You can download PDF version of this prompt here: ENG 102 Essay 1 Prompt
Essay 1 will have two components: visual and written. As an integrated assignment, you will reflect on the themes of multilingualism and multiculturalism as they connect with your own life and with the readings.
A.) Visual: The Linguistic Shape of You (Due: In class on March 28, 2018)
Remember the word cloud that I created based on our first day exercises? Remember the various body outlines that I gave out and are posted on Blackboard in the Class Slides and Handouts (Week 2) folder? We started this activity in class, so you should first review your notes. What are the words that make up who you are? Think about how you can creatively use color, text, and space on the page to visualize the “linguistic shape of you.” You must bring in a hard copy of this assignment to share with a small group. At the end of class, I will collect, scan, and post the images to our course website, returning them to you all after Spring Recess.
B.) Written: What’s the Pattern? (Due: by 11:59pm on March 28, 2018)
In a 600-800 word essay, identify a pattern evident in one or more short stories that we have read in class. Make an argument that supports your observation of this pattern by analyzing the use of literary elements (characterization, themes, symbols, points-of-view, conflict, etc.)
Option 1: Choose one novel excerpt or short story. Analyze one repeating element within the text and trace its development from the beginning to the end of the story. In addition, discuss how this particular element supports the overall mood of the text. Support your interpretation with sufficient evidence and close analysis.
Option 2: Choose two novel excerpts or stories that have something in common. Did you notice a recurring topic, theme, or use of figurative language across two stories? If you did, then you may want to do a comparative analysis. First, describe how the common element functions in each story. Next, analyze how each author made similar or different choices in using the common element to craft the stories.
Grading Criteria: The visual component will receive a grade of complete or incomplete and count as an informal assignment. I will evaluate your essays using the “Martin Literary Essay Rubric” available here and on Blackboard.
Resources to Help Understand and Organize a Literary Analysis Essay: