5 thoughts on “DISCUSSION QUESTIONS FOR 3/19”

  1. The main characters are the Xmen. Currently, there are 6, their names are Cyclops, Storm, Wolverine, Nightcrawler, Colossus and Ariel. There is more than one main character because the story is limited 3rd person point of view surrounding the xmen.

    1. I agree in general, though would add that the graphic novel most closely follows the point of view of Kitty Pryde (a.k.a. Ariel). We might continue discussion by asking why?

  2. the graphics in the novel are very dark and shadowy. This reveals clues about the tone of the novel being very scary, and depressing. You can predict that bad things are going to happen.

  3. The story takes place in the early 1980s in multiples states and towns. The 1980s is particularly important to the story. In the introduction the author goes on to state that during this time there was a surge and traditional religious and political views. These views created a division between humans and mutants and drew parallels between good and evil. Group 4

  4. Some inciting incidents were when the organization Stryker Crusade killed two children after killing their parents. Another inciting event was when Kitty fought against someone from the Stryker Crusade after he was discriminating mutants.

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