Response #2 (Online Assignment): Visual Literacy & Poetry Explication

Because I will be attending the American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Blog Response #2 will be an online assignment due before and during class time on Monday, April 16th. Note that this assignment has two parts, Part A and Part B.

For this blog post, you will analyze the Linguistic Shape of You project of another classmate. I have scanned and uploaded all of the images that I received, and they are pasted as jpeg and pdf files on the same post.

Read a bit of information about visual literacy below:

Visual Literacy Inquiry

Graphic designer Erin Riesland (2005) suggests that students who are learning to
incorporate visual literacy into their thinking consider the following questions:

  • What am I looking at?
  • What does this image mean to me?
  • What is the relationship between the image and the
    displayed text message?
  • How is this message effective? (Riesland, 2005, para. 10)

The Grammar of Visual Design

  • A grammar is the rules and constraints on what can be represented.
  • A grammar is a social resource of a particular group.
  • Visual grammar is not transparent and universally understood. It is culture specific.
  • Visual grammar cannot be separated from verbal grammar or any other grammar.
  • Individuals freely combine elements from languages they know to make themselves understood.

Visual literacy is the ability to analyze images, which often includes some text. The assignment from Essay 1 integrates both visual and linguistic grammar. What can a close reading of these projects tell us about each other?

ASSIGNMENT TASK-PART A: Due before 9:15am

  1. Review each of the linguistic bodies posted on the Essay 1- The Linguistic Shape of You post.
  2. Choose ONE body to focus on.
  3. Answer the four questions from Riesland’s Visual Literacy inquiry that are listed above. Be sure to support each response with evidence from the image. Be specific!
  4. Answer the following additional questions: Idiolect is a word that refers to the language variety that is unique to an individual. We also refer to this as one’s linguistic repertoire. What does your chosen body reveal about your classmate’s linguistic repertoire? What does the word choice and placement reveal about your classmate’s personality?
  5. As with all blog posts, your response should be 250-300 words. Post all of your responses as new comments underneath the ‘Linguistic Shape of You’ post. DO NOT post your comments here. (Let’s see who is reading closely…)
  6. Your blog response is due before 9:15am on Monday, April 16th. I will not be available to accept the comments, so they will not post immediately. However, each comment will receive a timestamp, so ensure that yours is posted before 9:15am.

ASSIGNMENT TASK-PART B: Due before 10:15am

  1. Choose ONE poem or section of a longer poem that we have been assigned to read so far.
  2. Read through this handout from Duke University on writing a poetry explication.
  3. Craft a poetry explication by answering the following questions:
    • Who is the speaker?
    • What is the structure of the poem? Does it rhyme? Is it divided into clear stanzas?
    • Does the poem fall into an identifiable subgenre—for example, is it a sonnet, ballad, haiku, or dramatic monologue?
    • What, primarily, is the poem about, and how do you know that?
    • Diction (word choice): Why has the poet chosen these particular words? What words might she have used instead, and why were they rejected in favor of others?
    • Imagery: What images does the poem evoke? How are they evoked? How has the poet placed them? How do different images connect or contrast with one another?
    • Literary devices: What kind of figurative language is the poem using—for example, simile, metonymy, hyperbole, apostrophe, or conceit? What about symbolism or literary allusions?
    • Other aural and visual details: What about punctuation? When read aloud, do the sounds of the words contribute to the poem’s meaning?
  4. Your explication should take the form of 1 well-organized paragraph. Post all of your explications as new comments underneath THIS POST.
  5. Your poetry explication is due before 10:15am on Monday, April 16th. I will not be available to accept the comments, so they will not post immediately. However, each comment will receive a timestamp, so ensure that yours is posted before 10:15am.

Comments 14,375

  • The speaker in this poem is the author, Eminem. He uses AAAA BBBB for the structure of his lyrics and it is mostly divided into stanzas, the ending of each line in one stanza rhymes with each other. This writing is lyrics from a Hip Hop song and not any other subgenre. This poem is about a boy who has been through a lot and is just a mess and needs help recovering because in the beginning first two lines they go “His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy” “There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti” these lines from “Lose yourself” by Eminem describe a child maybe nervous or scared also describing the vomit on his sweater. Words chosen for this poem were all intentional so every word in this poem has a reason to be there “He’s so mad, but he won’t” the reason these words were chosen is to show that the person going through these rough times wants to do something about it but he can’t or something is not letting him. The writer creates images with words chosen, this poem makes us imagine what this person is going through and how hard is it to get through them. We have a line describing what he looks like at the moment. “When he goes back to this mobile home, that’s when it’s back to the lab again, yo…” here the author uses figurative language to explain to us that when things get back to normal it’s back to work in the lab maybe meaning the studio to make music again. When we read this outloud we hear a certain tone or style to this poem, it’s rhymes feel like continuous frustration.
    -Abel Reyes

  • Life’s tragedy is a poem written by Paul Laurence Dunbar. The structure of the poem is rhythmic such as the words youth, truth, day, way etc. Which allow the audian to explore the poem more depth. The poem fall into an identifiable sub-genre of dramatic monologue because it is written in the form of a speech of an individual character. The theme of the poem is “be thankful for what you have instead of wistful for what you do not have”. The first stanza of the poem discusses sad circumstances that can happen in life, but states that there is an even worse pain. In the second and third stanzas he verbalizes the deeper griefs he has in mind. The pain and grief he is indicating is that of almost reaching perfect love but never quite achieving it. In the last stanza he articulates we feel the pain because we are focused on what we do not have instead of being grateful for what we do have. His overall message is to go through life being thankful for what you do have instead of always wistful for what you lack. The poet used words such as misery, silent, sorrow, and grief to show his emotions of desolation. The imagery is a literary device that was used in the poem “and to go silent through the brimming day” In (line 2). He goes silent through the brimming day and gives an image of a person going silent all day. Lastly, the literary device that was used is a metaphor. An example of this device is “The pale, sad staring of Life’s Tragedy” (lines: 8).

  • Part 2
    In the poem Jabberwocky by lewis Caroll I believe that the speaker is the Jabberwocky. The structure of the poem is quatrains and has a ABAB CDCD rhyme scheme. It compares many things. Yes the open does fall into identifiable Subgenre. The jabberwocky is about how their is a creature that has horrible claws and teeth and could be found in the woods and a father is telling his soon to avoid it. The poet has chosen these particular words and not others because it basically describes how the jabberwocky is and how it looks like. In line 14 it says “The Jabberwock, with eyes of flames” this shows imagery because it is saying that the jabberwocky looks like it has eyes of flames. Literary devices that are being used in this poem is metaphor because in the poem line 14 “The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame” it uses a metaphor. The poem is more of a visual detail because it describes how a Jabberwock looks like.

  • Saul Lopez
    English 102
    part- B

    In the poem Jabberwocky the speaker seems to be Lewis Carroll. The poem rhymes and is using a old English form of poetry in this poem. I think the poem does fall into a dramatic monologue when the speaker is describing the monster. The poem is mainly about the speaker describing what a Jabberwocky is and what to do if you ever see one in person. I this the poet chose the word on the poem because he thinks adding in some that we don’t use as frequent anymore can have a huge impact now and can make the poem powerful on the way it was made. The images that are in the poem are describing what the monster name Jabberwocky would look like and how to kill it. It also explains on what to do with the head of the monster right after you cut the head of it. The poet places them right in the beginning up until the end. The figurative language that the poet used in the poem is “ Bandersnatch” which is another way of saying imaginary wild animal which the monster in the poem is described to be a animal like creature. I do this that when I read the poem out loud the sounds do have an effect on the way the poems direction on the way of making it like a scary story.

  • Poetry Explication
    Poem: The Creation
    Author: James Weldon Johnson

    The speaker of this poem was the author himself because he describes God’s journey. This poem was written in stanza format, but it does not follow a rhyming pattern. This poem is divided into clear and understandable stanzas. In addition, I felt that this poem falls into an identifiable subgenre of a dramatic monologue because the author reveals aspects of his character “God” whiles describing a particular series of events. The Creation reflects on the awesome wonder and beauty of God’s creation for us. I say this because in the poem, it was stated that “And quicker than God could drop His hand. Fishes and fowls And beasts and birds Swam the rivers and the seas, Roamed the forests and the woods, And split the air with their wings” (pg.8). God saw that the world was empty and with his powers he gave life. The imagery evoked from this poem is that the world was a very dark and abandoned place because in stanza two it mentioned “And far as the eye of God could see Darkness covered everything, Blacker than a hundred midnights Down in a cypress swamp” (pg.7). The author used words such as “cypress swap” to localize the poem, so that readers can be able to visualize what he is talking about. Some literary devices used in “The Creation” are conceits and similes. Conceits where used at the end of every stanza that God did something great. For instance, the author indicated “And God said, “That’s good!” (pg.7&8), the reason why God said “that’s good” is because he was happy with what he has accomplished. Furthermore, similes were used when it stated “Like a mammy bending over her baby, kneeled down in the dust Toiling over a lump of clay Till He shaped it in His own image” (pg.9), this gives a clear description of what God did to create man. When read aloud, the sounds of the words contribute to the poem because it showed a sequence of how made the earth the place it is today.

  • The speaker of the poem is Paul Laurence Dunbar.
    The structure of the poem is a narrative poem telling the story of life’s tragedies. There is a strong sense of narration. The poet mentions life as tragic by stating

    It may be misery not to sing at all
    And to go silent through the brimming day.

    and takes you through why he believes that failing to sing brings upon him misery. The reader goes on a journey with the poet to uncover all the reasons that brought him to his conclusion, that life is miserable. The poem has rhythm, it follows an ABCA pattern in each stanza. The organization of the poem is broken into 4 stanzas with 4 sentences in each stanza. In each stanza the last words of lines 2 and 3 rhyme for example

    1 To have just missed the perfect love,
    2 Not the hot passion of untempered youth,
    3 But that which lays aside its vanity
    4 And gives thee, for thy trusting worship, truth—

    youth and truth. Essentially the poem is about how life is not as flowery as it seems, and doing the little things like singing and loving others helps humans cope with life’s tragic reality. Through these activities we can create meaning in our lives. One specific line that stood out to me because it evoked an emotional reaction is when Dunbar writes in stanza 4 lines 15-16

    We count our joys not by the things we have,
    But by what kept us from the perfect thing.

    Personally I always feel the pressure to strive for perfection, otherwise my work does not feel good enough. I am subconsciously unaware of it but the media, societal pressure, and even other individuals bias play a role in how I present myself as well as how I want to be presented. What Dunbar does in this particular line is reach out to the reader and remind them that perfection is not what we should attempt to strive after, we should rather focus our energy on more important aspects in life by enjoying the activities that are essential to our being. Things that define who we are, and make us happier and better individuals. These joys, however, differ from one individual to the other, and for Dunbar his joy comes from singing songs and feeling loved.

    The use of figurative language in the second stanza line 8

    The pale, sad staring of life’s tragedy.

    Dunbar paints an image in the reader’s mind. Pale is typically associated with sickness or being cold. He follows by saying ‘sad staring of life’s tragedy’ here Dunbar personifies tragedy, assigning it features as though it were a human. Tragedy, as a human, would be a depressed individual that has pale skin. Perhaps, maybe mentally unstable. His physical body is present but mentally is mind is digressing somewhere else. The reason I develop this image is because Dunbar uses the word staring, when one stares he is trying to make sense of his environment, therefore the individual can be described as lost or uncertain. In a similar sense, life carries an abundance of uncertainty. No one knows what the future carries, and therefore we to are lost when we think in terms of the future.

  • In the poem “a song in the front yard”, the speaker appears to be a young girl who is being overprotected by her mother. In an ABCC rhyme scheme, the narrator explains the agony she feels to not be able to roam freely like the other kids in her neighborhood. Her mother justifies her protective behavior by saying that the other kids will be up to no good as they get older. The front yard seems to be a metaphor for the way the girl observes the world, looking from the outside in to only what is in front of her. Not being able to observe the “back yard” may also have her wondering if it’s as bad as her mother makes it seem. The curiosity to know what’s out there seems to be the overall mood of the poem.The first two stanzas contain 4 lines and are about wanting the same freedom to leave the front yard while the third stanza contains 8 lines and explains why her mother won’t let her. The fourth stanza returns to the original form of 4 lines about that yearning for freedom. The author’s use of imagery allows readers to understand why this girl dreads to have to be confined and makes readers also empathize with the narrator.

  • The poem that I chose was Jabberwocky, by lewis carroll. I believe that the speaker of this poem is a man telling his son a folklore about the Jabberwocky, the reason I say that its because of the intensity of the speaker and how he says, “Beware the Jabberwock, my son”. The structure of the poem is a quatrains has a ABAB, CDCD, EFEF rhyme scheme. The rhythm for the first four lines its ABAB the words were toves, wabe, borogoves, outgrabe. Then for line 5-8 the structure was CDCD the words were son, catch, shun, Bandersnatch. The poem does falls under subgenre because the poem is telling a story about a made up monster called a jabberwocky. Primary what the poem is about is a son who is going out to fight a monster and comes back home to his overjoyed father. The reason the poet uses particular word is because this a known as a nonsense poem so the poet uses made up word, and combines the words in a strange way. An example of an imagery and a literacy device that he used was in line 14 “The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame.” This is showing how angry the Jabberwock is.The poem shows more of a visual detail because it describes the settings of the place jabberywocky could be found, and how the monster looks.

  • All Their Stanzas Look Alike by Thomas Sayers Ellis
    In the poem “All Their Stanzas Look Alike”, Thomas Sayers Ellis is the speaker. The structure of the poem is one of a dramatic monologue. Although there are some words used that rhyme or can be spoken in a way to flow together with other words, the poem does not adhere to a rhyming structure. It does however, ironically, have a stanza. The repetition of the phrase “All their stanzas look alike” creates a melodic tone for the poem and the repeating phrase becoming a chorus. To me, the poem was about America and its lack of diversity and knack for stereotyping people of color. The word stanza is used as a metaphor for the white-male dominated world we live in. Whether it’s the fences of prisons, or the letters of rejection and recommendation being written, they’re all owned and coming from white males. The words used throughout the poem reign true in terms of all the places people of color are not the norm. The use of serial killers as an example was fascinating to me because for so long there has always been a stereotype around people of color being less than civilized, and/or savage, and to see that even in the light of evil, white-males are still the dominant persons. The final stanza paints a realistic picture of the world we live in. When speaking about Supreme Court Justices being all white, “except one” and one not being enough, it is truly indicative of how poorly diverse the “leaders” of our country are. Overall, the structure of the poem provides a great platform to send a message. The repetition acts as a constant thought provoking reminder of the societal norms we face.

  • The poem “Life’s Tragedy” by Paul Lawrence Dunbar wrote this poem based off his own experience. The poem speaker is Paul himself. The poem is divided into four stanzas with four lines. The poem is written in a form of ballad. The poem is about sad moments in life and wanting things. In stanza one the poet is telling the reader that it sad that a person can’t express themselves. In the second stanza it starts off with the writer saying “To sing the perfect song” meaning being perfect. The next line “And by half-tone lost the key” means that a mistake was made. The third stanza talks about his sadness in his mind. In the last stanza the poet talks about how people are focused on what they don’t have in life instead of what they already have. Based on reading title itself it shows and depressing mood. The poet chooses the words “misery, silent, grief, and sorrow” shows that the poet was sad at that time. The poet uses symbolism when he says “singing the perfect song” meaning he is talking about wanting to be in the top. The poet uses some alliteration for example, “sad staring” and “thy thrusting”. The poet uses repetition on the word “this” in the last stanza to emphasize his point. In first, third and last stanza all of line two and line four rhyme. The theme of this poem is to be happy for what you have and not worry about being perfect. In the end the author wants the reader to be glad about things they have and not with things they don’t have.

  • In the poem Jabberwocky by lewis Carroll is written in quatrains stanzas that has ABAB. CDCD, EFEF rhyme scheme. The poet describes two people the father and the son. The speaker seems mysterious. This poem begins in the afternoon time where the nasty creatures are making noises. Then the father tells his son to be aware of “ Jabberwocky” which has horrible claws and teeth. “The jaws that bite, the claws that catch” (line 6). It is also an imagery where I can portray horrible creature with the jaws and claws that bite and catch people. Throughout the poem, the poet mostly describes how Jabberwacky looks and dangerous it is. However, his son took the sword and fights with the creatures. Finally, he kills the Jabberwocky and enjoys the victory with his dad. The metaphor used in this poem is “ the Jabberwock, with eyes of flame” ( line 14).

  • I have chosen to write about the poem Back to Africa by Louise Bennett. It is a dramatic monologue in which the speaker seems to be an elder that isn’t from America who is talking to a younger woman. You can see this when the speaker says “ Me know seh dat yuh…” or when they refer to the other person as “ Miss Mattie” immediately as I read the poem I began to imagine a Jamaican woman in her 50s speaking to a young woman about going back to Africa and what that actually means since this woman could potentially have ancestors that aren’t African but maybe white as well. As I continued to read I kept thinking about slavery and the civil rights movement and why this person wants to go to Africa. Louis Bennett used literary allusions through her words to create the scene of this conversation and to help the reader really understand what is going and the tone of the poem.

  • in this explication, about the creation of the world, God is speaking, as He spoke this World into its existence. God was lonely, and yes, God got lonely, boggles the mind, doesn’t it? That only shows to bolster the truth and the claim that no one should be alone. A palpable darkness covered what was the earth, like a buttoned up cloak, as the description of this ‘darkness’, that the poem confirms in lines 6 – 8. In this dramatic monologue, with insertions of hyperbole, it comes together in a fantastic array of imagination. The poet also uses local imagery and vocabulary to portray more flair and drama, to connect most, if not every reader to something they can relate to. This Great God, is also shown as a mammy, bending over her baby, in tender love and care. Using free verse, this poem does not conform to a sonnet or Haiku, in that just says what is has to say, divided by itself, in the setting of the mood, rhythm and the pattern of the poem. Imagery again, plays a big part in this poem, where God is busy throwing stars around, splashing rainbows every which way, rounding the world with his hands, culminating with the creation of man!

  • John Quizhpi

    Fight the Power by public enemy is the poem focused on. The speaker is most likely a minority group or someone who is inferior to power. This is acknowledgeable by line 4 “we got to fight the powers that be”. This line shows how the protagonist of this poem is fighting for freedom of speech and is willing to die for it. The poem contains a rhythm scheme at the end of each line and the pattern is audibled and easy to comprehend. The poem falls into the sub-genre of a sonnet. The poem is notably about revolution and the eye for change. Line 5 suggests everyone has to find within themselves the reason to fight or feelings that contribute to endurance. This is a rally cry for change. The start of change and feeling of universal uplifting. The diction in the poem is eye opening because it allows the reader to visualize a revolution occurring. The visuals from the sonnet are encouragement, movement, and goals. According to the speaker “What we need is awareness, we can’t get careless” (line 11) evokes the overall theme which is revolution. The mood given off by the poem is demanding because it’s almost screaming and reiterating change. When read out loud the stanzas have a friction and seem to interlock due to the rhythmic pattern.

  • I choose the poem Lose yourself by Eminem. I believe the speaker of the poem is Eminem himself because he is the one speaking throughout the poem. The structure of the poem is well organized because the lines flow in a rhyming pattern and are divided into clear stanzas.The poem falls into the subgenre of dramatic monologue because it’s a poetic form in which a single character is addressing a silent auditor the silent auditor is himself. The slient auditor is himself because he is talking about how nervous he was to perform in this rap battle, how he threw up before it started and how he started choking on his rhymes. What the poem is primarily about how even though things can get hard and challenging put your all into everything you do. Also making sure you make the most out of an opportunities that come your way. I know this because in the lines in his poem it tells us this “you only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime” The images that the poem evoke are someone who is shaking in fear and someone who’s heart is racing extremely fast. They are evoked because of how the poet wrote the descriptions of himself. He shows that on the way he placed them for example ” His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy” he is giving you a clear description of what’s going on with his physical body to show how he is feeling. The poet choose these particular words because the touched on the message and story he is trying to tell. The figurative language that this poem is using is conceit which is the result of brain activity meaning because he is nervous about the rap battle it is sending signals to his brain which cause his body to shake and sweat.

  • “Love Yourself” is a poem written by Eminem. This poem is divided by clear stanzas and the structure of its rhyme varies in some of them. For example in the first stanza we have ABAB rhyme scheme, but in the the second stanza we have CCCC. This poem is actually a song of Eminem and the sub-genre would be identified as a Hip-Hop. This poem is about a guy who has gone through many things in his life and music is his escape. However, when he is in front of many people he feels lost and nervous so he forgets what he writes. For example, in the poem says ” What he wrote down, the whole crowd goes so loud He open the mouth both the word won’t come out”. I believe that Eminem knew what he was writing about. The way he uses some words make the poem more special and make us “live it” in some way, For example ” You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow” this part talk about don’t lose the opportunity to show yourself and shine.
    The author use exclamation mark so when you read this poem out loud you can feel that it is very strong and that can touch many people specially to those who identifies with it.

  • In the poem “Back to Africa” by Louise Bennett the speaker could be the author speaking to Mattie or a relative or friend. It is not 100% clear exactly who it is but it seems to be someone who Mattie is familiar with. The second and last of each stanza rhyme and each stanza is made up of four lines. The piece does no seem to be any sub-genre but could be considered a ballad. Bennett is telling a story a women named Mattie who lives in Jamaica and wants to travel to Africa which she believes is her home land or home to her ancestors. In the last stanza the speaker is telling Mattie, “Go foreign, seek yuh fortune”(line 33). However the speaker is also explaining, that as far as her heritage goes, she is more then just African. The speaker starts to tell Mattie that her great, great, great grandmother is African, but her great, great, great grandfather is English. She also explains how other members of her family are Jewish and French (lines 5-12). The language that the poet chose seems to be a Jamaican Creole or Patois. The author may have chose this to make the conversation more real. The use of the Patois sets the mood for the reader. The reader has a sense of the real conversation that is going on between the speaker and Mattie. You get a sense of relationship and familiarity of the two characters. There is slight sen of us or in the lines 11 and 12. As the speaker is describing Matties heritage and adds a little humor by saying “An yuh grampa by yuh modder side was Frencie parlez-vous!” These line not only help continue the rhyme scheme they also adds a little humor. The term had. No real meaning in the line but it does help get the point across and adds a little bit of sarcasm and fun to the poem.

  • In the pome, The Poet by Paul Laurence Dunbar, the speaker is the author. The author uses ABBA, ABBA for this pome. And it rhymes in first part is that [it], [t], [it], and [t]. In the second part is that [ng], [z], [z], and [ng]. It divided into clear two stanzas. It is a dramatic monologue. The pome is talking about poet and praising poet. The author chose “peak” in the pome. The “peak” has synonym “vertex”, but it can’t replace. Because “peak” has meaning that top of mountain. The synonym “vertex” can reach that meaning. The whole pome creates a great poet. In the beginning of two parts, “He sang of life”, and “He sang of love”. He praises the bravest things in the world. It placed at beginning, the reader can see at the first sight. The image connects and contracts in different rhymes. The pome uses hyperbole to describe a poet. “He sang of love when earth was young”, this part uses hyperbole. Every punctuation in the decent position. Like “But ah,” the comma makes people stop for a second, but the emotion comes out with the pause. The pauses make the pome more magnificent.

  • The speaker of the poem “The Creation” is the author James Weldon Johnson. This is because he describes God’s creation in his own way, but also a way that all of us can understand with such vivid imagery. This poem is written in a typical stanza format but does not contain rhythmic words or lines. The poem comes closest to fall into the subgenre of a ballad in the sense that it narrates a story that can be compared to the Holy Bible which was written long ago and continues to evoke strong emotions, thoughts, and feelings. The poem is simply about God creating the universe and the world that we live in. The poem stimulates our minds’ imagery with the use of dramatic word usage. For example, the author says at one point “And God rolled the light around in his hands until he made the sun”. Words like “rolled the light around” is something that God can only do but we humans obviously cannot and that makes us imagine what it would be like to move light around like that or have any other powers for that matter. I genuinely found it fascinating and emotional reading this for the first time because of how creative and well this poem is crafted. The entire poem is written this way and makes the creation part of the Bible simpler to understand while making many readers dwell deeper into it.

  • Part B
    The poem Fight the Power the speaker is Public Enemy. The structure of the rhyme is EEHH looking at it you realize it doesn’t have a lot rhyming but it does have a few repetitions. I believe these poem is more of dramatic monologue because it’s talking about how people want their freedom, freedom of speech, freedom of them being who they are, they want awareness of their situation and get something better out of it. Primarily I believe the poem is about African Americans and how they want their freedom because they don’t feel like they are being treated equally and like the poem says “people,people we are the same, No we’re not the same, Cause we don’t know the game” meaning other people can’t relate to their situation but yet they talk like if they understand but in reality they don’t get to experience or see the inequality. I know that the poem is about that because the way they rather die rather than not have freedom of speaking whatever is it that they want. They talk about fighting powers meaning others that control them or that put them down for the way they are. But most importantly is how much they just want a change for the better. A Lot of the words that they used i have mentioned already like freedom, Change, awareness, death other words are revolutionize and careless. I believe these words were chosen because they make a statement by just reading them, they are specific enough for you to come to a conclusion of what the poem is about. The image that the poem evokes is african americans going around in groups and protesting for their rights and having equality. They are evoked because of how they have to fight to get what they want and to me that more like doing protests and speaking about each individual experience and how they want things to change.

  • The poem I chose was “Lose Yourself” by Eminem. The speaker of the poem is Eminem. Eminem follows a A-A-A-A B-B-B-B format through the whole poem. I feel as if Eminem’s poem falls into the category of a dramatic monologue because he is expressing his story unto others. The meaning of the poem is to basically better yourself and do not let any moments slip away, use every opportunity presented to you. I know. This because when he says “You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to blow, This opportunity comes once in a lifetime yo” that is clearly expressing that you can not pass up opportunities, life is too short. I feel as if the diction he used was very good. I feel as if he chose this specific word choice because he knew that he wanted this poem to rest heavy on the minds and hearts of the people listening to it. In addition to that, it flows perfectly together. The poem gives a clear vivid image of everything is going on. From the beginning of the poem when Eminem states “Yo, His palms are sweaty, knees weak, arms are heavy,There’s vomit on his sweater already, mom’s spaghetti,He’s nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready.” You can just picture a very clear image of a boy sitting at a table, looking as calm as can be, but feeling his nervousness and just feeling the tension in the room. In addition to imagery the author also gives a lot of figurative language. For example, he says a phrase “
    His soul’s escaping, through this hole that it’s gaping This world is mine for the taking,Make me king, as we move toward a, new world order”. I feel like this is a very descriptive verse and he strategically crafter this line with figurative language.

    – Frank Leone

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