Paper Sketch – Alejandro Canelas

Alejandro Canelas

English 103.0905

Professor Kitana Ananda

October 30th, 2017

Gentrification In New York City

Paper Sketch Assignment


How has Gentrification targeted and Displaced People of Color in NYC?  How has the voices of the Latino community (which has had a historical presence in New York) experience an erasure from the larger narrative of Gentrification related issues? (i.e. Housing, employment, education etc..)

Thesis and Intro

People of Color have been the targets of urban displacements for quite sometime now.  In particular the latino community and specifically the Puerto Rican community has experienced an exodus from New York, and yet their narratives are not being archived or being reported amongst the urban displacement that is currently occurring. On-going issues such as housing, employment, and access to government programs all lead to displacements. With the influx of new affluent residents oftentimes create business catering to their own and ostracize individuals who are born and raised in the neighborhoods currently being heavily developed. In particular this paper will explore North Williamsburg and Harlem and their rapid rezoning and restructuring which never include the voices of minority groups.

Main Points

1 – An exploration of  policies that affect Latino and NuYoRican residents. I will explore rezoning, redistricting and data that supports the numbers that indicate a mass exodus from NYC.

2- Exploring Retail and Boutiquing occurring in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods. Specifically taking a look at North Williamsburg and Harlem.

3 – An incorporation of the Oral Histories relevant to my research topic and focused a more person tone. Earlier research will focus specifically on policy and data. However, as the paper ends I would like to incorporate a more person approach and let the reader know it’s not a statistic, but rather human beings that are continually affected.




1MLA (Modern Language Assoc.)  Works Cited

Lees, L. “A Reappraisal of Gentrification: Towards a ‘Geography of Gentrification’.” Progress in Human Geography, vol. 24, no. 3, Sept. 2000, pp. 389-408. EBSCOhost,

2 – Davila, Arlene M. Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and the Neoliberal City. Univ. of California Press.

3 – DW Gibson The Edge Becomes The Center An oral History of Gentrification in the Twenty-First Century.

Gentrification: The on-going Displacement and issues affecting the Latino Community NYC


1- I believe the sources that I have offer a plethora of information that I can adequately incorporate into my argument. I initially wanted my paper to focus on Black/latino communities in my paper. However, with the research I have gathered it’s focusing more towards the latino community and their displacement in Harlem and North Williamsburg. I need feel like I can hone in my broad topic even further and I believe as time progress I will be able to further specify my research topic.

2 – My next step is to look for more valuable sources that are the authors of the books I am using have used for their research. Maybe I will be able to find further information by tracking the process of their works cited. I will start to write a first Draft to see where I am stuck and see where I need to further develop my research paper.

Paper Sketch/ Storyborad

Marcia Buri
Professor: Kitana Ananda

The fight for the old America
Has a big diverse country like the United States always been this accepting country towards non Americans like it is today.? Around the 1920’s the United States had a major issue going on in society and this was racism. America was not always this calmed like it is in the 2017, non american people suffered from racism by whites specially by one group well known nowadays called “ The Klu Klux Klan”. Which was a group that by racist actions tried hard to keep america stay the america they have always known claiming it was a way to protect “the First Nations people “.
After the U.S created a law against immigration, this led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan, which had tons of ways and efforts to “combat” immigration and make america the old america, this group had the support of the congress to continue with their ideas of restoring nordicism. ( the klan’s fight for Americanism, 1926 by Hiram Evans)
Some of the major concerns of the klu klux klan that pushed them to rebirth was that they feared influence of the immigrants and cultural erosion and they believed they had to protect the first Nations people also explained by (Hiram Evans in “the Klan’s fight for Americanism”)
African Americans gained their freedom and some started registering to vote and as more colored people started to hold offices in the south, this Infuriated the klan more and more (America; a narrative history by Shi and Tindall)
I think I was able to develop an interesting and clear thesis that is and will be well supported by the sources I have gathered so far. My step next will be too look for at least one more source that will help me prove my point and make a clear idea for my thesis.

Paper Sketch

James Macay

Prof. Kitana Ananda


October 24, 2017

Community Colleges

Community colleges are a resource that are accessible to everyone and have much more to offer than people tend to think. I believe that education is one of the most important things we can give ourselves. Aside from my own beliefs, we currently live in a world where you need an education to be qualified to work. Some may use the excuse that they cannot afford to go to school because it is too expensive. Conveniently enough, community colleges are much more affordable than most colleges and universities. Also, if you cannot afford to go to college then it is likely that you will qualify for financial aid to cover your tuition. In community colleges, the amount of resources, knowledge and assistance available is undermined. I’ve come to realize that it comes down to oneself taking the initiative and making the sacrifice. Another aspect of this is, what you do with the knowledge that you learn in school will determine what college does for you. Often I hear people say, “what is that degree going to do for me?” or “how is this information relevant?” Overall, the more you know, the more connections and educated decisions can be made. It is solely up to you. Some people may also argue that there are successful and rich dropouts or non college goers. While that may be true for some, it is not true for everyone. Alongside those who did succeed in life without school, another truth is that they are self educated. So overall, they may not have a college degree, but they educated themselves, which comes back to my point on the decision and actions are up to you. Community colleges can be a gateway for some, and to others it can be an entire bridge. Regardless of opinions and personal point of views, I will explain all the treasures that community colleges have to offer.

Paper sketch – Story Board -Ryann B

Often times the subject of money may be uncomfortable to some and may become difficult for some to embrace the feelings that we get associated with money. Money may affect each one of us, either in a negative or positive way depending on how it is directed towards us.  Whether you’re a person that comes from a very “rich” background/culture or just a regular person “living by means”. It’s said that money is a source of energy. How can we determine that money is energy? Is money part of law of attraction? Should we change our perspective on how we view money? This paper will address the feelings associated with money and state facts alongside information on how money may be connected to Law of Attraction as well as how it may be a source of energy.


  1. Do you think that you were able to develop an interesting and clear thesis that is well supported by the sources you have found to date? If not, what part of your thesis need more supporting evidence? How will find this evidence? A: Yes, I believe I developed an interesting and clear thesis that is supported by the sources I researched. However, I would like to expand more on my introductory paragraph/ thesis statement. I know that I’ll be able to think of more things to write
  2. What is your next step in the process of researching and writing your paper? A: My next step is to continue to find articles on how money is consider a source of energy. I found three articles to support my topic, however I want to continue to do my research and see how it may connect to the law of attraction, find how and why money may affect a person.



Paper Sketch Assignment

The Horrors of the Internet


Question and Thesis:

  • How do people access the deep web or dark web? Can people access these hidden websites with a regular engine? If so how? What’s the difference between the Deep Web and Dark Web?
  • Many people use the dark web or deep web to do illegal activities and view private documents that can’t be seen or found by a regular browser. Only 4% of the content on the internet is open to public and seen by everyone, but 96% of the internet is closed off to us and is not accessible without a special engine. This is what we call the dark web.

Introductory Paragraph:

  • We live in a world that technology is rapidly growing. From cars to buildings, electronics to entertainment, and from medicines to advance medical treatment. The world is changing all around us very quickly. Most of us can’t really go a day without technology. One thing we all use is our phones and computers. This is how we socialize with others, watch movies, television, videos online, or listen to music. All of us do it one way or another. We all are connected and use the internet to help in daily tasks now but what if I told you there’s more to the internet than meets the eye. Have you ever wonder how big the cyber world really is? You have no idea. When we use the internet we only use 4% of it, which is known as the Surface Web. The other 96% that is inaccessible is known as Deep Web or as the Dark web. This is where many can see private documents that is not meant to be seen or to do illegal activities without a trace.

Planning your paper:

  • The Deep Web can sometimes can be view on Surface Web that we all use to see Medical Records, Legal Documents, Financial Records, and other personal information of yourself, but the Dark Web can’t. You need to have a engine call Tor to view the Dark Web which you can use to view other people’s personal information and do identity theft, or worst do human trafficking.


  • Everyone uses the internet but it is all on you about you use it. No one is stopping you for using the internet for your own benefits but be safe when doing so because many people will try to steal you identity especially when you use the Dark Web.

Noemi Rosas Vazquez research paper sketch

Noemi Rosas Vazquez research sketch 2

In conclusion, my thesis still needs further review in terms of how I am going to present the information needed. It might need to be changed or reworded in order to be able to do the right research and match the research. I am still unsure of how much information I might find or if it will be enough. The next step I will take in my research will be to start the interviews and to start analyzing the research i have found so far. I will need to do in-depth research on certain presidencies, especially those in which reforms or mass deportation took place.

Paper Sketch Assignment

Immigrants Impacting America

Question and Thesis

How it is adapting to a new culture and how the culture differs from theirs?

Immigrants are always accused of stealing American’s jobs, taking away money from Americans.

Introductory paragraph

Talk about the struggle & what they put up with

Immigrants are accused of causing many issues in America. Even the President has many opinions regarding illegal immigrants and how they are causing problems, he accuses them of being rapists and many other things. [Can I use a paper from another class that proves this point? Not sure whether it was from a scholarly source or not (will double check).]

Immigrants are accused of taking away money from Americans, because when they work they do not pay taxes; but the thing about this is though they do not pay taxes, they do not get the options legal residents and Americans receive. They also are not paid minimum wage because they are not working legally and has no one to go to about payment.

Planning your paper

Immigrants has helped build America into the country it is today. Many Mexicans are the ones who work on many of the buildings and constructions. They work faster and for cheaper.


America was built on the backs of immigrants. It was slaves who were brought into America to do the labor and hard work that Americans did not want to do. Immigrants do many of the jobs that Americans do not want to do, for example being maids, babysitters, in live nannies or maids.

My Paper Sketch


Marijuana: A beneficial solutions for veterans returning from combat?


For this assignment, I want to know how marijuana can help improve the lives (both emotionally and physically) of veterans returning from combat, deployment and harsh environments.


A  working thesis can be that: Can marijuana be proven instrumental in reducing and improving medical ailments in veterans?


 These medical ailments such as PTSD and depression, among others. I believe it should be legalized and that the VA ( a Federal agency), should acknowledge cannabis as a sure way to help fight mobility and chronic diseases. Cannabis is beneficial as well for mental health. Depression, anxiety and mood disorder symptoms can help be alleviated with marijuana.


Main points:


  1. Talk about legalization issues, both at federal and state level.
  2. Negative stigma of cannabis and its users.
  3. Positive health effects and studies conducted.
  4. Different forms of cannabis use and how they each impact the user.




I think my thesis can be much more stronger, I need to find sources that credit what information I need to further research and understand. The next step in researching and writing my paper would be to gather more sources and see if I can link things together to gain more clarity. I’m not so sure on my thesis or on what I really want to find out about cannabis. The aspect of cannabis and the negative stigmas that surround marijuana use and its users. I want to make sure that I know what the average demographic marijuana user is, as well as, know if there are any combat veterans or veterans in general such as myself that use cannabis to help make the quality of life better.



  • 2. Cohen, Peter J. “Medical Marijuana, Compassionate Use, and Public Policy: Expert Opinion or Vox Populi?” The Hastings Center Report, vol. 36, no. 3, 2006, pp. 19-22.


  • 3. Heinrich, Janet, and Mary Lynn Mathre. “Policy Perspectives: Therapeutic Cannabis.” The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 101, no. 4, 2001, pp. 61-  69

Paper Sketch

American Feminism: Embracing Your Inner Bitch

Why is it that women are continuously shunned or insulted for doing the exact same things that a man is praised for? For years women have been trying to get accepted for the leadership skills they possess instead of being called a bossy bitch. Some women are afraid to admit what they want in the bedroom because whenever they bring up the topic of sex they are called sluts and whores. It is about time that has changed, and throughout the years it has gotten better. Feminism has changed the way people view women in America today by showing that women are just as powerful as men, just as sexual, and deserve to be treated with the same respect.

Main points:

  • Before reading this paper one should know why they are a feminist, even if they continue to say that they are not.
  • With fresh eyes read just how powerful women can be
  • Women have every right to be accepted as sexual beings just as men are accepted.
  • Men are respected, admired, and praised when they tell people what to do and act like a leader, women are only called bossy. They deserve to receive the same respect that men are given for their leadership skills.

Valenti, Jessica. Full Frontal Feminism: a Young Woman’s Guide to Why Feminism Matters. Seal Press, 2014. Print.

Reflection Questions

  1. I feel that I was able to develop a strong and interesting thesis based on the little bit of research that I have done. Some parts of my thesis like the last point I made about leadership skills need more support from a different source than I currently have. I will find new information by looking at the college’s many research websites and reading different books on feminism.
  2. My next step is to do more readings and research regarding how males are more respected than females, how females are shunned for being sexual, and how the disrespect has lessened over the years that women have been fighting the patriarchy.