
Welcome to Urban Black Psychology an elective course at LaGuardia Community College that analyzes the politics of Black urban settings within the United States. We ask: How have Black people experienced and consciously resisted the reconstruction of new forms of bondage within urban settings? We’ve examined this by understanding capitalism and racial difference through a Class Mixtape, Guest Lectures, and engagement with scholarly text. We then put this into research practice by understanding Black Houstonian’s in the Wake of Hurricane Harvey with W.E.B. Dubois’ The Philadelphia Negro as our guide.

Our class did not conduct nor promote a close reading of harm and violence against the Black community in urban settings. Instead, our class engaged a systems-analysis of urban violence that Black social movements, scholars, and everyday people have produced. Peruse our site and learn with us!

To learn more about the pedagogical approach of the professor and our course text, click on the “Social Text” tab. Thank you for learning with us! Please feel free to comment and keep our conversation going!