Paper Sketch

James Macay

Prof. Kitana Ananda


October 24, 2017

Community Colleges

Community colleges are a resource that are accessible to everyone and have much more to offer than people tend to think. I believe that education is one of the most important things we can give ourselves. Aside from my own beliefs, we currently live in a world where you need an education to be qualified to work. Some may use the excuse that they cannot afford to go to school because it is too expensive. Conveniently enough, community colleges are much more affordable than most colleges and universities. Also, if you cannot afford to go to college then it is likely that you will qualify for financial aid to cover your tuition. In community colleges, the amount of resources, knowledge and assistance available is undermined. I’ve come to realize that it comes down to oneself taking the initiative and making the sacrifice. Another aspect of this is, what you do with the knowledge that you learn in school will determine what college does for you. Often I hear people say, “what is that degree going to do for me?” or “how is this information relevant?” Overall, the more you know, the more connections and educated decisions can be made. It is solely up to you. Some people may also argue that there are successful and rich dropouts or non college goers. While that may be true for some, it is not true for everyone. Alongside those who did succeed in life without school, another truth is that they are self educated. So overall, they may not have a college degree, but they educated themselves, which comes back to my point on the decision and actions are up to you. Community colleges can be a gateway for some, and to others it can be an entire bridge. Regardless of opinions and personal point of views, I will explain all the treasures that community colleges have to offer.

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