Rough draft #3

After taking much of this project in deliberation the process I have decided is I will be doing a podcast. I very much enjoyed doing podcast with a group of friends for a class assignment. I feel like me talking about Ms. Marvel will be better than just writing an essay. Also I feel that I express myself more elaborately when I’m talking. My emotions come out through my voice and the change in my tone might address that. I was thinking of drawing out a comic but the thoughts and the images that were coming to mind weren’t being drawn in paper the way I would have liked it to be. So far with the assignment I have a few points down of what I will being addressing in the podcast.
For instance this the draft that I have prepared so far:
(Introducing myself) Hi my name is Sandep Kaur. I have to work on the title of my podcast. I feel that my audience can relate to this and if you can’t then you might be living in a bubble. We’ll let’s get on with the issue of today a newly released comic Ms. Marvel has drawn up controversy from many people. It’s not just those cyber bullies alone but media has blown this up and caused an uproar over Ms. Marvel that depicts a girl named Kamela Kahn who’s Pakistani  and the battles she goes through isn’t just villains but her family as well.
(Then I would share a personal story from my life)
 Having parents who are immigrant themselves. I can share this experience with Kamela Khan through the comic. My mom and dad share the common culture values that are depicted from Kamela’s parents. Expecting you to be set their way of such as following their rules, not given freedom as much as a male counterpart would have. I understand that is how culturally South Asian parents were brought up by their parents but it doesn’t mean that they has to inflict it in their child’s lives. For instance I remember growing up and it was my friends sleepover. We’re all so young and naive and I was asking my father if I could go. He said no I began to ask why. All my friends were all allowed to go without their parents having to question them. As for my father he began go into a lecture how it was unsafe of being in one’s house. There was whole spiel of how it’s going against the culture. Which I could never understand how is sleeping over at a friend house is going against any culture beliefs. Now where is written that where aren’t allowed to go one place or another.
  I can feel this connection with Kamela who herself faces the same predicament. Wanting to go to a party with a couple of friends She has asked her father. “can I go to a party tonight” her father response was by “very funny”. ” Come on Abu! I’m sixteen I won’t do anything promise stupid. Don’t you trust me!
These are a few highlights that I would be addressing when giving my podcast there are a few that I haven’t touched upon but will be adding. Such as the controversy that came with the marvel being the first comic depicting a Muslim girl as the main superhero. I would elaborate on that more. Then adding insight from the comic itself.

2 thoughts on “Rough draft #3”

  1. I think podcast is a great idea. Personally, I love listening to podcasts. They are more natural, and often sound better than something scripted. Are you going to focus on culture clashes specifically? (Kamala’s family, and then your experience), and is it going to be your main topic? You mentioned that you will talk about how this is a first comic with a Muslim superhero, and it is just great. I think that this is very interesting and I would love to hear what your thoughts are on this.

  2. Sandep,

    I totally agree with Adrian’s enthusiasm for your project. I think it’s going to be fantastic. I would encourage you to model it off of a podcast that you particularly enjoy listening to — what kinds of things get you to be excited about listening to them? I think you’re doing a great job so far at weaving your personal stories and insights in with Kamala’s to give your listeners deeper insights into the issues discussed in it. I would encourage you, as you weave through all the things you want to get to, that you think about ways to break up the podcast so it’s not only you speaking without direction, you know what I mean? I’m so excited to listen when it’s ready!!!

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