Assignment #3 Pre-draft

On Monday I learned that a lot goes into illustration and writing of a comic and understanding Ms. Marvel. It sure did impact my choice of format for this assignment because I was originally thinking of doing an analytical essay on a specific part of the comic but instead I now decided that I should expand the comic with a new scene or change a specific scene with my own interpretation and illustration. Something unique about this format that will help me learn about the comic is the creative process in which the writer and illustrator go through when creating the comic. Ms.Marvel is teaching me more then writing, drawings and pictures can have a lot of meaning due to the many details they contain as well as the sound effects throughout the comic.

One thought on “Assignment #3 Pre-draft”

  1. Diego,

    Like I said in class, I love that you’re going to either extend a scene or rewrite a scene according to how you would have liked it to go. That is soooo exciting: I can’t wait to see which scene or scenes you choose, and what you choose to alter/extend about the canon narrative. Since you also seem fascinated by comic book sound effects, I also wonder how you’d like to further explore the impact of sound effects in your own comic creations!!!

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