assignment 2 draft

In the playwright, Anon(ymous) is about a boy named Anon who is trying o find his mother. Over the course of the story meets new people. But in certain parts of the story, you may notice that Anon has some form of identity issues and the characters changes in the story like Calista and Mr Markus who ignores Anon and his mother Nemesani true names. In this essay ill be using the playwright Anon(ymous) to discuss the issues of identity lost in immigrants and minorities.
A person identity is like a fully detailed background check of who you really are and where you from. Losing your identity can easily happen it occurred throughout many eras of history most notable Ellis Island. People who immigrated to the United States to have their name changed. In peer-reviewed journal named “Ellis Island Nation: Immigration Policy and American Identity in the Twentieth Century” by Robert L. Fleegler the article talks about the assimilation of immigrants into the country by what’s called contributionism. Immigrants will contribute by adding their ideas and cultural into mix others which makes the United States of America the country of immigrants as we know today but, the problem with this is that immigrants slowly lose their own culture “ Contributionism emphasized that the cultural and economic assets of immigrants enrich America by celebrating the unique benefits of immigrants’ native cultures to American life. At the same time, however, contributionists frequently assumed that immigrants would lose some of the very distinctions that set them apart as their talents and skills were incorporated into the American nation” I believe this is true since both of my parents weren’t born in the united states but over time they started to opt out of their own traditions into a more American tradition.

The same goes for me or anyone who is 1st or 2nd generation American or was born in another country they’re family traditional may begin to diminish. There’s also an intergenational conflict that occurs due to the sudden change in cultures values generation after generation of immigrant families.


Pre draft assignement 2

Naomi Izunaka probably had to research was on culture throughout the play there are many cultural references to food and the country they live in especially the names of the characters.

The actors in the play had to be really in character so that the audience can understand their roles and emotions throughout the play.

The first thing that grabs my attention in the story is ‘setting in where the story takes place. In the 6th scene, anon talks Naja and tells him that he comes in his dreams to help him so I’m not sure if the story is or in his dream or part of it. The second is the use of eurocentrism which involves forcing someone to love you because of their economic power. The third is the people Anon the story that helps him throughout the poem.

Understanding why the poem uses Eurocentrism and economic values in the play. The use of a dreamlike setting in scene 6th and building a relationship with people of different backgrounds

These kinds of rhetorical choices in the poem better understanding some of the issues in the story that can relate to what happening in modern issue.

The point I’m trying to get across with the play is to show how minority and oppression still has a hold on society today. For example, in the playwright, there were many instances of characters using discriminatory word or actions to Anon or nemesani.





·       How can the format you’ve chosen for your assignment best be used to demonstrate a deep analysis of the poem?

The format I chosen for the poem Jamila Lyiscott “3 Ways to Speak English” would be deep analysis essay on the topic of language and how it could affect a person mentally if by how they speak in public.

·       What is unique about the format you’ve chosen that will allow you to learn more about the poem than what is expressed on the surface? 

The format I chose for this poem Is unique to me because I want to discuss why people are judged for the way they speak and the history behind language and the diversity of the language in different regions.

·       What questions or concerns or excitements do you have about creating a project in this format?

What’s the minimum number of pages for an analysis essay.

·       What question do you have about the poem itself?

 Was the poem referring to people who are non-natives.

·       What piece of it do you want to analyze? why?

The piece I want to analyze is “3 Ways to Speak English” I understand what Jamila means growing with a family whose way of speaking is much different from your own and being able to speak different forms of a language in different scenario.

·       What rhetorical choices did the artist make that struck you?

Jamila used the word “articulate” multiples times throughout the poem.

·       what was the impact of these rhetorical choices?

I believe Jamila used “articulate” to show that language speaking a different version of a language is natural and, isn’t some of a skill or practice.