All posts by Anthony

Anthony’s mixtape blog

The song that I will be choosing from my playlist is “Blame it on me” by Post Malone. When I first heard this song, it was in a car with a group of friends. Usually when you are in that type of scenario, everybody in the car is talking, having a laugh, or you know, a good time. But this song playing in the car, it hit me as I was going through a dark time in that current state. Now in my head, I’m somewhere else, filtering all my surroundings, and the noises except this one song. This guy, Post Malone, is singing, and I’m listening to the lyrics as I think about all those times I took blame in myself for the things that occurred in my life. It made me think about the people in my life who were supposed to be close to me, but instead made me feel like crap. Then this song made me realize that I shouldn’t take blame for those things all because certain people don’t like to admit their faults, and instead, like to put the blame on others like you. That those people aren’t going to care about putting you in that spot to bring you down when they don’t have sympathy towards you in doing so. They’d rather watch you suffer and that its up to a person like you to either take the blame even though you aren’t to be blamed, or the better option, which is to be the bigger person and realize enough to point out whose really in the wrong. At the end of the day, it’s you who you should be looking out for, and letting others treat you bad isn’t the right step for having respect towards yourself. Knowing that if what you did is your fault, then it’s wise to accept that, but when its not your fault, then you have no reason to accept the blame.