Final Research Paper

Research Paper (Due on Friday 6/8 by email )


  1. Start by choosing a topic.
  2. Then narrow your topic in the form of a question.
  3. Draft a central claim or thesis statement.
  4. Do the research: at least two sources, one academic -books, journals, peer review publication- and one from the internet  (For more information, see guides on how to evaluate websites and other sources; and paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting sources.)
  5. Organize the research. (Introduction: question and thesis statements; Body Paragraphs: present evidence from primary and secondary sources; and Conclusion: summarize your arguments, and add a personal comment)
  6. Draft. See The Writing Process for drafting ideas, tips, and suggestions.
  7. Create your MLA bibliography, or works cited page.
  8. Revise your draft for content and organization.
  9. Edit and proofread your final draft.



Topic: Spanish and Spanglish in Denise Frohman “Accents” and Elizabeth Acevedo’s “Afro-latina”

Research Question: Is Spanish language and Spanglish a significant element of these poet’s identity and work?

Thesis: For both poets, it is but with different connotations. While for Frohman Spanish language and accent give her a sense of connection with her mother, her Puerto Rican heritage and represent a source of empowerment, for Acevedo it involved a process of rejection due to the need to assimilate, eventual acceptance, historical awareness and ultimately found pride.


Be attentive to:

.Understanding the goals of a LITERARY argumentative essay: to analyze a literary piece (the essay is not an opinion piece or a sociological exposition)

*Always ask yourself: Am I analyzing the poems? If yes, keep going. If not, go back to them.

.The extension (4 pages + work cited page)

.Excessive spaces

.Integrating secondary sources

.MLA Style Citation and Work Cited Page

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