Despite boasting a 50+ year history, X-Men as a series has always been defined by the conflicting political perspectives of Charles Xavier (a.k.a. Professor X) and Magneto.

Xavier created the X-Men to further his dream of peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. He assumes that humans oppress mutants out of fear and therefore intends to build goodwill with humans by protecting both groups against violent threats to the world. To achieve mutant rights, he seeks to establish equality under the law within existing political institutions.

Magneto and his Brotherhood of Mutants, on the other hand, seek to overturn existing political institutions through revolutionary means. Though branded as villainous, from Magneto’s perspective they are simply acting realistically against structural violence directed at mutants. While desiring the same goal as Xavier——mutant equality——Magneto would say that Xavier’s program of equality under the law effectively maintains the existing systems of power that actively oppress mutants.

So: Is Magneto right? Use evidence from God Loves, Man Kills to support your answer.

4 thoughts on “IS MAGNETO RIGHT?”

  1. Magneto is right! He wants peace for mutants by taking action now instead of waiting it out. He is not against all humans, he’s against those who are out there killing other mutants.

  2. Magneto suggests that if the mutants just become content with being outcasted then it would allow for there to be peace in the world. However, the way in which he is approaching the issue is wrong in trying to eliminate the “discontent & rebellion” by eliminating the source of it.

    He’s right about the idea of peace, starting a new world where everybody is equal and they dont have to follow someone’s idea of a person.

  3. We believe that magneto is right and that he is retaliating in self-defense. For example, William Stryker intends on eliminating all mutants, and it doesn’t matter if they are children or if they don’t cause a threat. In the beginning, his group killed two innocent mutant children, and later on, he went on television and portrayed all mutants as a threat.

  4. Group Storm
    Magneto’s perspective is understandable because he is defending his people. Wolverine states “no right to have any rights. We could be exterminated, like rats. Legally murdered.” The humans are unfair to the mutants and enslave them for experiments. Although Magneto is defending his people it is not right to think that mutants should take over.

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