Artist Statement Prompts for Assignment # 2

With Assignment # 2 due on Wednesday May 10th, be sure to include:

  • links to your expectations, your pre-draft, your rough draft, and the name of the two people whose work you peer reviewed (if you emailed me any of these things, let me know so I can look it up easily, and if you gave me a physical copy, submit it back to me)
  • a 600 word artist statement.

This artist statement should include answers to the following questions:

Who is your audience for this paper? What do you want them to know before reading your piece?

What do you want them to learn from your piece?

Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?

What unique perspective did you bring to your analysis that someone else might not have? What is the value of this perspective?

What did you learn through this paper?

What did you not learn?

What would you still like to learn?

What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project?

How has your thinking changed about research (if it has) since working on this project?

If you had another week to work on your research paper, what would you do with it? How would you change it?

The last thing you want to tell your audience before they dive into your paper is…

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