Essay 2

Due: Monday, May 7th via Blackboard  For your second essay, you have a choice of three options to craft a poetry explication: A. Compare and contrast any two poems in regards to theme and execution. In drawing comparisons, you might do so from the standpoint of theme, or you might want to compare and contrast …

Online Assignment Two original Poems

Poem 1: Welcome to my life of adventures and my experience of learning something new everyday. In my world all you see is joy, love, friends, and a passion to travel for miles. In my world, the style is expensive. People wear everything from supreme to babe. The styles are too expensive for my budget. …


Dear class, Because of the predicted snow storm, our class tomorrow on Wednesday is CANCELLED. LaGuardia  has not yet made a decision on closure, so do check the website periodically for updates. For our morning class, I did not want to wait any longer so that you all have sufficient time to plan. We will …

Essay 1 Prompt and Wednesday’s class structure

Dear class, Please be advised that the Essay 1 prompt is posted here and on Blackboard. In addition, I have posted resources that will help to familiarize you with literary essays. Review the prompt and other resources, and bring any questions to class on Wednesday. On Wednesday, we will spend the first hour discussing the …