artist statement for intersections

Artist Statement for my research paper
• Who is your audience for this paper?
This paper is for people who are about to graduate high school to young adults in high school. My essay is somewhat informative on why young adults stress and what they stress over. Also what substances they use to help them with their stress.
• What do you want them to know before reading your piece?
I want my audience to keep an open mind while understanding and learning the many stressors that young adults may experience while attending college. I want them to know that stressors can come from financial, social, and family concerns/issues.
• What do you want them to learn from your piece?
How much alcohol and marijuana can affect your school life. What stressors do young adult endure to use them to use these substances. I want this essay to over all help young adults move away from using drugs to help with stress and make them think of better ways to unstress.
• Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?
I believe with the information that I have gathered, it can demonstrate how serious it is to use alcohol or weed as a substance. There needs to be healthier ways a young adult can use to be able to cope with the stress. Students shouldn’t be using or abusing substances if they need their mind and body to be successful in life.
• What unique perspective did you bring to your analysis that someone else might not have?
I used an interview as a source of research to get in dept on what it is to steer off into using marijuana. The research websites I used were really good sources of information.
• What is the value of this perspective?
The value of this perspective is to understand the stress young adults face while attending college.
• What did you learn through this paper?
I learned that it is very easy to steer off into using drugs and alcohol I know it helps ease with the stress of school and work. But in the long run it’s not worth using these substances because of the long term affects.
• What did you not learn?
I didn’t learn what other drugs young adults use to help with the stress. I know there are many more but I mostly concentrated on how stress affects young adults and why they use marijuana and alcohol as an outlet specifically.
• What would you still like to learn?
I would want to learn the other drugs that are available to young adults. Such as Xanax, Percocet, Oxycodone ect.
• What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project?
I believe with the peer reviews my classmates helped me a lot at first I was lost wasn’t really sure of the question I was even going to do my reach on. When I had a copy of my rough draft my peer corrected it and really made me open my eyes on the mistakes I had made.
• How has your thinking changed about research (if it has) since working on this project?
I believe when you conduct a research paper you should take a lot of time out in order to get a lot and valid information. Not everything on the internet is true.
• If you had another week to work on your research paper, what would you do with it? How would you change it?
I would defiantly write more, research more and if I could include more information into my essay that has to do with the play intersections.
Peer Review students: Maria Torres and Myra Steele.

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