Despite boasting a 50+ year history, X-Men as a series has always been defined by the conflicting political perspectives of Charles Xavier (a.k.a. Professor X) and Magneto.

Xavier created the X-Men to further his dream of peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. He assumes that humans oppress mutants out of fear and therefore intends to build goodwill with humans by protecting both groups against violent threats to the world. To achieve mutant rights, he seeks to establish equality under the law within existing political institutions.

Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants, on the other hand, seek to overturn existing political institutions through revolutionary means. Though branded as villainous, from Magneto’s perspective they are simply acting realistically against structural violence directed at mutants. While desiring the same goal as Xavier——mutant equality——Magneto would say that Xavier’s program of equality under the law effectively maintains the existing systems of power that actively oppress mutants.

So: Is Magneto right? Use evidence from God Loves, Man Kills to support your answer.

5 thoughts on “IS MAGNETO RIGHT?”

  1. Is magneto right or wrong? For us he is wrong. Reasons for that is according to page 55 of “God loves, Men kills” he explains he wants to take over the world by letting mutants run things and end human kind. Though he explains he cares about mutants, and not the humans especially when it comes to killing them, that’s where he and the x-men differ. Even though he may talk about being allies with the x-men know time to time he’ll always be seen as the villian. He’s a villan beacuse he says be wants to change the world for everyone, but he doesn’t mean everyone just the mutants.

  2. Professor Xavier and Magneto have two different ideas of equality to achieve mutant rights. Magneto is right in his ideal that his race, homo-superior, should live in peace. He is not right in his means being world domination. Although, as stated on page 55, Magneto explains that his ideals are for the betterment of all, it will be so under his ruling. He goes on to say that freedoms will be lost, although unnoticeable. Professor Xavier thinks that humans and mutants should be equal under law. Political intervention for the rights of humans and mutants is right to have peace.

  3. Team Nightcrawler,

    In the graphic Novel ” God Loves, Man Kills” one of the main character Magneto was a mutant that had a belief for all mutant kinds. His belief involved doing things in extreme matter where he believed mutants or him in general will reign supreme over the human race. His motive was to free the mutant kind from the oppression of humanity, which in his eyes were just. In the graphic novel page 57, Reverent Styrker is seen mentioning “We are as god made! Any deviation from that sacred template–any mutation–come not from heaven but from hell.”Seeing this saying from the novel it portrays the situation mutants have experienced and will continue experience if nothing is change. Example can be seen from page 11 where the mutants kids were killed and Magneto is seen saying “there only crime were they had been born.” Magneto was never given a chance to share his outlook like Charles was in that T.V. show where he was with the Reverend. The fact that one man, Reverend Styrker was even able to get to such a level of power already shows how much corruption there is.

  4. Magneto’s ideas are right ,but his method of achieving equality for mutants are different. He says ” Contentment breeds tranquility – discontent ,rebellion. Therefore , I shall ensure the one by eliminating the root causes of the other:hunger ,poverty,disease ,war” (pg.55). The context portrays his ideology as peace for everyone ,its certain actions from people like the purifiers that bring out the anger and desire for immediate justice. For example ,when the two mutant children were murdered, he felt weak because he was unable to help them. He felt like he should be ahead of his enemy . Does his end justify the means when he mentions the betterment for all. Does that mean mutants and humans ? Its conflicting in a sense that theres no reassurance he wont put humans through what mutants have lived. He wants peace but will there be war or innocents harmed in the process. Which is also why the X-Men and professor Xavier cant accept his ideology .

  5. Magento is right in terms of his views of reaching Mutant equality which he enacts through direct violence. His use of violence throughout the text was a means of protecting his community who were targeted by humans. In example, on page 11- the two black Mutant children are shot and placed on display for all to see. When Magento finds the children, he reacts emotionally because he realized that the “innocent” children were murdered simply because they are Mutants. Magento’s principle of direct violence then emerges as a source of resistance to the constant attacks from Humans. Mutants use their means of self defense as a source of survival. Humans don’t use their technological force for good, rather, they use it as a means of murdering/controlling the biological abilities of Mutants or subjecting them to their inferiority.

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