
Jaylin Pinguil           

Does Anon from the play Anon(ymous) suffer from dissociative amnesia resulting from his experience with war?

    War is an element that greatly affects individuals both physically and mentally. People who are often caught in the middle of war often face trauma as loved ones are lost in the crossfire, or families are separated as they try to escape looking for a safer home. In Anonymous we see how Anon is greatly affected by war especially after being separated from his mother. He copes by constantly referring to himself as someone else or as no one stating “ I changed my name, I became Anonymous, my name is Anonymous.” Part of his coping mechanisms refers to him becoming forgetful or repressing past memories. As they often stem from torment and experiences of the war. How he hears bombs dropping, smells the sweet and spicy odor of death or seeing bombs planted like flowers in the ground. Often leading him to block out information often as a result of these stressful or traumatic events.

Cited sources-

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). Arlington, VA: American Psychiatric Publishing, 2013.

Effect of War Upon the Minds of Children
Bert I. Beverly
Am J Public Health Nations Health. 1943 Jul; 33(7): 793–798.

  1. Does my research question make sense?
  2. Is my question to lengthy? Show I cut it down?
  3. As I continue writing should I dedicate a paragraph where I only talk about and explain what dissociative amnesia is? Should it include Anon’s mother?
  4. As this is the first paragraph is my research question and examples straightforward?
  5. Is the idea interesting?


1. With so many random beginnings and advancing characters how does the writer still find a way to connect it all together?

2. How does the writer make Anon pop out of nowhere as the story continues?

3. If Anon could have met his mother quickly without distraction would the story still be interesting?

When reading the play a body gesture and sound that inspired me was a head shake and saying “the heck.” It was the part where Nemasani was talking with Helen Laius about her lost son and hoping he is alive and she responds with ” maybe. Probably not. But maybe.” My reaction was just shock that someone would say that to a mother. My second body gesture and sound was a light laugh and bringing my hand up while nodding my head. My reaction was based off the quick romance that came out of nowhere.


Jaylin Pinguil

Fanfiction- For a Lady Whose Voice I Liked

ENG 102


Before reading my fanfic I’ll introduce you to the characters. Kevin is he said, Rick is his drug dealer, Bambi’s is a exotic dancer and she said will be know as she/her.

Tip Tip Tip.  Tip-Tap. Tip-tap  Tip-tap, tip-tap, tip-tap,  TIP-TAP, TIP-TAP, TIP-TAP

    The rhythm of rain drops slowly came to play a song as they fell on a dumpster that resigned in an alley, each drop making its sound known before disappearing. It doesn’t disappear completely, no never not until the sun comes out to dry it. But even then the droplets aren’t gone they always make their way back down. It’s beautiful really how something so small and insignificant is sent down from the heavens to fall on those who aren’t even clean enough to receive them. Yet one droplet decided to be kind and made its way through the cold metal, and fell on a man named Kevin who was sleeping inside. He slowly stirred groaning and moaning.

    Kevin placed his hand over his right eye and felt it throb and pulse. It feels wet he thought. As he was about to wipe away the water he realized that the pain in his eye was momentarily gone. He let the water stay where it was and he began to stretch his body. With every crack and pop he felt more and more relaxed. The garage underneath him did well as a bed and he was shielded from the rain. Yes life was good he thought but soon last night’s events came creeping back to him. He let out a sign and began to take off his old ragged coat, it wasn’t much. It had many holes and the pockets were worn out. The zipper that kept it closed was broken and it wasn’t all that warm. But that’s the good thing, bad looks are always good for fooling people. He chuckled and smiled as he pulled on the coats collar revealing a hidden baggy. Inside was syringe full of his “medicine” and a nice red cloth. He lifted up the sleeve of his shirt and quickly tied the cloth on his right arm. With so much practice he could do it in less than a minute. Picking up the syringe he felt his arm with the tip of the needle and found a nice place, one that wasn’t too bruised so it wouldn’t be too painful. Heck he really didn’t care all he needed was his medicine. With good aim he plunged the needle into his arm, breaking the skin and having some blood trickle down. As he released the fluid into his veins he laid his head back. Time to remember everything he said.

Nine hours earlier

Kevin- (walking towards Rick) Yo man whadup?

Rick- Nothing much just doing my deliveries, might go to the club later get a dancer.

Kevin- Hook me up brother I want to have a good time too.

Rick- Naw man it’s only business between us you know that. Don’t ya ever forget. (Smacks Kevin’s back.) But I’m feeling a little generous since our anniversary is tomorrow.

Kevin- Already? Damn I’ve known you for so long.

Rick- Since you was a teen Kevin old boy. You lucky to have me I taught you how to survive out here, and gave you a taste of the good life.

Kevin- You sure did boss. (Starts to rub and scratch his right arm.)

Rick- (stares at Kevin.) Already need your medicine? Damn boy I don’t know what to tell you. Until you pay me back for the other times I handed some your way I ain’t gonna give you none more.

Kevin- Aww come on just a little?

Rick-No man, and don’t start with the shitty whining I’ll mess you up. But I will buy you a beer come on let’s go to the club.

Kevin- Ok let’s go.

Both walk seven blocks passing by a alley and into a small club.

Rick-Alright sit down here and I’ll get the drinks.

Kevin- Ok ok I’m sitten. ( Leans back in booth.)

Rick- ( walks over with a girl holding a beer.) I’m gonna introduce you to my girl. Her name be Bambi she is the best dancer here!

Kevin- Nice to meet you and thanks for the beer.

Bambi-(irritated turning to Rick) I don’t care about your friend all I want are my meds got it? (Slams beer on table.) Hurry up and hand it over.

Rick- Aww come on just give me a kiss and be nice. Here you go. ( Hands over a baggy with a red cloth.)

Bambi- Now that what I like. Thanks baby I’m just gonna save it for after my performance. I’ll be back. (Walks backstage.)

Rick- Ok well enjoy your beer and get out. I’m gonna do my rounds here and check on my girl later. (Walks off.)

    I watched Rick closely and waited for him to be completely out of sight while fumbling with the bottle. I don’t really care much for beer what I really want is my medication. Looking to the direction that Bambi went, I quickly got up and headed for the backstage. Peeking through the curtains I saw all the dancers leaving through a door on the left, glancing around I saw Bambi stuffing her baggy in her purse and running off to join the others. As soon as that door closed I ran over and grabbed her bag, ripping it open and looking for the meds. She stashed it all the way in the bottom, hidden by all her makeup and money. Grabbing the baggy and throwing the purse down I made my way towards the exit while stuffing the baggy in my coat. As soon as I lifted the curtain I was face to face with Rick, he looked surprised to see me but as he turned his eyes behind me he gave me a cold stare. Before I knew it he collided his fist to my eye, I was thrown to the ground seeing stars. He was yelling at me but I didn’t understand a damn word I was in a daze. Getting up seemed to make him even angrier, and as I struggled to focus my vision on him all I saw was him reach towards his back pocket. I wasn’t gonna stand there and get stabbed, with the little coordination left in me and a heart full of adrenaline I ran. I shoved him aside and grabbed the curtains, tearing them from their hooks and throwing them over him. I made it to the exit and looked back Rick was almost free and with that I took off. Looking at the alley we passed I entered running until I found a dumpster close to the end. I jumped inside and brought the lid down, I could hear Ricks footsteps hitting the pavement loudly. Closing my eyes I prayed he wouldn’t find me I stood still barely breathing. All I could hear was my heart pounding fast almost breaking my ribs. God I hope he can’t hear my heart, I just laid there quietly waiting for him to leave. Soon darkness enveloped my tired body and I fell asleep.


I shot up almost surprised that I was out for so long, looking at my arm I could see that the syringe was still there. Chuckling I injected the rest and untied the cloth. Putting on my coat I felt more confident Rick was long gone, peeking through the dumpsters lid I saw no one was there and it had stopped raining. Slowly climbing out I made my way to the alleys mouth but before exiting I saw a woman pass by. She was incredibly beautiful, walking with such grace and so much confidence. Even her own damn clothes spoke for themselves. Her head was held high almost as if everyone around her were nothing compared to her. This angered me in a way I have never felt before so much that my heart felt pain and the burning sensation of venom. I was about to turn into a snake and spite her with my words so that her radiant light would fade away and I could be left in the sweet delight of darkness.

I made my way to her following the clicks of her heels and yelled “you pretty full of yourself ain’t chu.” With the last word leaving my lips she stopped, her heels only making clicks as she turned to face me. She said nothing and only stared at me I continued my assault with “ you ain’t really no hot shit they tell me plenty sisters take care better business than you.” Still there was no reaction from her ticking me off even more but then I realized she probably has nothing to say. She is just a weak woman as I thought simply with a good disguise. With the last of my venom I said “ if the white folks hadn’t been under yo skirt and been giving you the big play you’d a had to come on uptown like everyone else.” With that she finally spoke. Her words pierced my small heart like the knife I should have felt before, knocking the wind out of me and making me fall on my knees. She said “ show me someone not full of herself and I’ll show you a hungry person.” With that she walked away clearly having defeated me.

My heart oh how it hurt as I clutched my chest and felt so much pain. Looking down I saw the reflection of myself in a puddle. I saw a broken man both physically and mentally. I’ve spent so many years suffering living on the street. I have no family to go to I was unwanted the only thing that ever made the pain of loneliness and hate go away was my medicine. I rather have medicine than feed myself, just staring at my sunken face made me sick. I couldn’t take the pain anymore I just laid my body down and closed my eyes. It started to drizzle and rain began to hit my body. It felt as if my sins were being washed away with every droplet. Smiling I felt my body completely relax, foam began to form in my mouth and I began to shake. As quickly as it came it left and I felt ready to sleep. But I knew that this time I wouldn’t wake up. I just wish I could have had the chance to become the man I wanted to be. One worthy to look into a puddle and not feel ashamed but full of myself.



Jaylin Pinguil


(The Walking Dead and The Fear)

My fanfic is based off a book series where children ages 4 to 15 are struggling to survive after a illness took over all of London. If you are 16 or older you get sick, die and come back as a “sicko” as most children call them. Just like in the Walking Dead the dead are called walkers. (The term “zombie” doesn’t exist in either worlds.) The main characters will be Ed (age 16), who is captain of the Tower of London, Maxie (age 14) who is also a fighter and leader. Then there is Chris (age 14) he not a fighter more of a bookworm and Little Sam (age 10). There will be other characters but have little roles. From the walking dead it will be Rick.

    As Ed stood at the top of the Tower monitoring the other kids below he felt a wave of relief fall over him. He couldn’t believe that the war was over. After defeating King David and taking over the Tower of London, he and all the other kids were finally safe. No longer would they have to run from danger, the walls around the tower kept them safe from the sickos outside. But reality soon made its presence in his mind as he looked down at the kids digging at the dirt. They were running low on food and trying to grow their own was proving to be more difficult than they thought. Sure they had books that explained how to ready the soil, plant the seeds and when to harvest but it wasn’t enough. All the fighting and destruction took its toll on the crops and regrowing everything wasn’t easy. Even the daily scouting parties that left the safety of the tower to look for supplies haven’t been able to find much. Sure sometimes they were lucky enough to find a stray dog to bring back, but it’s meat wasn’t enough to feed all the kids at the tower. There were over a hundred kids living there, soon everyone would starve and weaken. Ed had to find a way to regain control of the situation, especially with the little time he had left. As he continued to think of a way he heard a pair of footsteps approach him. He turned around only to see Maxie and Small Sam trailing behind her.

Maxie: Hi Ed, how is everything up here? Have you spotted any sickos wondering too close to the towers walls?

Ed: Yeah I’ve noticed two mothers and a father coming up the rear earlier but the fighters took them out already. But I’m not really worried about the sickos. ( turns his attention back to the kids below.)

Maxie: (follows Ed’s gaze) I’m worried about the food shortage too but we have to keep looking maybe there are spots we haven’t checked that may have supplies.

Ed: We’ve already checked everywhere, and I’m not letting anyone go out too far we can’t afford to lose anymore kids.

Maxie: But we can’t just sit around and do nothing! We have to keep looking. If you don’t want to lose kids then let me go.

Ed: Your place is here giving commands to the other kids and keeping their hopes up. What if you don’t come back? You know as well as I do that leaving the tower without a group is suicide. And even if you managed to stay safe where would you look?

Maxie: I was thinking…of going to go zone..

Ed: Maxie no. I have already made it clear to everyone at our last meeting that no one is to go there. It’s off limits.

Maxie: Ed I know that part of the town is off limits because there are so many sickos that resign there but I’m positive that there would be supplies.  If no one goes there, there should be untouched canned food or much needed medication.

Ed:(remains silent.)

Maxie: Either way it better if only one person goes, and I’m pretty sure no one else is willing to volunteer.

Ed: Without the support of a group do you really think you’ll make it?

Maxie: If a group of fighters came with me chances are they wouldn’t make it. Remember that large group of kids that passed by here a few weeks ago?

Ed: yeah there was about thirty of them, they went south of the no go zone.

Maxie: Out of thirty only three came back barely alive….

Ed:(gets irritated) And you think compared to a large group like that, that you’ll magically make it back?

Maxie: If I go on my own I won’t have to worry about keeping other kids safe, it’ll be easier for me run and hide.

Ed:….Maxie, we will find a better way. The younger ones look up to you as a mother figure. If they lose you it’ll be like losing their mothers all over again.

Small Sam: (steps forward, hugging Maxie’s arm tightly) please Maxie don’t go.

Maxie: (Turns to hug Little Sam) I don’t want to leave you but I also don’t want to see you and the other kids slowly starve to death. It’s my job to make sure all of you are well taken care of, I would make any sacrifice to keep you alive. Right now we are out of options and places to look.

Small Sam: Did you check all of the nearby shops and houses?

Ed: Yes, but every time we try and go out further we are always ambushed by sickos or only find empty shops.

Little Sam: Did you check the small green house a few miles north?

Maxie: (quickly stepping back from Little Sam) What green house?

Small Sam: Before I found the Tower of London I passed by a small green house, I would have looked inside for food but it was well boarded up. Apart from that there was a horde of sickos chasing me!

Maxie:(turns to Ed) We should go and take a look!

Ed: Sam are you sure you saw a green house maybe you were mistaken.

Small Sam: I’m sure I saw it.

Ed: But we have gone looking north and never found a green house.

Small Sam: That’s because it’s secluded from the other buildings and there were a lot of trees and plants that had grown around it.

Maxie: Ed we have to go maybe we’ll find something, it shouldn’t be too far and Small Sam could lead us there.

Ed: Maxie I’m not sure what-

Maxie: Ed before you start lecturing me remember we are almost out of food. The rations for everyone is getting smaller and smaller. Come on it’s time to take a risk.

Ed: Ok ok. Fine but I’m going with you, and tell Jordan to have someone cover my shift until we come back. We are only taking five fighters. (Turning to Small Sam) you’ll be leading the group today.


    Walking towards the towers gate the small group of eight waited for the go ahead. It was a safety percussion that before the gate was to be open guards had to make sure there were no sickos nearby who may try to enter and hurt the kids working outside. With the front cleared the gates are quickly opened and shut leaving  Ed and his group outside. Small Sam makes his way to Ed at the front while Maxie covers the end. The kids begin marching with hope in their hearts that they might finally have a break.

“Names” by Rachel Rostad

1.Why was the poet specific about blond hair?

2.If the poet didnt’t care about her mother replying her why did she try and contact her in the first place?

3.The poet knows that her birth name means nothing and her current name feels lost, which does she prefer?

Two body gestures that inspired me from the reading was nodding my head in agreement and bouncing my right leg. The only sound that I made was a loud tsk toward the ending of the poem.