Expectations for Assignment #2

I am aiming for an A. According to the grading contract, I plan on completing each assignment on time – including all drafts and all peer reviews – on time and fulfilling each of the requirements for the assignment. I plan on putting in 1-2 hours max for each draft and 2-3 hours on the final assignment. I will effort into my peer reviews. I will try to provide as much constructive criticism as possible. I expect you to be as honest as possible with me when it comes to the criticism of my assignments. I struggle with digging deeper, so please assist me so I can sharpen this skill. I will probably write my assignment in essay form.

Intersections seems to be showing emotional yet realistic situations faced by many youth in America. Reminds of something my co-worker, a theater/music teacher and an experienced performer once said while teaching a class. “Art is just a heightened version of our current world”. This play is shown as a mirror to our current society.

The first scene and second scene both speak to me a lot, because I have had experienced situations like these before. I would like to speak about perhaps a more broad perspective rather than personal, maybe how a certain viewpoint presented in this play, is shown throughout society. 


One thought on “Expectations for Assignment #2”

  1. Nawal,

    Thanks for letting me know about trouble digging deeper — that makes sense: it’s very, very difficult! I’ll help as much as I can when I read your drafts and when we talk through them in class, but please make sure you’re also being proactive about asking questions, of both me and your classmates. You tend to start digging pretty deep in class: the challenge might be to stay in the sticky places while you’re writing instead of giving into the tendency (I have it too, I think we all tend to!) to draw forward to a conclusion, you know? Always feel free to reach out with questions: your expectations sound great, and I’m sure your project will be, too!!!

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