Paper Sketch Assignment

Immigrants Impacting America

Question and Thesis

How it is adapting to a new culture and how the culture differs from theirs?

Immigrants are always accused of stealing American’s jobs, taking away money from Americans.

Introductory paragraph

Talk about the struggle & what they put up with

Immigrants are accused of causing many issues in America. Even the President has many opinions regarding illegal immigrants and how they are causing problems, he accuses them of being rapists and many other things. [Can I use a paper from another class that proves this point? Not sure whether it was from a scholarly source or not (will double check).]

Immigrants are accused of taking away money from Americans, because when they work they do not pay taxes; but the thing about this is though they do not pay taxes, they do not get the options legal residents and Americans receive. They also are not paid minimum wage because they are not working legally and has no one to go to about payment.

Planning your paper

Immigrants has helped build America into the country it is today. Many Mexicans are the ones who work on many of the buildings and constructions. They work faster and for cheaper.


America was built on the backs of immigrants. It was slaves who were brought into America to do the labor and hard work that Americans did not want to do. Immigrants do many of the jobs that Americans do not want to do, for example being maids, babysitters, in live nannies or maids.

My Paper Sketch


Marijuana: A beneficial solutions for veterans returning from combat?


For this assignment, I want to know how marijuana can help improve the lives (both emotionally and physically) of veterans returning from combat, deployment and harsh environments.


A  working thesis can be that: Can marijuana be proven instrumental in reducing and improving medical ailments in veterans?


 These medical ailments such as PTSD and depression, among others. I believe it should be legalized and that the VA ( a Federal agency), should acknowledge cannabis as a sure way to help fight mobility and chronic diseases. Cannabis is beneficial as well for mental health. Depression, anxiety and mood disorder symptoms can help be alleviated with marijuana.


Main points:


  1. Talk about legalization issues, both at federal and state level.
  2. Negative stigma of cannabis and its users.
  3. Positive health effects and studies conducted.
  4. Different forms of cannabis use and how they each impact the user.




I think my thesis can be much more stronger, I need to find sources that credit what information I need to further research and understand. The next step in researching and writing my paper would be to gather more sources and see if I can link things together to gain more clarity. I’m not so sure on my thesis or on what I really want to find out about cannabis. The aspect of cannabis and the negative stigmas that surround marijuana use and its users. I want to make sure that I know what the average demographic marijuana user is, as well as, know if there are any combat veterans or veterans in general such as myself that use cannabis to help make the quality of life better.



  • 2. Cohen, Peter J. “Medical Marijuana, Compassionate Use, and Public Policy: Expert Opinion or Vox Populi?” The Hastings Center Report, vol. 36, no. 3, 2006, pp. 19-22.


  • 3. Heinrich, Janet, and Mary Lynn Mathre. “Policy Perspectives: Therapeutic Cannabis.” The American Journal of Nursing, vol. 101, no. 4, 2001, pp. 61-  69

Paper Sketch

American Feminism: Embracing Your Inner Bitch

Why is it that women are continuously shunned or insulted for doing the exact same things that a man is praised for? For years women have been trying to get accepted for the leadership skills they possess instead of being called a bossy bitch. Some women are afraid to admit what they want in the bedroom because whenever they bring up the topic of sex they are called sluts and whores. It is about time that has changed, and throughout the years it has gotten better. Feminism has changed the way people view women in America today by showing that women are just as powerful as men, just as sexual, and deserve to be treated with the same respect.

Main points:

  • Before reading this paper one should know why they are a feminist, even if they continue to say that they are not.
  • With fresh eyes read just how powerful women can be
  • Women have every right to be accepted as sexual beings just as men are accepted.
  • Men are respected, admired, and praised when they tell people what to do and act like a leader, women are only called bossy. They deserve to receive the same respect that men are given for their leadership skills.

Valenti, Jessica. Full Frontal Feminism: a Young Woman’s Guide to Why Feminism Matters. Seal Press, 2014. Print.

Reflection Questions

  1. I feel that I was able to develop a strong and interesting thesis based on the little bit of research that I have done. Some parts of my thesis like the last point I made about leadership skills need more support from a different source than I currently have. I will find new information by looking at the college’s many research websites and reading different books on feminism.
  2. My next step is to do more readings and research regarding how males are more respected than females, how females are shunned for being sexual, and how the disrespect has lessened over the years that women have been fighting the patriarchy.

Paper Sketch / Storyboard

Assignment Steps

This assignment can be divided into five smaller steps. Read the entire assignment before you begin.

Step One: Two Sentences: Question and Thesis

To prepare for this step, complete The Research Room tutorials on Developing a Research Question and Developing a Research Thesis.

  • Write a one-sentence question that summarizes the problem your paper addresses.
  • Based on your research question and your reading of the sources you have gathered so far: Write a one-sentence working thesis statement that summarizes your argument in response to the question.

Step Two: Introductory Paragraph

Place your thesis in context by writing a short introductory paragraph to your research paper. This paragraph is where you will explain briefly your topic and the ideas you’re responding to; it is also where you will state your thesis.

  • This paragraph is where you will “enter the conversation” of an academic debate. You may want to draw on the templates from They Say / I Say in crafting your introduction. (For those templates, see our readings and class handouts.)

Step Three: Planning Your Paper

Prepare a brief plan for your paper. You can do this by writing a sentence to describe each main point that you will make in support of your thesis. Refer to the sources you will use as evidence.

  • If you completed the blog on potential research topics, you have already started to do this. Now you will want to be more specific, and include any sources you have found or claims you have developed in your early research.

Step Four: Draft a Title

Develop a working title for your paper. (Don’t worry, you can change this at any time until you submit your final draft!)

  • A good title describes your paper topic and themes; it can include information about the specific focus of your paper (geographic, time period, academic area), use key phrases, or simply state the question your paper will address.
  • One common format for academic paper titles is a two-part title with a colon. The first part may present a question or a signal phrase, while the second part uses key words from the thesis
  • For a few examples related to our course theme, see this document on Sample Research Essay Titles; for more information and additional examples, visit Composing an Effective Title

Step Five: Reflection

The final part of your assignment should respond to the following questions:

  1. Do you think that you were able to develop an interesting and clear thesis that is well supported by the sources you have found to date? If not, what parts of your thesis need more supporting evidence? How will you find this evidence?
  2. What is your next step in the process of researching and writing your paper?

Assignment Format

Two options: Paper Sketch OR Paper Storyboard

Paper Sketch

  • Format your assignment as if it were a very rough draft of your paper.
  • Place your working title at the top (centered) (Step 4)
  • Your introductory paragraph comes next. Highlight your thesis statement. (Step 1 and 2)
  • Add your brief plan for your research paper next. (Step 3)
  • List any references you plan to use (in MLA format)
  • Provide your responses to the reflection questions (Step Five)

Paper Storyboard

  • Your storyboard will contain the same elements as the Paper Sketch
  • Choose an appropriate style to create your board. (Useful templates include a grid style, a spider map for supporting claims and evidence, or a T-chart for comparisons.)
    • You may draw your own board, or create one out of index cards and paper
    • Or use software to create one: Storyboard That!
  • Place your working title in a prominent place (e.g. at the top of the page)

Your assignment should include your name, our course number (ENG 103.0905) and the professor’s name, and the date submitted. Use 1” margins, double-spacing, and an 11 or 12 point font. I encourage you to print on both sides.

Deadline: Monday, October 16, in class

How to Submit:

  1. Create a file in your Writing Portfolio in Google Drive, and make sure it’s saved to your folder by the due date (If you drew a storyboard, you can scan it in the library, or take a photo to upload it to Drive), AND
  2. Post your paper sketch or storyboard to our course blog (using the category “Blog” and the tag “Paper Sketch.”) You must submit the assignment in each of these forms.

Don’t forget: Always make sure your in-class writing and assignments are saved in your Writing Portfolio (your individual Google Drive folder).


I am looking for the following as I read and respond to your assignment:

  • A clear research question and a working thesis
  • An appropriate introductory paragraph that provides readers with an understanding of what your paper will discuss and argue
  • Evidence of preliminary research and critical thinking about your sources
    • In other words, it is not enough to quote or paraphrase what others have said – what are you saying in relation to what they say?
  • Thoughtful reflections on the process so far and your next steps

Misconception of College Students

Personally this article hits me at home because I understand and have understood for some time now that being a college undergrad is not an easy way of life. Even more so difficult if you do not come from wealth. But overall, in knowing that the majority has to deal with this struggle of getting through school, then I don’t feel the need to dread school, in fact it is motivation to get it done sooner than later.

The Path Home Project

During The Path Home Project presentation people who immigrated from countries like South Korea, China, and Honduras talked about their experiences when they or their parents came to America. They also spoke about the process of obtaining their green cards and citizenship paperwork. Two speakers, Sun Byun and May Chen, who are two to three decades apart faced the same inhumane treatment in the workplace despite their age difference. Another speaker, Sagraria Mendez, explained how she fought for her rights by joining the Union in order to get compensated what she deserved and send money back to her family in Honduras. As she spoke about her experiences, Donald Trump’s name came up and she was not the only one to mention him. At the end of the presentation the presenters were hopeful that new immigrants will be treated fairly in and out of the workplace.

Hearing everyones similar yet different stories made me realize that immigration and race are issues that are connected. The way people of color have been treated throughout the years is exactly the way immigrants were treated and continue to be treated. The darker skinned a person was, the more harmful they were treated and this still goes on today. For example, I am half white and half black. Because I am light skinned I have not been treated unfairly due to my race. However, so many other people have and I want to use this presentation to better understand those people who have had to work exceptionally hard to get accepted in America. Many of my darker skinned friends are still not feeling fully accepted because they are insulted for their skin color or shunned because of it. The presentation touched me so much that I am thinking of studying law and becoming an immigration lawyer.

My Research Paper Topic

James Macay

Prof. Kitana Ananda


October 1, 2017


My Research Topic

Considering a research topic was interesting because it gave me a chance to consider my surroundings. Having ridden a bike in the city for longer than I can remember, I have developed the nature of observing my surroundings. Being on a bike means that I am in the street often and in doing so, I’ve noticed an unfortunate reality of the people around me. Everyone is frustrated. Most people have trapped themselves in their own bubbles. They go about their commutes in a very antisocial manner. Why is that? There are hundreds of people around us at all times in New York City, why not socialize with someone? Or does this simple fact cause people to be antisocial? From personal experience, the lack of personal space can make me feel the need to form a metaphorical blockade around myself. Often this leads to me being lost in my psyche without realization of why.

This concept is interesting when considering the environment because in other places like Chicago, a place I visit often has a much different environment. The city itself is not as crowded all around, but in the areas that it is crowded, the same mentality is present. In the city of Chicago people give off the same vibration of antisocial desire. But when you get closer to the suburbs, suddenly people are more inviting and open to conversing with strangers. My issue with the topic so far is that I have an observation and multiple situations responding to the same issue, but I am not sure how to make it a paper. I have to give it more thought and question whether I can make it work or not. For me it is an interesting idea that I’d like to explore because the situation can be evaluated through several perspectives. Taking a psychological look at things would also be interesting because it can really narrow down what the issue is. It can also define whether  this issue can be resolved or if the issue is on a steady rise. The reason this is an issue is also because we are humans, we get carried away sometimes by basic emotions, such as anger and hate. We also lack patients which can cause us to act on impulse. It is unethical to make mere predictions of what this can lead to, unless we evaluate the situation psychologically then we can really consider what might come next.