Online Assignment: Autobiographical Poems

Hopefully, by the time you are viewing this page, the snow will have subsided in New York City, or you will be some place warm, feeling the sun on your skin and enjoying a cool (non-alcoholic) beverage. In the least, I hope that you take this time to recharge and celebrate the community building and work that we have done far.

So far, we mostly have focused on building our receptive language skill of reading literature, and our written responses have been limited to non-fiction prose. Now, we are going to shift things a bit. As an introduction to our poetry unit, we will practice our expressive language skill of writing by crafting original poems about ourselves.


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Before 9:15am on Monday, April 9th, you must complete the following:

  1. Complete the exercises in the Poetry Workbook (pp. 128-129). These are in your course packet and posted electronically on Blackboard.
  2. After completing the exercises, type up your two original poems and save them as Word documents. Depending on your level of interest and motivation, choose which level to complete:
    • BASIC LEVEL: This was enough creative thinking and typing for me. My poems are fine with no further revisions. I’m done. 
    • CHALLENGE LEVEL: I looooove writing poetry and other types of literature. I am going to build on my responses from the exercises and add some pizazz! I may even throw in some more “goodies” for my readers to devour.
  3. Post your completed poems together as ONE COMMENT underneath this post.


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Between 9:15 am and 10:15am, during our regular class hours, complete the following:

  1. Comment on at least two other posts from your classmates. What text-to-self, text-to-world, or text-to-text connections did you make? What literary devices do you think are particularly effective? Be specific, and be encouraging. Each of your comments on a classmate’s poems should be 5-7 sentences.


Note: Although this is an online assignment, I will be present in our normal classroom if anyone needs assistance with technology or would like to speak with me for any other reason. In addition, I will be holding my normal office hours after class. Send me an email if you would like to meet during office hours, or if you would like to schedule for another time. Don’t be shy!

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