
Welcome to the course website for Multilingual Voices!

My name is Kahdeidra Monét Martin, and I am teaching this course for the Spring 2018 -Session I semester at LaGuardia Community College. The official title and course number is ENG 102.0830 – Composition II (Writing Through Literature).

Our class meets on Mondays & Wednesdays, from 9:15 – 10:15am (M) and 9:15-11:30am (W). You can best reach me via email at kamartin@lagcc.cuny.edu. We will use this website in addition to Blackboard for course information.

Course Description:

How does language influence and reflect our ideas about culture? How does our language reflect our identities? Our class theme is “Multilingual Voices.” The core identity of a culture is embodied in and perpetuated by its language—the idioms, proverbs and gestures at once espouse the sanctity of tradition and salience of innovation. We will examine texts that explore diverse languaging practices and interrogate the boundaries among languages and cultures. As culturally and linguistically diverse landscapes, most of our readings will highlight multilingual voices of the United States, the Caribbean, South America, and Africa. In what ways do the course texts serve as “windows,” “mirrors,” or “single stories” to our own experiences?

This course is designed to assist you in developing the critical reading and process writing skills necessary for success in college level courses. You will practice close reading, comprehension, and textual analysis skills. In addition, you will produce written and oral analyses that integrate textual evidence using appropriate MLA formatting.

Course Outcomes:

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  1. Use the writing process to plan, construct, and revise written paragraphs, short response papers, and essays.
  2. Apply advanced close reading strategies and literary analysis of fiction, poetry, and drama.
  3. Compose various types of written responses that explain, analyze, and synthesize concepts and themes from texts.
  4. Integrate textual evidence into your writing to explain, support, or prove your perspective, using appropriate MLA formatting and citation.

Required Texts:

  1. The drama anthology Facing Our Truth: Ten Minute Plays on Trayvon, Race, and Privilege by Pamatmat et al. (USD $9.95) You can purchase the text at the following link: http://www.samuelfrench.com/p/58272/facing-our-truth-ten-minute-plays-on-trayvon-race-and-privilege
  2. All other reading materials are in the printed course packet or on the course website as PDF files.

Required Supplies:

  1. One single-subject notebook for the course that you will be required to hand in for notebook checks throughout the semester
  2. Two folders for the course (One will be for course handouts, and the other will be used for your Portfolio at the end of the semester.)
  3. One pack of 12 count colored pencils

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