Assignment # 1: Rough Draft Peer Review Prompt

In a comment on both of your teammates’ rough drafts on the blog (or in an email — cc me — if you or your partner(s) have trouble with the blog), answer each question that the writer/artist has posed to you.

Also answer the following. Remember that the more you elaborate, the more help you are giving your teammates.

  1. My favorite part of your project so far is…
  2. I would love it if you expanded on these two specific ideas…
  3. It seems like your target audience is…. I can (or I can’t) tell because…
    1. Here are two ideas to help you reach (or define) your audience even more effectively…
  4. Two things that you haven’t done yet that I really think would make your project more powerful are…
  5. (If applicable) I’m not sure what you meant here… Can you please elaborate or explain?
  6. My overall thoughts are…

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