose to be?
Did he choose to be called brown, white, or human with pride and dignity?
This reminds me of who I am and what I can be,
If Trump and society can see that I am human who eats and thinks naturally.

What hurts me is that Trump said that Muslims don’t want peace,
But that’s not true; you’re in my country killing the innocent in the Middle East.
Trump said that I am the bad guy I need to leave this world, because I don’t believe in peace.
That’s not true; I am pointed out with shouts of “BAD” like a vegetarian when they see meat.

Everyone is not the same so please don’t judge me, just because I wrap my hair that’s the true beauty of me. I speak on behalf of what’s going on today, when Trump says “Muslims need to be banned right away”
I don’t agree with anything he said, be prepared for what he plans roads ahead.
So how can we let the pain and anger go away?
What is the reality and solution?

Trumps words are terror attacks that aren’t friendly in any way.
Blood and Violence have been all over the world,
By the man who has power is allowed to say it all.
Sometimes I felt like running is the only solution for my pain
But I know I want to be like Lincoln and free the slaves.
I want to be the first female Muslim in history, like Rosa Parks who stood up during the civil rights movement peacefully.

How do we teach our children to be true?
How do we teach Love, peace and honor too.
We need to find ways to build a future with care, despite no matter whom we are, we need to be treated fair.
So are with me in this journey to spread the Love? So let’s stop the hate, stop the bloodshed around the world.

Pre- Draft about the poetry.

The poetry (the 3 ways to speak English)  touched my heart. The way that poet, Jamila Lyiscott spoke was really more breath taking than reading the poetry. Because of the words people use that what society wants to hear proper English. when I think about it. What is proper English? why cant we all speak that way we know how and the way we are comfortable of speaking? Jamila in her poetry( the 3 ways to speak English) offend used the word ” articulate”, which means speaking fluently. The poetry really brought me back to the times I was learning English at the Adult Learning center in Queens Library and how people would correct my grammar.  I would ask myself ” why cant I talk the way I want to?” All this thoughts came to mind and that put me back in my journey when I was learning to speak.