Assignment #1 Pre-draft

The format I chose for this assignment is an essay style. I think I can best use this format to demonstrate a deep analysis of the poem I choose by writing down the comparisons, alliterations, similes, even metaphors that may be integrated into the poem. This can also include an analysis of my own feelings towards the poem and what it means to me. Also, I may be able to find similarities in my life that I have gone through to those depicted in the poem. Honestly, I don’t think there is anything unique about an essay format since we use it in everyday life mainly college. In most English classes, the professor demands an essay format that is essential for students to learn and be able to write. Some questions I have about this type of format is; how many paragraphs should I write? what should each paragraph be about? Also, what would be the general or main idea of my entire essay because that is the main component in an essay. However, on the other hand I am very excited to conduct my first ever deep analysis of a spoken word piece. I have never had an assignment like this before so it is something I’m looking forward to and want to learn more about. This is a very intriguing assignment. About the poems themselves I don’t think I have any specific questions since the discussions we have had in class have been really good to me. I have more understanding of the poems. I think the one poem that made me a bit confused would be Jonathon Mendoza’s “Brown Boy, White Boy,” the way its worded with repetition of white boy and brown boy, I wouldn’t know who is talking about who or who is speaking at the moment during the poem. Some rhetorical choices that these authors made were hand gestures depicting what they are speaking. The authors made the choice of raising their voices in parts of the poem where they wanted people to hear and interpret those words said. There were facial expressions of anger, gloomy, and even where they are choking on their words. The impact of these rhetorical choices made the poems stand out, more powerful, and it really made you feel what they felt. It’s like you felt their frustration, anger, concern, sadness, even a hint of happiness in some parts.

Pre-Draft assignment1

-How can the format you’ve chosen for your assignment best be used to demonstrate a deep analysis of the poem?

The format that I chose for the assignment which is personal essay can be a great format to analysis the poem of “Brown Boy, White Boy” by Jonathan Mendoza, because I believe this poem is too deep and has a big message behind it to be expressed in the other categories.

-What is unique about the format you’ve chosen that will allow you to learn more about the poem than what is expressed on the surface?

Personal essay is a unique format that will allow me to learn more about the poem because I can relate to the poem and the poem carries a strong message that needs to be broken down in an essay format.

-What questions or concerns or excitements do you have about creating a project in this format?

Is there an outline for personal essay format? How long does have to be?

-What questions do you have about the poem itself?

Can I use some quotes from the poem in my essay?

-What pieces of it do you want to analyze? why?

I want to analyze most of the poem especially some parts where it really touched me because this poem is beautiful and I can relate to it.

-What rhetorical choices (cite specific quotes and/or gestures, facial expressions, clothing, etc.) did the artist make that struck you? What was the impact of these rhetorical choices?

The part where Jonathan scratched his arm as if he wanted to peal off his skin touched and as a result I felt his pain and I was sad because I can see tears and struggle in his eyes because of his skin color.


Pre- Draft about the poetry.

The poetry (the 3 ways to speak English)  touched my heart. The way that poet, Jamila Lyiscott spoke was really more breath taking than reading the poetry. Because of the words people use that what society wants to hear proper English. when I think about it. What is proper English? why cant we all speak that way we know how and the way we are comfortable of speaking? Jamila in her poetry( the 3 ways to speak English) offend used the word ” articulate”, which means speaking fluently. The poetry really brought me back to the times I was learning English at the Adult Learning center in Queens Library and how people would correct my grammar.  I would ask myself ” why cant I talk the way I want to?” All this thoughts came to mind and that put me back in my journey when I was learning to speak.

Comments on Assignment #1

I understand what the assignment is but somehow I feel like it will be tough to decide what kind of question to use to investigate the poem we choose. Also would it be fine if tow people have the same question or some type of similarities in there question? How will coming up with a specific question help with conducting a deep analysis on one of the spoken word pieces that we choose? While working on this first assignment will there be peer-editing between each other in class or one-to-one conferences with the professor?

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Screenshot of the posting page on a logged-in WordPress account, highlighting the bottom right corner where you can select what category to put your post in.

The image is unfortunately blurry, but the red arrow and circle are hopefully helpful: when you’re adding a new post, in the bottom right side of the page, there should be a selection menu called “Categories.” Check the box that says “Assignments”, and your post will appear in the right place!

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