My Educational Narrative

Brandon Lopez


ENG 103

My Educational Narrative  


One of the earliest memories of learning would have to be speaking. Being able to communicate with my parents and saying small words. My learning enhanced as i was put into pre-k which there i learned numbers and a few words using books from my teachers at the time. These books included pictures and words which made it easier to understand things much quicker. As a student now one of the challenges i face is trying to keep up with school,work, and having a social life. Being a full time student and full time at work have caused a major impact on me because it’s gotten harder to complete some tasks not only at school but at home as well.

I have learned that anything is possible as long as i set my mind to it and with a lot of time management. There’s always something new to learn every day and it doesn’t only come from going to school. One of the things i’ve learned, that didn’t involve going to school was dancing. Having an education today is a big deal if you want to score a well paying job. During my high school education there main focus was to prepare us for what college was going to be.

The one person who has taught me the most in life would have to be my father. Not only has he been there my whole life but has molded me into the person i should be and guided me throughout life and what i should do. One of the things he’s taught me is to never stop learning and to continue forward with my educational learning. Therefore, till this day i am in school trying to pursue a better future for myself not only in school but in life as well.