Assignment #3 Draft

Going into reading this comic I really had no idea what it was going to be like. I’ve never been into comics before because I just figured it’s all the same thing. It also takes a lot for me to get into something too so I didn’t really know what to expect. Getting into Ms. Marvel opened my eyes to what comics are really about and I’m not going to lie I was super lost at first. What was really intimidating was that everyone seemed to know a lot and were talking freely about it. So then I’m faced with pretending to know what’s going on or asking questions and getting somewhat a gist of what I will be reading. I chose to ask and I’m pretty glad I did because now I can write this beautiful piece of writing you’re about to read. My analysis of the comic will revolve around the scene with her father and how I believe their relationship shapes and molds her as a super hero and young woman.
It’s no secret her dad is a traditional man and is protective over Kamala but you see a very compassionate side to him as well. Unlike Kamalas mother, her dad seems to be the voice of reason. We see this when she’s fighting crime because she goes back to say something her father always says. This shows me that even though she finds her father annoying she still views him as a protecter. The scene I want to focus on is the one where she just gets back from fighting the guy and robots from the basement and her mother starts yelling at her about how she’s changing and “this isn’t the Kamala she raised.”During this argument the dad tells the mom that he will have a talk with Kamala. During the conversation he ask her what is going on and although Kamala doesn’t tell him she confides in him for comfort. Her dad starts telling her a story on why they decided to name her Kamal and the story is quiet moving. He continues to let her know how her name means perfection and that they named her that because her mother was told that after her brother was born she would no longer be able to have any more children but then came Kamala. This scene showed me another side of her father that I had not really seen before. In the beginning we see him acting his role and being the typical striked dad. But in this scene I saw that protecting fatherly relationship and you see the love he has for Kamala. The author to me did this on purpose and the reason for this is to show how the dynamic between her and her dad is and in a lot of ways he plays role in how she is. I believe his role impacts the way she deals with situations, she’s careful when being Ms. Marvel and the reason for that is because of they way her father watches over.

to be continued…. more will be added! need some more insight on what y’all think!
1) What do you think I should add?
2)Do you like where its going so far?
3)What am I not making clear?
4) What would make my writing stronger?
5) This isnt done yet but what do you think about the intro so far?

One thought on “Assignment #3 Draft”

  1. 1) What do you think I should add?
    This is an analytical essay right?Perhaps adding quatatiosn and tetxual evidence will help carry you point home.
    2)Do you like where its going so far?
    Defintley, it just needs more development, but you have got a good train of though going.
    3)What am I not making clear?
    Make more clear what Kamala’s dad does. Add the little things, or details you picked up while reading.
    4) What would make my writing stronger?
    No, I mean, I don’t know what you mean when you say stronger. If you want to add more details i guess that would be good.
    5) This isn’t done yet but what do you think about the intro so far?
    Its good. What do you mean when you say its no secret? Also, before you dive into their relationship dynamic, introduce Kamala and her father to the best of your ability, to make the reader understand. Mention their ages, where they were raised. Set a good base before going to deeper. Overall awesome stuff dude 🙂

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