
Here is a complete PDF version of the syllabus: ENG102 syllabus SP 18 Session I (Martin)

Required Supplies

  1. One single-subject notebook for the course that you will be required to hand in for notebook checks throughout the semester
  2. Two folders for the course (One will be for course handouts, and the other will be used for your Portfolio at the end of the semester.)
  3. One pack of 12 count colored pencils

The Writing Center (Room B-200)

The Writing Center provides free tutoring in writing, and I encourage you to seek assistance in revising at least one of your essays. In some cases, I may give students a referral slip for support in specific areas.

Cell Phones

In accordance with the Student Code of Conduct, use of cellular telephones, audible pagers, or other forms of audible electronic devices in classrooms or learning centers must be previously approved by the instructor or other authorized administrator. Cell phones are to be turned on silent before entering the classroom.

Attendance Policy

Students are expected to attend all classes, for the duration of the period, and to arrive on time.  Attendance will be taken during the first five minutes of the class.  A pattern of latenesses will lower your attendance grade. Any student who misses more than 6 hours of class with unexcused absences automatically will receive a failing grade. Arriving late will also count towards the 6 hour limit. I will only excuse absences in extreme circumstances or for religious observance, with appropriate documentation for both.

Please review the course schedule in advance and inform me of any unavoidable conflicts with exams, or assignment deadlines because of religious holidays or a disability. Known conflicts must be reported by the end of the first week of classes.

Academic Integrity

This class will be conducted in compliance with LaGuardia Community College’s academic integrity policy. Please review the brochure for more information.

Plagiarism:  ‘Plagiarism’ includes, but is not limited to, the use, by paraphrase or direct quotation, of the published or unpublished work of another person without full and clear acknowledgment. It also includes the unacknowledged use of materials prepared by another person or agency engaged in the selling of term papers or other academic materials.

Using proper MLA format is the only way to avoid plagiarism. MLA format can be found in at least two places:

  1. Patterns for College Writing: A Rhetorical Reader and Guide (13th Edition) by Laurie G. Kirszner and Stephen R. Mandell (excerpts available on Blackboard)
  2. Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) website:

“When in Doubt, Cite!”

Cheating: Cheating includes any attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead a professor in arriving at an honest grade assessment. Giving unauthorized help to other students also constitutes cheating.

Declaration of Pluralism (From the College Catalogue)

We are a diverse community at LaGuardia Community College. We strive to become a pluralistic community. We respect diversity as reflected in such areas as race, culture, ethnicity, gender, religion, age, sexual orientation, disability and social class.

As a pluralistic community, we will:

• Celebrate: individual and group diversity.

• Honor: the rights of people to speak and be heard on behalf of pluralism.

• Promote: inter-group cooperation, understanding and communication.

• Acknowledge: each other’s contributions to the community.

• Share: beliefs, customs and experiences which enlighten us about members of our community.

• Affirm: each other’s dignity.

• Seek: further ways to learn about and appreciate one another.

• Confront: the expression of dehumanizing stereotypes, incidents where individuals or groups are excluded because of difference, the intolerance of diversity and the forces of racism, sexism, heterosexism, homophobia, disability discrimination, ageism, classism, and ethnocentrism that fragment the community into antagonistic individuals and groups.

We believe that by carrying out these actions, we—as students, faculty, and staff—can achieve social change and the development of a society in which each individual can achieve her or his maximum potential.

Disability Services (M-102)

As a pluralistic community, we are committed to ensuring access to programs and services for all students, including those who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or 504 plans.  If you are entitled to accommodations for this class, you must obtain appropriate documentation from the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD). Please note that I am a trained teacher of special education, and I am committed to providing differentiated and inclusive lessons for all students. Don’t be shy! 🙂


Criteria Percentage
Informal Writing & Attendance 10
In-Class Final Exam 20
Essay 1 –  [600-800 words] 15
Essay 2 –  [800-1000 words] 20
Essay 3 –  Research [1500-2000 words] 25
In-Class Presentation 5
Portfolio & Course Reflection 5

Grading Scale

Grading Scale
A 93% and above
A- 90% – 92.9%
B+ 87% – 89.9%
B 84% – 86.9%
B- 80% – 83.9%
C+ 77% – 79.9%
C 73% – 76.9%
C- 70% – 72.9%
D 65% – 69.9%
F Below 64.9%


Informal Writing Assignments

Informal Writing Assignments include double-entry journals, reflections, creating writing, and other activities. These writings focus more on fostering critical thinking skills and allow you to reflect on a selected reading passage or story selection. We will often share our reflections, journal assignments, and other writing assignments in class. Each time that you read a text, you will record and respond to at least four quotations in your notebook, writing quotations on the left side of the page and responses on the right side. This is a double-entry journal. Your journal entries will assist you in gathering evidence for written essays.

In-Class Final Exam

For your Final exam, you will write an in-class essay. You will plan, draft, and edit an essay of at least 600 words based on readings that we have completed in the class.


You will write three take-home essays during the semester. Essay 1 will be at least 600 words; Essay 2 will be at least 800 words; and Essay 3, a research paper, will be at least 1500 words. Full descriptions of each assignment will be posted online and discussed in class. We will hold in-class writing workshops the week before each essay is due in order to provide peer feedback on your work. Having a completed essay draft and giving thoughtful feedback are required. For all graded essays, students may meet with me to discuss a plan for revision. Revised essays may receive a maximum of 5 percentage points. You will upload all essays to Blackboard.

In-Class Presentation

Once during the semester, you will facilitate a presentation on a topic related to class readings or your essay topic. You will have 8 min. maximum to present your topic in any format that you choose (audio, visual, literary, dramatic, kinesthetic, or a combination of several styles). Be creative! There are just two guidelines. First, you must integrate evidence from three different sources in your presentation. Second, you must submit a brief description of your plans no later than the Wednesday before you present.  


Save all of your drafts and revisions! You will submit a portfolio at the end of the semester. The portfolio gives you the ability to examine your writing process and view your level of growth as the semester progresses. The portfolio will consist of two pieces of informal writing (journal entries, reflections) and all three of your take-home essays. Portfolio assignments must include all organizers, pre-writing, draft revisions, graded rubrics, and final drafts. In addition, you will submit a course reflection that includes a thoughtful reflection of our teaching and learning together this semester.

All take-home writing assignments must be uploaded to the course website or Blackboard by 11:59 pm on the due date. Late papers will lose 5 percentage points each day. In addition, all papers must be typed in 12 point readable font (Calibri, Times New Roman, etc.) and adhere to MLA format.

This syllabus is subject to change. According to my professional judgement, I will adjust readings and assignments to better suit the needs and interests of our learning community.