FINAL Assignment Kamala Khan inspiration

Artist Statement

What inspired me to make a poster was reading the Comic Ms Marvel and the day we drew in class. Moreover, we did pair group and that was really fun, creative and fun again.

My audience is everyone who have read and have not read Ms Marvel. To the ones who have read the comic would understand it and the ones who haven’t would be interested on reading it. I want you to know that drawing a hand from that angle is the hardest.

I want you to learn that Ms. Marvel is not a regular super hero. She inspires!  Even if you´re young or old (With a young soul) you will enjoy reading it. I am sure you will be able to learn and understand the comic in that I did it too. In addition, I have to mention that I have zero experience with comics. Therefore, for a comic to create a big impact on me that made me draw IS HUGE.

First of all, I thought I was going to create  short comic with stick figures, then in my pre-draft I said I was going to write a fan fiction, and I ended up creating a poster of Kamala and I.

What inspired me the most from the comic was the attitude Kamala had from the beginning to the end, because I see how she gain confidence she did not show on the first pages.

We all can express our ideas in different ways. I had forgotten that I was creative! I have not drawn since high school. Furthermore, this creation taught me that I am capable of anything, not only writing.

I mention something about immigration in the beginning of my explanation, I feel one reason she lacks confidence is that she is living in two cultures. One is the Pakistani and the other the American. I want to make sure this point is clear because this is how I feel about her. I identify as Kamala in that once I was feeling like that when I arrived to the United States.

I learned that I was clever to have realized that I had to be myself and don’t change to impress or like the others. I would like to learn more about Kamala in the next volumes. I am eager to get the volume two.!

My peer reviewers helped me in an effective way. I improved my explanation and I hope I am clearer.

I don’t think I would change anything, because I read the whole volume and I feel I transmit what I wanted to transmit to you. What I would take to my next projects from this assignment is that if I lack of words and I don’t know what to write I can start it by drawing something. Just like we learned in class.

I hope you enjoy it and any comments are welcome!


Explanation of my Poster:

The United States is full of immigrants of all ages. In Ms. Marvel we see that Kamala is confused about how to act. Sometimes she’s reckless and sneaks out her house, other times she cites the Quran to clarify her actions. Her family is from Pakistan; it does not mention when they arrived or if kamala was born in the United States. However, we can assume that they all arrived here when kamala was young.  She shows in the first pages that she is kind of shy and reserved.

This poster represents the outcome of the first issue according to me. Kamala gained confidence through the whole comic in each page. We see that when she fought against The Inventor. She was in her own skin showing power and acceptance from herself. At the beginning when she said how she wanted to be to the avengers, she chooses to be blonde and white, but there’s a transition After she saved Zoe, Kamala in her head She states that she always thought that having amazing hair, and wear great boots that would made her strong, but the hair got in her face and the boots pinched…

After that, she realizes that what makes her truly happy is the fact that Zoe is alive even though she is annoying to everyone.

I include me in the poster telling her that she is a role model to everyone because confidence is one of the most important things one can have. Moreover, in the first issue she demonstrates how little by little she gained the confidence (when she saved Zoe and fought against the inventor). For some people is hard or difficult to maintain confidence and trust themselves. I relate a lot to Kamala because I arrived in this country trying to fit, and it took me a while to realize that Like Kamala I had to be the best version of me.

(I draw me small because I found it cool to be on her embiggened hand. ) As well as a representation of how I felt when I was feeling confused when I arrived to the United States, I used to go out with American people and I did not find anything fun. I thought they would think that I am a boring person. Anyways, I stopped hanging out with them until I find the right friends that enjoy what I enjoy, not being ashamed of behaving the way I truly am.

It touched my heart when her dad talked to her saying that Kamala means perfection in Arabic and that she doesn’t have to be someone else to impress anybody. You are perfect just the way you are. After those words Kamala realizes that Abu (her dad) is completely right and said I’m not here to be a watered-down version of some other hero… I’m here to be the best version of Kamala.

Kamala is an inspiration for everyone.

Expectations assignment 3


ROUGH DRAFT was e-mailed to you and my peer reviewers

I worked with Mariela (I sent you the copy of the email because it was a video) and Hira

Pre Draft

On monday i learned that to create a comic the author who writes and the author of the drawings make a lot of work together. and that is really hard to understand the drawings without the words and vice versa.

I’m planning to create a fanfiction about kamala and I but i’m not sure.

I learned a lot about kamala.

The United States is full of immigrants of all ages. In Ms. Marvel we see that Kamala is confused about how to act. Sometimes she’s reckless and sneaks out her house, other times she cites the Quran to clarify her actions.

Her family is from Pakistan, it does not mention when they arrived or if kamala was born in the United States. However, we can assume that they all arrived here when kamala was young. Her brother is very religious. His dad and mom are very conservative.

That part hit me tremendously because I arrived here when I was 18. The culture shock I had was big.

So, I feel that I kind of understand Kamala when she felt when she was with her friends in circle Q.

I will try to write a stor about how it would be if I were to meet kamala 😀

Expectations Assignment 3

In this assignment I am aiming for an A+. I finish reading Ms. Marvel and have the intrigue of what is going to happen next. In the grading contract I said I was going to spend a lot of time doing my papers and that’s what I have been doing. This paper won’t be the exception since I am loving the Comic so far. I am going to take advantage of my peer reviewers because the last time I learned a lot from them and each time we help each other more and more. Moreover, professor Polish had help all of us in an incredible way. I feel she cares about each of us and makes sure we are moving forward.

I am not sure of the format I will do this assignment because I am not even sure what topic from the comic I want to choose. It has different kinds of topics.

For example, Ms. Marvel at the beginning shows us how she feels about not being able to go out as her friends, how her culture does not allow her to be in the way she wants to. However, she snuck out she realized she does not like the way of having fun of her friends. In addition, she has problems of self-esteem and she shows them when she wishes she was like Ms. Marvel (blonde and white). And I also like how at the end she does not transform as Ms. Marvel she is a super hero in her own skin and that’s so beautiful because we see that she accepts the way she is. I am not sure about the third one, she is confused how to act. We know she is a teenager and she is in the United States. At her school she lives in the American culture, but in her house and in her mind she is living 100% in the Pakistani culture.

Final Research Paper Intersections



Artist statement

My audience is my class. I want to make them aware of our common stressors and how to take right decisions. I believe they will learn it because they are smart. I want them to learn that Alex (a character from the play Intersections) is one example of us at school and we have to be aware of how to deal with our stress. I feel that after this research paper i became more aware of what stress can do to me. I don’t think i didn’t know it, i feel i was not aware of that. So, this is something that had a big impact on me because the cases we see in that play are  very real. I would have loved to interview the people who were the inspiration of this play to know what did they do after the play ends because it was interesting to read it.

Two classmates helped me in getting my ideas settled because at the beginning i didn’t know what to write about. Its great to have people willing to hear you and give you a piece of advice. Moreover, i must say that all their advices are in this paper. (Nawal and Francis)

If I had another week i would have read more about stress and maybe I would have given a better idea of understanding Alex (because in this research project i focus on Alex) This is very unique because I felt identified with Alex at the beginning of the play and that was what caught my attention.


Stress in community college students

 People from all ages at certain point in life face a plenty of hardships. When it comes to college students is even more complicated because is during that period when they must choose what to study for life. Planning their future can let them suffer from stress that could be very destructive in order to develop their potential in many areas as a students.

In the play Intersections, which is a play where we see different community college students dealing with real life problems,we see Alex (Spanish) who is about to graduate, he tells his sister that he feels pression on him because he was taking so many classes. To this, the sister tells him that he is not going to drop out school because she has been paying for it, if he wants to do something different it must be with his own money. He tries to tell her in the best way he can, It was hard for him to say what he felt.

“What if I take those six classes and I… I fail one. (pause) With all that heavy load, all that work I have to do. That will put me back another semester and I’m there for a longer time, ya know? And then I can’t get out and start working and finally helping out here “. Even though He expressed what he was feeling

He decided to train for the NYPD without knowing that his life was going to change in an unexpected way and one decision taken in one second can change your whole life.

In the article Which Stressors Increase the Odds of College Binge Drinking?

Pedersen states that “Among college students, drinking to cope is a fairly common behavioral response, emerging as both a short-term reaction to situational stress and a long-term coping style that remains strong predictor of heavy alcohol use even when other influences on drinking are controlled for” (Pedersen, 130).

A natural stage for college students is to go out and drink with their friends, sometimes it is most related with the surroundings the student might have.  However, everything consumed in excess can harm someone’s health. People who drink are trying to go away from their problems or stressors. When someone like Alex opt for drinking instead facing his problems by taking serious decision or planning how to finish school. It’s easier for those folks to take a bottle of whatever alcoholic drink is to forget about reality. Students with stress disorders should be supported with their advisers or there should have someone to talk with about their problems.

When Alex was training the police officer in charge was being rough on the trainers. This have brought more stress to Alex life. We noticed that when the officer states “We put them through a lot of trials and tests here at the academy. We try to push them as hard as we can because some people are not meant to be police officers.” (Intersections, 15) His life was going to get harder, the system of how officers train in the play demonstrates brutal force trained people are submitted. And consequence of that is that Alex killed someone in desperation because he was out of control, He thought he was doing right and he repeated to himself “The amount of force was reasonable and effective”. Nowadays we see how police officer’s shoots people without thinking that they have other choices instead of pulling the gun.

Tracey Ryan proves in Minor Hassles in Community College Student Life that

Research indicates that students perceive lower stress when they feel more personal control and experience fewer minor hassles. In the future, community colleges may pay more attention to personal control and hassle reduction in their systems related to areas such as advisement, registration, payment, and parking (Ryan, 508).

How can a student have personal control? In this case Alex has never been in control because he did not want to study his major in the first place. Personally, if someone does not do what he likes is most likely that that person won’t find the passion to finish it or at some point in his of her life is going to become a regret. I have always been told that I should study nursing, just like my older sister. I agreed with my parents because the major is well paid. Moreover, when I was trying to get into college I worked so hard because it was new country for me and I have to learn the language. After all my efforts I came to the conclusion that I should do what I like and not what my dad was telling me to follow. However, I did not find that out by myself, I had the support of one teacher who encouraged me to do that I like, and I will always be thankful for that because it literally changed my life. Maybe if Alex had some support his life would have ended differently

To conclude, Alex was doing something that he didn’t have on his mind. The choices he had taken were to make his family happy. For that and other reasons it is very important to think about our future project in life. It should not matter the pression we have from our parents or people from our surroundings.We must make projections of how we want to be 5, 10 or 20 years from now. After that we should consider all the possibilities we have in life to go through it. We should take decisions using logic and reason to walk in the right way in this journey.


Works Cited


PEDERSEN, DAPHNE E. “Which Stressors Increase the Odds of College Binge Drinking?” College Student Journal, vol. 51, no. 1, Spring2017, pp. 129-141. EBSCOhost,

Ryan, Tracey E. “Minor Hassles in Community College Student Life.” Community College Journal of Research & Practice, vol. 33, no. 6, June 2009, pp. 502-509. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10668920802487760


Expectations were Emailed to you professor Polish.

Pre draft assignment 2 Intersections

Rough Draft

Peer reviews, I peer reviewed Nawal and Francis but it was orally ( i dont know if that counts( I am sorry))


Rough Draft

Stress in community college students


People from all ages at certain point in life face a plenty of hardships. When it comes to college students is even more complicated because is during that period when they must choose what to study for life. Planning their future can let them suffer from stress that could be very destructive in order to develop their potential in many areas as a students.


In the play Intersections, we see Alex (Spanish) who is about to graduate, he tells his sister that he feels pression on him because he was taking so many classes. To this, the sister tells him that he is not going to dropout school because she has been paying for it, if he wants do to something different it must be with his own money. He tries to tell her in the best way he can, It was hard for him to say what he felt.

“What if I take those six classes and I… I fail one. (pause) With all that heavy load, all that work I have to do. That will put me back another semester and I’m there for a longer time, ya know? And then I can’t get out and start working and finally helping out here “. Even though He expressed what he was feeling

He decided to train for the NYDP without knowing that his life was going to change in an unexpected way and one decision taken in one second can change your whole life.

“Among college students, drinking to cope is a fairly common behavioral response, emerging as both a short-term reaction to situational stress and a long-term coping style that remains strong predictor of heavy alcohol use even when other influences on drinking are controlled for” (Pedersen, 130).

A natural stage for college students is to go out and drink with their friends, sometimes it is most related with the surroundings the student might have.  However, everything consumed in excess can harm someone’s health. People who drink are trying to go away from their problems or stressors. When someone like Alex opt for drinking instead facing his problems by taking serious decision or planning how to finish school. It’s easier for those folks to take a bottle of whatever alcoholic drink is to forget about reality. Students with stress disorders should be supported with their advisers or there should have someone to talk with about their problems.


When Alex was training the police officer in charge was being rough on the trainers. This have brought more stress to Alex life. We noticed that when the officer states “We put them through a lot of trials and tests here at the academy. We try to push them as hard as we can because some people are not meant to be police officers.” (Intersections, 15) His life was going to get harder, the system of how officers train in the play demonstrates brutal force trained people are submitted. And consequence of that is that Alex killed someone in desperation because he was out of control, He thought he was doing right and he repeated to himself “The amount of force was reasonable and effective”. Nowadays we see how police officer’s shoots people without thinking that they have other choices instead of pulling the gun.


Research indicates that students perceive lower stress when they feel more personal control and experience fewer minor hassles. In the future, community colleges may pay more attention to personal control and hassle reduction in their systems related to areas such as advisement, registration, payment, and parking (Ryan,508).

How can a student have personal control? In this case Alex has never been in control because he did not want to study his major in the first place. Personally, if someone does not do what he likes is most likely that that person won’t find the passion to finish it or at some point in his of her life is going to become a regret. I have always been told that I should study nursing, just like my older sister. I agreed with my parents because the major is well paid. Moreover, when I was trying to get into college I worked so hard because it was new country for me and I have to learn the language. After all my efforts I came to the conclusion that I should do what I like and not what my dad was telling me to follow. However, I did not find that out by myself, I had the support of one teacher who encouraged me to do that I like, and I will always be thankful for that because it literally changed my life. Maybe if Alex had some support his life would have ended differently

To conclude, Alex was doing something that he didn’t have on his mind. The choices he had taken was to make his family happy. For that and other reasons it is very important to think about our future project in life. We must make projections of how we want to be 5, 10 or 20 years from now. After that we should consider all the possibilities we have in life to go through it. We should take decisions using logic and reason to walk in the right way in this journey.









Works Cited


PEDERSEN, DAPHNE E. “Which Stressors Increase the Odds of College Binge Drinking?” College Student Journal, vol. 51, no. 1, Spring2017, pp. 129-141. EBSCOhost,

Ryan, Tracey E. “Minor Hassles in Community College Student Life.” Community College Journal of Research & Practice, vol. 33, no. 6, June 2009, pp. 502-509. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1080/10668920802487760


Pre draft assignment 2 Intersections

From what you’ve read of Intersections so far, what kinds of research do you think its playwrights had to do in order to write it?

I think they writers had done a lot of research in the following:

Research in the personal lives of the real people because the play is based in real life stories.
Research in the personalities their characters have/should have.

Research in medical field, when the doctor appears and explains the situation of the grandmother.

Research in training to be police officers (behavior, language, body language private codes police use)

How might some research of your own help you conduct a deep, specific analysis of Intersections?

After reading the play, I would research in how stress at home can impact in students. And what are the causes, why do these people act the way they act, how to deal with it.

What kinds of sources might you want to examine? What about Intersections has grabbed you (or not) so far?

The part when the student tells his sister that he doesn’t want to continue studying because he likes art was one of the scenes that touched me because my parents wanted me to study nursing and of course I said yes. Before I started school I changed my major to business administration.

How might different forms of research enhance and/or challenge your initial impressions?

Maybe if I look for statistics will help me understand better what’s going on in real life.

I would like to observe the play, because by observation I can perceive more about the feelings, impressions they have in every situation, etc.

What does “research” mean to you?

Research to be means digging. Trying to find our more, always ask why this and that.

What do you think research should be guided by? What should motivate it? (There’s no right answer: I’m genuinely interested in your thoughts!)

Research should be guided by love to learn. You must be interested in a topic you want to learn more and more. It should also have an impact in your life or thoughts


Expectations assignment 1

Pre-draft assignment 1

Rough Draft “Dear mum”

I peer review Hira and Praggya.

Artist statement.

I would like to share this essay for you to see my thoughts about the poem “Dear Mum”. You will learn some more about me and the way I think. One point I present is the way we treat our mothers, and if I had more time I would have interview people from different cultures and ask them how they treat to their mothers. This maybe could have helped me in developing my ideas more. I believe this is unique as well as a short part of my life that I share because I come from a foreign country which later you will know.

During this project, I learn that never is too late to say sorry to our loved ones, in this case the love for our mother for us is so immense that she will forgive us for our mistakes, even if we made them toward her. In the poem I read I found many mixed feelings and I know you are going to know then later.

I learned many things when sharing my drafts with my classmate. Hira told me to go deeper and to relate it more with my experiences. She specifically pointed out the places where I should add more. She helped me with examples. I liked the way she approached to me because it is hard to give feedback in a friendly way. She was great at it.

When I was in high-school I hated poetry, because each time I had to go to the dictionary to have an idea of the entire poem. However, the poems we have heard and watched in class were interesting because we saw their body language and the intentions the speakers had when performing. Sometimes they would raise their voice to make emphasis on what they need to inform or let us know. Other times they would speak quietly to show deeper feelings.

Lastly, I would like to tell you to leave comments if you like so that I can improve this piece of writing,


A word: Mother

Most of people can relate to this video in that most have called mother to someone even if that person is not biologically their mother. Mother is a powerful word because when we think about that word many others come to our mind like love, care, generosity, strength, etc. The speaker presents to his mother in a melancholic and realistic way, because he mentions how much he loves and misses his mother. In addition, he points out and admits the times when he did not behave in a correct way toward his mother showing some regret in their words.

One of the reasons why I had a culture shock when I arrived to the USA was the relationship between parents and their children. I have been witness of how teenagers and young adults treat to their mothers. I was surprised how a mother can let their daughter treat her in a way where she just stays shut. On the other hand, I have beliefs of how to treat to a mother. For example, it does not matter how mad can I be or how free I feel of being 18 or 21 years old. I cannot be disrespectful with my mother in that she deserves to be treated not only with respect but also with love and care. This is an action that at least we as sons and daughters can do for our mothers. So, I wonder if the author of this poem was raised in the United States?  Or if the same happens in all our cultures? In addition, there is a lot going on in our lives, different characters and we as humans are imperfect, but we should seek to live in harmony among our family keeping the bad aside.

Another objective of this poem is to ask for forgiveness because he no longer has his mother by his side. “I have one last request for you before you leave please since a lot of paradise beneath your feet please ask Allah to let paradise be the place where we finally meet”. When he said this, we realize that he lost his mom. Everybody has been through a loss of a loved one, so we know how painful it is. Nevertheless, to lose your mother must be one of the most painful feelings one can have. The author found the right words to describe how someone can realize what he had. He describes how his “mum” was since she carried him for nine months and how he used to ignore her when he was late to home. He also mentions the natural way his mother used to make him feel better when sick, by drinking a cup of tea with honey. To make us feel more connected to the poem, it shows us a clip of a warm cup of tea with honey, then we see the cup is in the whole video as well as the kitchen in the back, which I believe is the place he feels closer to her. I have a long-distance relationship with my mother because she lives in my native country, Peru. I see her when I travel for vacations one a year but three weeks cannot be compared to a year of not having her by my side. At first it was hard to learn how to be independent doing everything by myself. And after some time, I had to get strong. I remember the nights she used to be by my side with no sleep while I had fever or had some infection, and one day I had the opportunity to retrieve it.

All these memories bring me an experience where I did not lose her but I felt like I was. Around eight or nine years ago my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer. We were devastated by the news. I was very young but I remember everything. I saw how she was suffering with the chemotherapies. My mom always asked me for help because I was the youngest and I could run all over the house. She spent around one year and a half with the treatment, and currently she is cancer free. Sometimes I think this might be one of the reasons why I was caring with her. At that age, I was starting my teenage, and I lacked a lot of material things. I learn to value what I already had, which was health and having my family together. A very good example is that for my prom party we could not afford the dress, because it had to be of a certain color to match my classmates. I already had on my mind that I was not going to be able to get it. I remember I have always been quiet and comprehensive so I never made a scene. I remember my older sister told me that I was going to look unique because I was going to wear a white dress (which I already had). And of course, on that day I was proud of being on that special day with my mom.

The poem touched my heart and made me realize how much I miss her and that I am not used to tell her how much I love her. Take actions in the present, not only with your mother but with all people who deserve to know how much you love and care for them.


Rough Draft “Dear mum”

Most of people can relate to this video in that most have called mother to someone even if that person is not biologically their mother. Mother is a powerful word because when we think about that word many others come to our mind like love, care, generosity, strength, etc.

The speaker presents to his mother in a melancholic and realistic way, because he mentions how much he loves and misses his mother. In addition, he points out and admits the times when he did not behave in a correct way toward his mother showing some regret in their words.

He uses graphic representations about to enhance what he feels when he is speaking and to make his points stronger. The objective of this poem is to ask for forgiveness because he no longer has his mother by his side. “I have one last request for you before you leave please since a lot of paradise beneath your feet please ask Allah to let paradise be the place where we finally meet”. When he said this, we realize that he lost his mom. Everybody has been through a loss of a loved one, so we know how painful it is. But to lose your mother must be one of the most painful feelings one can have. The author found the right words to describe how someone can realize what he had. He describes how his “mum” was since she carried him for nine months and how he used to ignore her when he was late to home. He also mentions the natural way his mother used to make him feel better when sick, by drinking a cup of tea with honey. To make us feel more connected to the poem, it shows us a clip of a warm cup of tea with honey, then we see the cup is in the whole video as well as the kitchen in the back, which I believe is the place he feels closer to her.

I have a long-distance relationship with my mother because she lives in my native country, Peru. I see her when I travel for vacations one a year but three weeks cannot be compared to a year of not having her by my side. At first it was hard to learn to be independent doing everything by myself. And after some time, I had to get strong. The poem touch my heart and made me realize how much I miss her and that I am not used to tell her how much I love her. Some people can relate to the poem and another purpose of this poem is to take actions in the present, not only with your mother but to all people who deserve to know how much you love and care for them.


Is it clear? why?

what do you think I should not include?

What should I add?

Can you check my grammar?

Did you like it? Why?



Pre draft assignment 1

I was thinking that I could use a diagram in a way that I can write the central key words or ideas Consequently, I can explain my points. I found this a very interesting format to use because I do not think everyone is going to do it, which makes it unique. In addition, I must admit that I might change my mind about the format as long as I start doing the assignment due to unexpected feelings that can appear inside of me.

I chose to analyze “Dear Mum” because it seems interesting how the author of this poem found the right words to touch my heart, as well as write it with perfect rhythm and alliteration. I also would like to know how the author created this poem, what happened in his mind or his life when he decided to write about her mom.

To conclude, I am very excited because I appreciate the message of this poem, the way it was written and spoken. I feel that when we read or hear a good poem it sticks to our souls better than when we read an informative or persuasive essay.

Image result for big bang theory happy gif