Final Draft

Fan Fiction Final

Just to think two years later this is where id be here in San Francisco California holding my third press conference on woman’s rights and beliefs in the eyes of the united state. After quitting my job back in Nashville where I’d been working as a journalist in a mostly male populated environment and had to lay down some knowledge and fact into girl world. this man had the audacity to tell me I’m full of myself. Why does being confident in the female world always lead to some sort of double standard he was speechless after my response to that, how could you not be there’s nothing more to say I’ve proved my point and I’m sure it was an amazing one. Therefore just stood there smiling after the whole thing was done although he didn’t know me or my background it still wasn’t an acceptable trend in the female world to depict us and make us feel smaller than them, in my opinion, both genders are equal no more important than the other. Men didn’t understand this there and the women choose not to speak on its behalf.

After just a few weeks I had decided to quit my job and be a spokeswoman on behalf of all women even though I wasn’t always like this I refused t to go another day being compared to men or have people thinking women are products of men that could be abused or belittled. Moving my lips and tongue utilizing the power of words to change peoples perspective on the female presence and wellbeing all over the world. So far it’s had 83% effect on the people I have spoken to and 27% of the people who don’t know my voice and haven’t heard me speak out. My magazine line is doing great there are so many different sections, and they all had to do with empowerment of women. I’ve even got some excellent feedback in the fan section. These days giving up wasn’t an option. My number one reason for wanting to see a change in the world was hearing how-how my father spoke to my mother and discouraged her thoughts and ideas but my. But, my number one reason for being the change was that comment that man my ex-coworker made how that whole conversation shaped my life is fantastic. I’m thankful for those experiences being able to give people the option to expertise the uplifting of the way the world has been viewing women of all color and age is everything I yearned for as adolescence

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