Final Exam Essay Question

[Essay Question]

Choose one topic and write a complete essay. Think of yourself as a communication studies scholar and analyze a specific communication situation. It should be a full five-paragraph essay, with an introduction that contains a clear thesis statement, followed by supporting details and a conclusion. [30 points]


Topic 1. Intercultural Communication

Food conveys more than flavor and nourishment. Food often teaches us about other cultures, and we can teach others about our culture through our food. However, learning about other culture through food can mean many different things. It can lead to deeper learning about other culture, but it can also be very superficial and sometimes, even exploitative.

1) Listen to the following podcast ( and read the article (

Choose one of the following options to develop your essay:

2-1) Based on what you’ve read and listened to, think about your own intercultural communication experience that involved food. Did the food change your perception about a certain culture? How was it transformed and why?

2-2) In relation to what you’ve read and listened to, introduce a particular dish from your own culture and discuss how it is perceived and consumed in the United States. What social and cultural meaning does the cooking and consuming that food convey? Why is the social and cultural context in which the dish is produced and consumed important?

3) IMPORTANT: In your essay, discuss what our attitudes toward certain foods reveal about our assumptions about the culture they come from and how food can help us become competent intercultural communicators. Use specific examples, and make sure to cite the podcast, the article or a third source to strengthen your argument.


Topic 2. Communication Technology

In our class discussion, we spoke about how development of communication technology always pushed the boundaries of citizenship so more and more people could participate in the political process. Do you think the Internet and smartphones have expanded the scope of inclusion and empowered people unprecedentedly? How did these technologies change your life? Watch the speakers talk about accessibility to the latest communication technologies. Then, in your essay, define digital divide and discuss how it may impact people’s lives and why it is crucial to address its existence.



Topic 3. Media Literacy

In our class discussion about media literacy, we spoke about the ways parents intervene in the children’s media consumption. In your essay, define media literacy using your own words and discuss why and how media literacy relates to the questions of identity formation and democratic citizenship.

State a clear position, and use concrete examples to support your claim.




Study Guide: Midterm Exam

Make sure to look at charts and tables.

For the exam, review handouts, Power Point slides, and textbook.

 In the textbook, review the following topics for the midterm exam:


Chapter 1

Evolution of communication models

Chapter 3

Language and thought: denotative meaning, connotative meaning

Language and meaning-making: euphemism

Chapter 4

Similarities & differences between verbal and nonverbal communication

Nonverbal coding systems

Chapter 5

Difference between hearing & listening

Effective listening strategy

Barriers to effective listening

Types of listening

Chapter 6

Theories of interpersonal communication p120-129

P 138 Ethical Communication: Sugar-Coated Hostility

Midterm Exam Essay Question

[Essay Question]

Choose one topic and write a complete essay. Think of yourself as a communication studies scholar and analyze a specific communication situation. It should be a full essay, well organized and thoughtful.

[30 points]


Question 1

Do you think hate speech should be protected as free speech? What is a hate speech?

What influence does a hate speech have? Provide a concrete example and explain why you think hate speech should be protected or regulated.


Some questions to think about in developing your essay:

What do you think is the role of communication and communication studies for the larger society? Why is the discussion around hate speech / free speech so crucial?


Question 2

Reflect on your own speech communication experience. What do you think about accent or a dialect? Do you find it pleasing? Do you have negative feelings about it? How does accent or dialect reflect cultural associations and values? How does it affect your speech communication with others? Provide concrete examples to support your thesis.




Question 3

Touch has the power to comfort someone. But touch can also be considered threatening because of its connection to sex and violence. Reflect on your own communication experience. Provide a concrete example and analyze how touching sent nonverbal messages and affected your feelings, perception, and relationship.


Some questions to think about in developing your essay:

What did the touch make you feel?

Why did you feel that way?

Why was touch so crucial in that situation?

Did you feel that your personal space was violated? How?

LaGuardia Mellon Humanities Scholars Application 2018-2019 is open

The LaGuardia Mellon Humanities Scholars program enriches LaGuardia students’ understanding of the Humanities, and helps them build academic and career pathways in the Humanities. Through biweekly meetings and additional humanities enrichment activities, the Humanities Scholars are exposed to modes of critical and creative thinking, various historical and cultural perspectives, and aesthetic appreciation. They will also further develop their skills in research, oral and written communication, collaboration, project management, and digital literacy.

The Humanities Scholars designs and creates a project that will be usable for the individual student and the college-wide community. With the student at the center, this group determines what they need to succeed to towards graduation and their future careers.  They work in the program, their major courses, and humanities activities, and are advised by peers (vice-versa), graduate fellows, and faculty mentors to engage in a project that will advance them towards baccalaureate and graduate degrees as well as their future careers. In addition, they will work within student affairs to share their exploration with the LaGuardia community.

2018 Application form

2017 LaGuardia Mellon Humanities Scholars’ Showcase

2017 LaGuardia Mellon Humanities Scholars

Conflict Resolution Scenario: Jason & Aissatou

Manager: can someone get Jason from the stock room and let him know I need help closing these registers please


Jason comes to the sales floor upset, and then approach his manager


Jason: Hey they told me you needed my help to close registers? But before that can I speak to you privately in the office please

They both goes upstairs to the office and have a seat facing each other and began having a conversation


With Jason leading the conversation he started


Jason: I just wanted to have an opening conversation with you about a couple things that’s been brothering me. I been wanting to have this conversation for a while now, but it never seen like the right time until now. First let me say this I like this job and enjoy doing what I do, but I feel like that I am being taken advantage of, I come here everyday on time and I always have to do job functions that managers are supposed to do. I understand that, yes, we are short some manager and I have managers experience but I just don’t think it’s fair that I also have to end up doing other peoples job, especially for the same pay.


Manager (Aissatou): So, what I hear you saying is that you are being taken advantages. You feel like you are being over worked and it’s not getting the recanalization as it should be. Am I hearing you correctly


Jason: Yes, it’s like everyone has a job to do but I do mine job and beyond.

Manager (Aissatou): Is there anything else you want to add since we are already here having a conversation


Jason: no, I would just like to just feel like everyone is doing their jobs and not feel like I am being over work/ or taken advantage and not seeing any result at the end of the day


Manager I hear you and I understand, it makes sense that you might be feeling this way, if I were in your shoe and saw the situation the way you do I would probably feel the same way too. But Jason let me explain to you. I really believe in you and I see that you have a lot of potential and the leadership of a manager and this is why I come to you, not because I want to take advantage of you or want to over work you, but because I want to trainee you for a position that I believe you are capable of doing. Understand that everything I ask you to do is not because I don’t have other manager that can do it, but I want you to learn how to do it, so you can be one closer to a bigger position. But I do understand how you are feeling again and how it looks to you, and if you are feeling this way it is partly my fault because I should have sat down with you and had this dialog with you and explain to you the plans I have for your future in this company, and for that part, and I apology. So, lets taken the time now and come with a development plan for you career path with this company. Is that okay


Jason: Yes, that will be great, and thank you for understanding how I was feeling and for taken the time to listen to me and I am happy we had this conversation


Manager: same here, okay so about this plan.


Jason and his manager stays and discuss his future with the company.


Advertisement Analysis

Find an advertisement and share it with the class. Demonstrate your media literacy and critical thinking. You may think about questions such as: How did you come across the advertisement? Where did you find it? Describe the advertisement. Why did it interest you? What strategies are used to communicate meaning in these particular advertisements?

Share your analysis in a 3-5 minute oral presentation. I expect the presentation to be rehearsed and timed. This presentation will count for 5% of your final grade.

Object Speech & Reflections

This week, students brought objects that represent themselves and shared with the class how and why the artifacts mattered to them. The stories were original and compelling, and as diverse as our student body. My heartfelt thanks to everyone for sharing such great stories.

Please use this page as a space to reflect on your presentations, and to comment on others’ presentations.

Some prompts:
What are your takeaways from the presentations?
What have you learned about/from your classmates?
What were similarities/ differences between the speeches?
What are some things you could have added to your presentation?
Could you have done it differently?
How did the artifact speech transform your self-perception?
What did you discover about yourself as you were preparing for the speech?
How did it feel to share your stories with your classmates?
Did having a concrete object helped you develop a story about yourself? If so, how? And why?
DId you find the presentation challenging? Why?

Make sure to write at least FIVE sentences.

I will distribute handwritten feedback when we come back from Spring Break. Excellent work everyone and I hope you have a wonderful break!