

This syllabus is a draft, and will be revised throughout the term—much like your writing of the research paper! It is a guide to our class, and living document that will be adjusted according to the needs of our class and your interests, as well as any circumstances that we may have to take into account.

You should always check this page for the latest version of the syllabus.


If you have any questions about our class, from policies to logistics, this is the first place to check. If you cannot find the answer to your question in the syllabus, or would like to make a suggestion, you can comment directly on the Google Doc of our syllabus (<– linked here!)

The best way to get an answer to your question is to be succinct and clear, whether you are asking for a clarification or new information. I will get a notification to respond to your question, and will answer as soon as possible.

If we make any major changes to the syllabus, you will hear about it in class, and this document will be updated to reflect those changes.

About the readings

In this class, we will be reading selections from books about research and writing; we will also read excerpts from scholarship, and other research-based writing. I will adjust the readings throughout the semester, in response to your interests and needs. Many of the readings are required material for this course, while others are listed as recommended, and they will be posted one to two weeks in advance of class. Head to the Readings section of this website to find your reading for each week’s class.