A Rasisin In the Sun review

Lorraine Hansberry’s “A Raisin In The Sun” truly deserves all the recognition it has gotten over the years since it’s release. Hansberry truly grasps the hardships for black families living in lesser wealthy neighborhood and the struggles for financial stability. When money is mixed in with a family who all separately need it for seperate reasons, the risen stakes make for even better development. It allows us as the audience to fully experience the characters relationships towards one another before and after the stakes increase. Raising the question, could family bonds truly stand the test of time, or the test of money? Everything, from the casual starting beginning to the conflicting ends, kept me glues to the pages making it hard to stop myself from finishing but when I approached the finish it became hard to allow myself to. I recommend this classic to all readers/theatre lovers especially those of color due to the fact that this is our perspective, our life, and our story.

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