Pre-draft for Assignment 3 and answering the questions!

Going into reading this comic I really had no idea what it was going to be like. I’ve never been into comics before because I just figured it’s all the same. It also takes a lot for me to get into something too so I didn’t really know what to expect. Getting into Ms. Marvel opened my eyes to what comics are really about and not going to lie I was super lost getting into it. What was really intimidating was that everyone seemed to know a lot and were talking freely about it. So then I’m faced with pretending to know what’s going on or asking questions and getting somewhat a gist of what I will be reading. I chose to ask and I’m pretty glad I did because now I can write this beautiful piece of writing you’re about to read. My analysis of the comic will revolve around the scene with her father and how I believe their relationship shapes and molds her as a super hero and young woman.
It’s no secret her dad is a traditional man and is protective over Kamala but you see a very compassionate side to him as well. Unlike Kamalas mother her dad seems to be the voice of reason. We see this when she’s fighting crime because she goes back to say something her father always says. This shows me that even though she finds her father annoying she still views him as a protecter. The scene I want to focus on is the one where she just gets back from fighting the guy and robots from the basement and her mother starts yelling at her about how she’s changing and “this isn’t the Kamala she raised.”

To be continued…. 5/24 When the girl came in to explain comics

-What did you learn in class on Monday that impacted how you approach reading comics and/or understanding Ms. Marvel?
I learned that comics vary and are all very different, this helped me understand that I can’t have a broad mindset when reading comics in the future.
-Did it impact your choice of format for this assignment? What format are you thinking of using?
It did not impact my choice for format and I am thinking of writing a analysis piece of a scene in the comic and adding a real life experience. —What is unique about this format that will allow you to learn more about the comic than what is expressed on the surface?
I will connect the scene to my life and although different stories I will manage to help my reader understand the two correlate.
-What questions or concerns or excitements do you have about creating a project in this format?
My only concern is having someone not understand my message but I am excited to connect my personal experience to Kamala.
What is Ms. Marvel teaching you about writing so far?
Ms. Marvel is teaching me to not be afraid to write something different and to not be scared just because you don’t know about it.

One thought on “Pre-draft for Assignment 3 and answering the questions!”

  1. Kat,

    I am so so so glad you chose to ask the questions that you did — I was always so happy when you would ask. I guarantee that other folks in the class had similar questions as you! I’m really excited to see what you come up with — I know you were feeling like your analysis of images wasn’t too sharp, but from hearing your group work in class, you’re really great at it, and I can’t wait for the insights you draw!!

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