Draft #1


After World War I, the United States went through a tough period were the whole country was being dominated by social discrimination, however what was surprising was that after the war, the quantity of immigrants entering the country decreased, specially because the demand for unskilled workers had gone down. In the 1920s the U.S created a law against mass immigration of the foreigners entering the country, such law led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan. A group that consisted of hardcore Whites who believed that foreigners from other regions and Blacks did not have a place in the United States and they would have their own ideas on how to combat this problem.
Sadly, The Congress supported the Klan’s efforts to minimize the proliferation of immigration through the enactment of the per centum limits. The major concerns of the KKK are shown in an article authored by Hiram Evans dubbed The Klan’s Fight for Americanism (1926). Putting the aspects into the wider historical context helps in understanding. The 1920’s were marked by nativism and fear of cultural erosion because the influence of the immigrants was felt in different states and this led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan that aimed at restoring Nordicism.
The Klan’s Fight for Americanism as it is discussed by Hiram Evans shows the role played by the group in protecting what they called the “First Nations People” culture against the infiltration by other foreign investors that were going to ruin this culture . The Klan was formed as a protest against modernity that was experienced after the First World War. According to the author, most of the immigrants in the United States came from the European countries that were war-stricken (Shi and Tindall 184) and were in under recovery.
Since the United States did not participate in the First World War from the beginning. It only engaged Japan after the attack on the Pearl Harbor, unlike the other participants in the war including Germany, France, and Japan, the U.S did not suffer a massive economic loss (Shi and Tindall 184.) Instead, in the 1920s known as the “Roaring Twenties” the number of goods been made and sold by American Businesses had increased notably, this led individuals from other nations to target the United States to take advantage of the flourishing economic growth and therefore migrate to this country to have a job opportunity and have a chance to get a better life and this angered the klan even more .
The Ku Klux Klan began its activities in the South in states such as Delaware, Florida, Georgia and Maryland. However it was clear that this was happening because the South had a bigger black population than the Northern states due to the slavery that had been prevalent so the klan’s activities would have a bigger impact here. In 1900, the South was dominated by Protestantism and non-Catholics and they were not embraced for this. The Klan’s Fight against trade unionism (The Klan’s members controlled access to better-paying industrial jobs), Jews and Catholics, was an illustration of their efforts to maintain an original American culture (Shi and Tindall 184)
In his article The Klan’s Fight for Americanism, Evans is categorical that the Klan was against granting voting rights to people that they considered not real Americans, rights that were granted by the 15th Amendment enacted in 1869 which indicated that all the native-born American men had the right to vote. Therefore the klan sought to concentrate more in politics to make “the not real Americans” have a hard time participating in them.
In 1869, about 44% of the African-American men had been registered as voters, and as more Blacks held offices in the South this infuriated the Klan, and a form of voter suppression emerged. The second generation of the Klan opposed the voting rights by instilling fear among the Blacks. Therefore, by the end of First World War, the Klan saw an opportunity to once more demonstrate the White supremacy, by discriminating not only blacks this time, but also immigrants that were coming from many different countries. In addition, the Klan’s rebirth arose at a time where industrialization and urbanization were starting to grow rapidly, promoting the idea that all immigrants and blacks, were a threat to the society’s ideals.
The First Great Migration (1916–1930) increased the number of blacks in other states like Chicago, New York, St. Louis and Los Angeles. For instance, in Chicago, the percentage of the Blacks in the population rose by 600% (Shi and Tindall 186). Those who were opposed to the free movement of the Blacks and the establishment of their churches scaled up their efforts to intimidate them in their new locations.
The government saw the need to curb the massive movement of people into the country through the Immigration Act of 1917. The Klan’s idea was to retain the original American culture of civilization and literacy. According to the article authored by Evans, the Congress seemed to share the Klan’s sentiments and instituted the literacy test to bar those who could not write and read into the United States. Hiram W. Evans mentions “During the greater part of this period of agitation the so-called literacy test for aliens was the favorite weapon of the restrictionists, and all its widespread popularity appears to have been based quite largely on a belief, or at least a hope, that it would reduce to some extend the stream of “new” immigration” (The Klan’s Fight for Americanism, p. 186) This supported the intention to prevent importing unskilled labor and individuals who would swell the dependency rates



Annotated Bibliography

James Macay

Prof. Kitana Ananda


November 5, 2017

Annotated Bibliography

The first article I want to use is from the Association of American Colleges and Universities, it is based on the expectations of community colleges versus the reality. From the articles point of view, the reality is that community college students are underprepared. That general idea I can agree and disagree on different bases. Within the article there are situations and statistics described that I felt I could relate to from my own experiences. One for example, 37 percent of those enrolled in developmental math said that the course they were placed in was not appropriate to their skill level. I personally dealt with the remedial math classes and it was a situation in which the work is very simple to complete, for the reasons of me having taken the classes in highschool and understanding what is going on. The work is so easy that it is annoying, truly makes you question what you are doing there. Overall, this piece of evidence supports the thought of taking the initiative and doing what you have to do.

There were about two to three readings shared in class as reading assignments that I would like to refer to. One of them being Two Years Are Better than Four. One line I enjoy from it was, “Thus, Mr. Perlstein concludes, the college experience – a rite of passage as it was meant it to be – must have come to an end. But he is wrong.” I feel this and more pieces from the article can give backbone to my argument. Also, I feel using the Malcolm X article can help me argue an alternative to community colleges, because even though my argument is to convince people of the gold mine community colleges are, if you really cannot go to school or do not want to, take the alternative that Malcolm X took and read books, self educate yourself. Then again goes back to my other point, it is up to you to take the initiative.  

What I will do next is take a trip to the archive and do research on what was going on around the time in which LaGuardia built LaGuardia Community College, a gold mine in itself for the public. In my research I also hope to find out why he decided to build a community college. I also am considering finding another source to shed light on the real help of financial aid.


Work Cited

Liz Addison, “Two Years Are Better Than Four,” The New York Times Blog, September 26,


Malcolm X, “Learning to Read,” Rereading America: Cultural Contexts for Critical Thinking

and Writing, pp. 161-169.

Peden, Wilson. “Expectations Meeting Reality: The Underprepared Student and

Community Colleges.” Association of American Colleges and Universities, 15 Aug.2017,

Archive Document Response

James Macay

Prof. Kitana Ananda


November 5, 2017


Archival Document Response

The first document titled “Committee on General Welfare” touched on the struggle that Haitian refugees encountered in the 1980’s. A total of 2,200 Haitian refugees across the United States have been detained in detention centers. There were fifty-three refugees detained at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Interestingly enough, the refugees technically were not prisoners. Federal District Court Judge Robert Carter ordered a release on all the fifty-three haitians at the Navy Yard to be released, alongside other professional organizations fighting for the same cause. But the prisoners remained imprisoned.  The only alternative was to give the Haitians parole until they can attend a proper hearing. The number of Haitian refugees was increasing due to political discomfort and dictatorship in their country. Only those who entered the country illegally would have an issue with the law. Which at this point in time was most people because entering the country legally would take time and money that most couldn’t afford to spare.

The second article titled “January 2nd Coalition for the Defense of Haitian Refugees” touched on the same topic as the first article, only in a different light. We take a look at this idea from a higher food chain point of view. It is said, that the Reagan administration has detained up to 3,000 Haitian refugees in the United States and Puerto Rico. These refugees flee in search of political asylum in the United States. They are denied, and instead deported back to where they came from. The people were treated under poor condition and there was nothing they could do as Reagan’s administration continued to uphold its discriminatory policy. Ironically, Reagan supported the ways of the government’s treatments in Haiti and because of this, refugees specifically fled to America. Reagan requested that camps should be set up so that immigrants would be detained before being deported. Then to really tease the people with their power, they created the “employer sanctions”, where people would be sub-class workers with no rights. A fancy way of saying slavery?

These articles relate in parallel universes because if we take the first article, we can imagine the inhumane ways in which these people are being treated and can’t possibly imagine why. Taking the other article into perspective, we are told who is calling the shots and that the Haitian refugees are being treated poorly in their country, and when they try to find a way out they are sent back or detained. It sounds devastating but you cannot envision or feel what they are actually going through the way the first article leads out. Overall, we see the effects that higher powers have on the those with less power. Even how much of an impact one man’s decision can have on an entire nation and specific group of people. Family’s split, and lives ruined. The Coalition on January 2nd proposed the following demands, to release everyone of the camps, to forgive undocumented workers, stop the trades with Duvalier Dictatorship, and more on.

These sources won’t be of much use in my research paper, but comparing them and contrasting them was interesting and a learning experience, even a quick history lesson. In my topic the only far fetched relation I see is that community colleges are a resource and typically cheaper than most universities, which can work hand in hand with immigrants who wish to pursue their education. Seeing as community colleges are diverse and welcoming of anyone wishing to earn a degree, perhaps it can be a gateway for refugees or immigrants to live their lives.

Paper Sketch – Alejandro Canelas

Alejandro Canelas

English 103.0905

Professor Kitana Ananda

October 30th, 2017

Gentrification In New York City

Paper Sketch Assignment


How has Gentrification targeted and Displaced People of Color in NYC?  How has the voices of the Latino community (which has had a historical presence in New York) experience an erasure from the larger narrative of Gentrification related issues? (i.e. Housing, employment, education etc..)

Thesis and Intro

People of Color have been the targets of urban displacements for quite sometime now.  In particular the latino community and specifically the Puerto Rican community has experienced an exodus from New York, and yet their narratives are not being archived or being reported amongst the urban displacement that is currently occurring. On-going issues such as housing, employment, and access to government programs all lead to displacements. With the influx of new affluent residents oftentimes create business catering to their own and ostracize individuals who are born and raised in the neighborhoods currently being heavily developed. In particular this paper will explore North Williamsburg and Harlem and their rapid rezoning and restructuring which never include the voices of minority groups.

Main Points

1 – An exploration of  policies that affect Latino and NuYoRican residents. I will explore rezoning, redistricting and data that supports the numbers that indicate a mass exodus from NYC.

2- Exploring Retail and Boutiquing occurring in rapidly gentrifying neighborhoods. Specifically taking a look at North Williamsburg and Harlem.

3 – An incorporation of the Oral Histories relevant to my research topic and focused a more person tone. Earlier research will focus specifically on policy and data. However, as the paper ends I would like to incorporate a more person approach and let the reader know it’s not a statistic, but rather human beings that are continually affected.




1MLA (Modern Language Assoc.)  Works Cited

Lees, L. “A Reappraisal of Gentrification: Towards a ‘Geography of Gentrification’.” Progress in Human Geography, vol. 24, no. 3, Sept. 2000, pp. 389-408. EBSCOhost, mail.lagcc.cuny.edu/viplogin/default.aspx?redirect=http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=a9h&AN=4166072&site=ehost-live.2

2 – Davila, Arlene M. Barrio Dreams: Puerto Ricans, Latinos, and the Neoliberal City. Univ. of California Press.

3 – DW Gibson The Edge Becomes The Center An oral History of Gentrification in the Twenty-First Century.

Gentrification: The on-going Displacement and issues affecting the Latino Community NYC


1- I believe the sources that I have offer a plethora of information that I can adequately incorporate into my argument. I initially wanted my paper to focus on Black/latino communities in my paper. However, with the research I have gathered it’s focusing more towards the latino community and their displacement in Harlem and North Williamsburg. I need feel like I can hone in my broad topic even further and I believe as time progress I will be able to further specify my research topic.

2 – My next step is to look for more valuable sources that are the authors of the books I am using have used for their research. Maybe I will be able to find further information by tracking the process of their works cited. I will start to write a first Draft to see where I am stuck and see where I need to further develop my research paper.

Archival Response

Ryann Block

Eng 103.0905

Professor Kitana A.

Archival Assignment



During our visit at the Archive Room, we discussed two documents one called The Council Report Of Legal Service Division & the January 2nd Coalition for the Defense of Haitian Refugees. These documents were primary documents part of a special collection in a certain time era. Whereas Books were secondary sources. The first Legal document spoke about the Haitian Refugees being held in the detention center. Waiting their trial dates and citizenships.  There were about 2200 Haitian refugees that have been imprisoned because they entered United State illegally, they would have to wait years to legally emigrate. These Haitians were treated like criminals for example “ Fifty-three of these refugees are presently being detained at the Brooklyn Navy Yard” Not in prison. “Due process rights than are guaranteed every other federal prisoner”. These Haitian refugees wasn’t treated with respect. It’s sad that they had to suffer and fear for their life.

The second Primary document January 2nd Coalition for the Defense of Haitian Refugees is about 3,000 Haitians refugees being imprisoned in the United States and Puerto Rico. The Coalition wanted all americans to understand no matter how much or how the government may support the corrupt government of Jean-Claude Duvalier in Haiti, they’re still responsible for the Haitian Refugees. This document spoke about policies. Policies in detaining Haitians. Another interesting thing that was important there was a man name Papa Doc who killed these Haitians because of their skin complexion. They were trying to stop the deportation of Haitians to travel to Belize. They would use ships to ship them out this took place in Brooklyn, NY  on Nostrand ave & Eastern Parkway.

To conclude, both legal documents stated information about the Haitian Refugees. How they were deprived and treated like criminals, no one wants to live in a world where you have to fear for your life. This was how the Haitians were living. Each has families and the government didn’t take a second thought to think about their families. The government just felt like they deserved to be treated as such, to be imprisoned, to be killed because of their complexion. This was in the year of 1892. The government must do a better job. We all have rights and should be taken into consideration.

Archival Response – Alejandro Canelas

Alejandro Canelas

English 103.0905

Professor Kitana Ananda

October 30 2017

                                      Archival Response

During the Laguardia Wagner Archives visit I learned about resources available to Laguardia Students. During the visit we analyzed a primary source which was the document Res. No.1873, which was submitted by: Ira S. Pers and was a proposal to sponsor 2200 Haitian refugees during the 1980’s. This document was proposed during the Papa Doc administration of Haiti, where the Haitian Dictator Duvalier massacred a large number of Haitians on the basis of skin color. The mass murder of Haitians caused many refugees to seek political asylum in various parts of the United States. However, this document in particular emphasized the detainees being held at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. This surprised many of us due to that fact that the area used to be a dilapidated area, and now it has experienced an urban renewal and an influx of new wealthier residents.  

The main source of contention in this document was the fact that these Haitian refugees were in a state of limbo for long periods of time. They also were denied and/or received fewer due process rights. These rights are meant to be distributed to everyone on United States soil regardless of legal status. However, the reality at hand was that many were often times denied these rights and this caused many to be held at these prison like accommodations. On paper the areas where they were being held were called “detention centers”, but they operated in a systematic prison-like fashion.  Furthermore, the document goes on to explain how the then federal Judge Robert Carter issued the release of about 53% of the refugees, but due to similar cases occurring in Florida they were still being held.

The fact that this document was issued during the 1980’s Reagan Administration which was a Republican Administration highlights the fact that this issue was being ignored and swept under the rug. This also calls into question the treatment of refugees and immigrants who happen to be POC and their on-going treatment and denial of status in the United States. This document although published in the 1980’s is still relevant today due to the fact that detention centers are still an issue and the negative treatment towards people coming from non-eurocentric backgrounds.

This document proposed by The Council report of Legal Services Division attempted to rectify the Haitian refugee crisis by showcasing that these individuals will have sufficient sponsorship and will accept responsibility for them. What makes this document rather convoluted is that how does one prove and determine if someone is a refugee or an illegal. The lines are blurred and often times overlap, and it is unfortunate that such a desperate situation requires tedious paperwork in order to prove something that is blatantly obvious. One questions the fact if they were coming from Europe if they would receive the same treatment. Personally, I believe if they were coming from a European Country that they would have received a much faster response and rectification of the situation. It is quite unfortunate that these issues are still relevant today and are still being conducted in much of that same antiquated fashion and still much of the same stigma applies today.

Educational Narrative

My earliest memories of school are not being able to speak, read, or write english. “Adversity introduces a man to himself.” said the great scientist Albert Einstein. I learned that I am capable of pushing myself and accomplishing anything I need or want thanks to my academic endeavors and also thanks to martial arts. I have accomplished a first degree black belt in tae kwon do and have reached other ranks in other martial arts. Another great quote is from the bible, “God will never put me through what he cannot help me through.” I believe every challenge we face is doable because I believe in a higher power that created this universe (or maybe the universe itself). So, although we as humans have many obstacles and adverse situations to overcome we Thank God that we are here, alive and experiencing. I was eventually placed in a bilingual class. Later on I was able to develop both english and spanish. In junior high school I even received a 90 in the Italian regents, so a weakness became a strength. As a child I could barely speak two languages and by High School I basically spoke three. Two teachers stand out in my mind (Ms.Teora an Italian teacher in junior high school and Mr. Azzara my guitar teacher in high school). These two teachers touched my heart with their passion for the subjects in which they were teaching, their humor, and their down-to-earthness.


I remember feeling lost in the beginning of my childhood education career. I didn’t have any friends nor was I able to make any. I was scared and felt strange. A feeling that didn’t necessarily fleet but that I can now thrive on. I associate my first experiences with racism to school. And the images of many people of all colors come to mind in a bland edifice. I can also remember the smell of school lunch. I didn’t really start making friends until the fourth grade and eventually I pushed myself to become an honors student in fifth grade. I remember a certain peer who became my friend and is now getting his doctor’s degree in california in ethnic studies. I also remember another friend I made in junior high school who was a positive influence to me. I consider my martial arts training another form of education. I educated myself to handle negativity from other peers by the outlet of expressing anger through martial arts. I learned about eating healthy and exercising and this helped my grades back then. Although, I must say I think i need to re-learn a lot of these habits. I haven’t been in school for a while, so I am acclimating myself to college. I also haven’t been to a gym or martial arts training for a while so i don’t quite feel the same as I did when I was doing well in school.


School has always been an inspiring yet challenging place for me. Although I’m not always enthusiastic about going to class or completing an assignment but i know that i cannot give up on my academic studies because in the long run i believe i will lead a happier and more fulfilling life. The teachers who have taught me the most in life so far though are my parents. The most important thing I have learned from them is that being a realist is also as important as being an idealist because first the dreams are born in your mind and then action manifests dreams into reality. I want to become the best version of me possible.

Analysis Essay

Aziza Benjamin

ENG 103

Analysis Essay

In an address to The Council of the City of New York, January 2nd Coalition for the Defense of Haitian Refugees. This statement addresses many different important things that are happening in America and New York in general too. The first is asking for the 3,000 Haitian refugees to be released from the detention centers. They are being held without proper treatment of their rights to trial etc. Also, it talks about the Haitians who are being deported back to the oppression they are trying to escape. The statement talks about undocumented workers, who will be at the mercy of their employers; their rights will be violated. This is important because it goes back to the Haitians who cannot prove that they are being treated badly by the Haitian government and their workers. The most important point in this statement is about the Reagan administration to stop sending money to Duvalier. The money that they are sending to him is the number one reason why many Haitians are leaving Haiti. If the U.S. government stop supporting Duvalier, life may not be as difficult as it is. The statement addresses a few more things, but it did not go into many details, one of their concerns was the U.S. involvement in Central America and the Caribbean.

In another address to The Council of the City of New York, The Council Report of Legal Services Division, Committee on General Welfare. The council members talk about how the Haitians arrived in the U.S. since last year, and they are being held in 11 detention centers around the country. These Haitians are being held prisoners because they entered the U.S. illegally instead of the legal way. According to the statement, it would have taken a few years to happen; which would have resulted in many of their deaths. 53 of the prisoners are being held at the Brooklyn Navy Yard, federal District Court Judge Robert Carter has order these refugees be release; they are not being released because of the cases in Florida pending. The federal law would allow the attorney general Smith to release these people on parole with sponsors. Many people has come forward to be sponsors for the Haitian refugees. The council members are hoping that The Council of the City of New York will call on the attorney general.

The way that these two are related are both articles are about Haitians refugees being imprisoned without being able to exercise any of their rights or due process. These refugees are not being treated fairly by the U.S. government. There has been an order for the Haitian refugees in New York to be released from the detention center, but they are still imprisoned because of the cases that are still pending in Florida. It is not fair to these people, who has left a country where they are being ill treated to come to another country to be treated in a similar matter. Also the reason that they did not wait to come to this country legally is because the process takes years.

Short essay

The two articles that I have chosen were the ones provided to us when we visited the archive recently. The articles are REPORTS OF LEGAL SERVICES DIVISION and JANUARY 2ND COALITION FOR THE DEFENSE OF HAITIAN REFUGEES. These two articles discuss the Challenges that the Haitian refugees had to go through, back in the year of 1981. Both articles mention that these refugees were imprisoned, and we’re not given they’re right to a due process. For those who do not know what to process is it is ” fair treatment through the normal judicial system, it is a citizen’s entitlement”. The only reason this happened is because these refugees are not American citizens there for the government did not think that they could go to trial, many people argue that. In the both articles they talked about how there are 11 detention camps throughout the use and more than 2,000 people or dispersed into these camps. The reason for the refugees Coming to America was because of the horrible treatment they were given by their leader. They did not want to wait years to get accepted into the use that’s why they came here illegally. A judge named Robert Carter released 53 Haitian refugees from the Brooklyn Navy Yard to allow them to have a fair trial. After this many other refugees were released from camps to gain a fair trial as well. As time went on these individuals were giving sponsors enabling them to have trials and become citizens of the U.S. It’s unfortunate that these refugees were seeking happiness and freedom here in America but was given the complete opposite. Being put into camps like if they were animals, being treated inhumanely, it was bad enough that they have to deal with the stuff back in their country. Many American citizens did not see this an appositive mindset like the president or anyone else that supported these camps and imprisonment. The citizens who did not support this demonstrated it in rallies and protests, in one of the articles it provided a flyer that people made to show where they were going to rally and March to defend the Haitian people. Not only were these people being placed in camps and even sent to their country again they were some refugees who even sent to Belize, a country they have never been. It was like the US was just throwing out trash and putting it somewhere that they don’t care for. It was a sad time during this time many Haitians survived it and could become citizens of this great land but many more were in as fortunate. As I read this article I also think back to when Obama was President and he allowed all the Syrians to come into this country. Many people were against it scared of terrorism and other things but others we’re happy because it was good to see a president with such positive initiative to let these refugees into the country without a problem, America is built on freedom, rights, and the pursuit of happiness and I believe that any legal immigrant that comes to this country is entitled to all three of those categories.

Link to articles:

Paper Sketch/ Storyborad

Marcia Buri
Professor: Kitana Ananda

The fight for the old America
Has a big diverse country like the United States always been this accepting country towards non Americans like it is today.? Around the 1920’s the United States had a major issue going on in society and this was racism. America was not always this calmed like it is in the 2017, non american people suffered from racism by whites specially by one group well known nowadays called “ The Klu Klux Klan”. Which was a group that by racist actions tried hard to keep america stay the america they have always known claiming it was a way to protect “the First Nations people “.
After the U.S created a law against immigration, this led to the rebirth of the Ku Klux Klan, which had tons of ways and efforts to “combat” immigration and make america the old america, this group had the support of the congress to continue with their ideas of restoring nordicism. ( the klan’s fight for Americanism, 1926 by Hiram Evans)
Some of the major concerns of the klu klux klan that pushed them to rebirth was that they feared influence of the immigrants and cultural erosion and they believed they had to protect the first Nations people also explained by (Hiram Evans in “the Klan’s fight for Americanism”)
African Americans gained their freedom and some started registering to vote and as more colored people started to hold offices in the south, this Infuriated the klan more and more (America; a narrative history by Shi and Tindall)
I think I was able to develop an interesting and clear thesis that is and will be well supported by the sources I have gathered so far. My step next will be too look for at least one more source that will help me prove my point and make a clear idea for my thesis.