“What’s on my plate?” When did you last ask yourself this question? It’s not unusual to eat fusion foods like a paratha taco, ramen burger, or curry fries, but beyond the chef’s search for new and exciting tastes, what is the story behind the crossing of these seemingly unrelated cultures. It has been said that the story of our food is a window into our humanity and this projects seeks to look beyond the superficiality  of “feeling cultured” by indulging exotic foods and encourages critical thinking around the complex stories of people and cultures to whom they belong through the lense of politics and the arts. You will have the opportunity to talk about food eaten in four countries the U.S. is currently in conflict with and understand the politics that lead to their creation! Participants will leave with a recipe card and are encouraged to continue their dialogue on www.cunyhumanitiesalliance.org/theplateispolitical.


Telijah is a proud, non-traditional, honors college student and winner of three prestigious study abroad scholarships including the Benjamin A. Gilman and Critical Language Scholarship both managed by the Department of State. During her gap years she traveled, gained vocational industry certifications, and participated in national service. In 2015 she joined City Year, an AmeriCorps program that aids students in high needs schools. While at City Year she discovered her passion for social justice. The next year she enrolled as a student at LaGuardia Community College. When she’s not working or studying, Telijah dedicates time volunteering at or planning community events. Telijah lives by the mantra that “Service to others is the rent you pay for your room here on earth.” She actively seeks out and is involved in numerous leadership activities. Telijah is currently working towards her Associate of Arts in International Studies. One of her ambitions is to work at the intersection of education, technology, and intercultural communication by starting a network of  tech-focused bilingual schools in the U.S. targeting highly ambitious students in underserved communities with sister campuses in rural China!