Expectation assignment #1

The specific things that I can work with is to do my part of the homework, (however, there will be some days that I will be running behind in work because of the other classes as well as personal/family circumstances), try do group projects (in which I can be very limited and depend on the project). Also during class, I can try to speak up when it is needed to do so or when I am comfortable to do so. The time that I can put in for the classroom, homework, and for the peer reviews is to give as much time as possible and to make sure that I have everything done right, so the people can understand what I am trying to say. But for the peer reviews, I will spend more time on that because I want the writer/author to understand in what I have suggested to them and maybe use that idea in their work/paper as well as for future references. The help that I would want from the professor is that they can take some time to understand the students perspective (in where they came from, what they are going through, and how they deal with things) because some of the students can struggle in their other classes/personal issues (in which that can break the teacher/student contract.). The professor also can help when by when students are falling behind class and they need an extension for their work. The format that I can create is written/typed assignments, email or turn in a copy to professor (the homework), and maybe any type of request that the professor has I can try to manage to do that as well.  Lastly, for any spoken word poems, I don’t mind talking about anyone because each poem is just as important as any other to talk about.

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