Final Draft

Ga-briel!!! baja, la comida está listo” shouted Flor.


“OK MOM AND HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU ITS GAI-BREE-UHL AND NOT GA-BRIEL!!!”. called Gabriel. He stomps down stairs to the dining table. “What is that? That looks disgusting,” he groans


“Those are tacos y ya come chamco” said Flor.


“I think I’m going to order some pizza instead” said Gabriel.


“I don’t know why you don’t want to eat mexican food if you are in fact a mexican too mijo” said Flor.


“I know I’m some mexican but I consider myself to be AMERICAN BECAUSE I WAS BORN HERE, and I really don’t like mexican food” Gabriel raises his voice.


“You know you shouldn’t be ashamed of your race and ethnicity” said Flor.

“I know but everything that’s being going on right now about hispanic people and specialty mexican people being criminals, I rather not consider myself a mexican nor a hispanic person, and tbh I kinda agree with our president” said Gabriel.


“I don’t want hear another word from you, go to your ROOM NOW!!!!” Flor yells.


“Uuh whatever, I could care less” said Gabriel as he’s going to his room. “Oh snap the dallas cowboys are playing right now” said Gabriel as he turns the t.v on.


“Breaking news, Another couple dozen undocumented people have been detained by ICE again, some are parents who have US citizen children from ages 16-2 years. Next on nbc news, How does being undocumented or having family members undocumented have an effect on a adolescent’s physiological health? Stay tooned” said news reporter.


“How bout I don’t stay tooned but I guess that would suck to be one those kids, and one of them is my age but that’s what they get because their parents came here illegally. I…. better change the channel before the game ends” said gabriel.


Next Day at school.

“Hey bro you watched the game last night?” said Charles.


“Of course bro how can I miss the game, it’s basically like if you don’t watch the game you are not from Texas” said Gabriel.


“I know right it’s like…” said Charles.


“Wait hold that thought bro, Hey! Was up James you saw the game last night, it was so good” said Gabriel.


“I did see the game Gabriel, now get out face” said James.


“Ok bro see you in practice” said Gabriel.


“You know he doesn’t like you because you’re Hispanic”said Charles.


“I know… but I was born here in American, even though my background is mexican it doesn’t mean I’m mexican” said Gabriel.


“Hey, was up David” said Charles.


“Hey did you see the game last night?” said Gabriel.


“No, I didn’t see the game, can you guys just leave me alone please” said David.

“Woah, someone’s in bad mood what are you going to cry or what?” said Gabriel.


“ I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE!!” said David.


“Ok, I’m sorry bro do you want to talk it about?” said Gabriel.


“They….. deported my dad last night, I don’t know if he will ever return back” said David.


“Hey I’m sorry about your dad and your family, it must be tough for you guys. At least he’s not in jail, that is worse than being deported” said Charles.


“Yeah I know” said David.


“WOAH your dad is a undocumented illegal immigrant, but what crime did he do to be detained?” said Gabriel.


“It was just a minor crime, that’s IT and they still detained him” said David.


“Well if he commited a minor crime, its consider a crime and I think it’s better if we don’t hang out anymore. I don’t want no one to see me hanging out with a guy whos dad is a illegal immigrant criminal. BYE” said Gabriel, he leaves.


Football Practice

“Ok ladies, I want 10 laps and get to your positions” said coach.


“ Yes sir!” said everybody.


“That was not cool Gabriel, how can you just not be friends with David anymore when we have being friends for more than 8 years, he needs his friends to support him at this time of crises” said Charles.


“Let me tell you something Charles, I don’t want to hang out with someone who is related with a illegal immigrant” said Gabriel.


“You know you shouldn’t be ashamed of your race and ethnicity” said Charles.


“You sound exactly like my mother” said Gabriel.


“How about we go to David’s house and show some…”said Charles.


“Yo James was up bro” said Gabriel.


“How bout you go hang out with you illegal undocumented people” said James.


“Nice one bro” said James friend.


“Haha” said james friend 2.


“But I was born here and I don’t even hang out with hispanic people” said Gabriel.


“Ok then, well I don’t believe you for a second. But if want to hang out with us you gotta prove yourself” said James as he spots David.


“Ok what do you want me to do?” said Gabriel.


“Well go over there to david and push him, also tell him that his dad got what he deserved for coming to this country illegally”said James.


“Ok…” said Gabriel as he’s heading towards David.


“Your dad got what he deserved for coming to this country illegally”said Gabriel as he pushes David.


“Why Gabriel? We have been friends for 8 years and just because my dad is undocumented you treat me like this? I thought you were better than this” said David.




“Hey good job bro I guess you’re American after all, I’ll see you this saturday at my place after midnight and do NOT BE LATE” said James.


”Alright bro, and I won’t be late” said Gabriel.


Principal Office

“What is the meaning of THIS!” said the principle.


“Well I was just stating facts” said Gabriel.


“David you can go and I’m sorry about your dad” said principle.


“Thank you Principal Smith” said David.


“WHAT? You’re going to let him go but not me” said Gabriel.


“You should damn know why I let him go Gabriel. Just because we have a president who is racist, it doesn’t mean we can all be racist. At the end of the day we are all immigrants from all over the world. I demand you to go to detention. Dismissed” said Smith.

“Principle Smith has a point about this country being all immigrants, but time has change, now we in new era” said Gabriel.


2 hours later outside of school

“I hate detention, but it was worth it. I better head home before it gets darker.” said Gabriel as he heads for a train track.”I don’t think I’ll make it so I’ll just stay back” said Gabriel as the train passes.”Woah, I never seen a train like this. This is a military train. Oh I remember our president sent the national guard to defend the border” said Gabriel, as a bottle of soda with no label falls of the train and the train is now far away. “Free soda, don’t mind me” said Gabriel as he picks up the soda and drinks it.” That tasted nice” said Gabriel.


1 hour later near Gabriel’s house

“Uh my head hurts so much. I think I shouldn’t have drink that soda, but I’m finally home” said Gabriel as he opens the door.




“Can we not talked about it right now, My head hurt so much” said Gabriel looking at the floor.




“Ok, but can you be quiet?”said Gabriel in a low tone.


“WHAT, DID YOU TELL TO BE…” said Flor she gets talked over by Gabriel.


“I SAID BE QUIET!!” said Gabriel. Everything goes silence. “Thank you mom” said Gabriel as he goes to his room with his head down and he then sleeps. 12 hours later gabriel wakes up. “Wait what? It’s still night time?” said gabriel as he goes down stairs.”Mom?”said gabriel looking at his mom frozen in place. “Mom what happen to you, please talk to me. I’m going to get help ok” said Gabriel as he goes outside. “I NEED HELP PLEASE, SOMEone….” said Gabriel as he looks surprised.”WHAT? Why is everybody frozen in place? Did I do this? Said Gabriel as he cries and goes inside his house. “Mom, mommy please come back…I said CONTINUE” said Gabriel as his mom wakes up. “…QUIET” said flor looking surprised. “Mommmmyyy… Thank you mom, I’m so sorry please forgive me, I’ll never misbehaved ok” said Gabriel as he goes to his room.


“Ok..” said Flor still surprised for what had happened.


“It must have been the soda, that gave the ability to stop time, but how do I make it work? I gotta call Charles he probably knows” said Gabriel as he call Charles.


”Hey Gabriel can we not…”said Charles.


”Ok great, come to my house right now I gotta show you something” said Gabriel.


1 hour later. Ding Dong.

” Come in, Gabriel is up stairs” said Flor.


“This better be good Gabriel, I don’t even know why I even bother coming…” said Charles.


“BE QUIET” shouts Gabriel as he grabs Charles.


“Did you just say to be quiet to me, goodbye Gabriel” said Charles as he goes down stairs only to see Flor frozen in position.


“Hey Mrs.Flores, are you ok… hey Gabriel there something wrong with your mom” said Charles.


“Ok what I’m about to tell you might seen insane but I have powers to stop time” said Gabriel.


“WHAT?” said Charles as he goes outside. “No way…”said Charles surprised.


”I know right it’s crazy” said Gabriel.


“Lets go inside your house” said Charles, as they both go in side the house.

“I don’t know how it works though, but I have an idea. My idea is that I have be mad or feel some kinda emotion in order to work. But if I want to stop time and take someone with me then I just need to hold them” said Gabriel.


“Ok then resume time then” said Charles.


“I have to feel some type of emotion, make me mad or something” said Gabriel. Charles punches Gabriel in the face.


“That’s what you get for treating David like that” said Charles.


“OUCH, wtf Charles” shouted Gabriel.


“Everything ok up there” said Flor.


“YES mom, Charles is leaving” said Gabriel.


“Seeya Gabriel have fun with your new best friends”said Charles as he leaves Gabriel’s room.


Saturday 11:45 pm.

“Oh damn I have 15 minutes to get to James house, I’ll just stop time. STOP TIME” said Gabriel as time stops. 1 hour later at James house. “RESUME time” said Gabriel as time continues. Ding Dong.


“Hey Gabriel your early, are you ready?” said James.


” Of course Bro, Lets go” said Gabriel.


“Alright let me grab some stuff and wait for me at the car” said James.


“Alright Bro” said Gabriel. James open the car, he then opens the trunk to put a bag in it, they both get in the car. “What was in that bag?” said Gabriel.


“You’ll see once we get there” said James.


“By the way I gotta show you something that will blow your mind, I…”said Gabriel.


“OK ,OK, tell me later. We’re here” said James.


“What are we doing here so close to the border?” said Gabriel.


“We’re going to shoot some undocumented people” said James.

“Why?” said Gabriel looking surprised.


“I thought you were American and not hispanic?” said James.


“Yeah I’m 100% percent American, let’s go” said Gabriel. They go up a hill with the bag, James take two sniper rifles. He gives one to Gabriel. They go prone.


“I see two over there” said James as he’s looking through the scope.


“Wait, its a kid and his dad” said Gabriel looking through the scope. BOOM. “I got the dad, he’s on the ground lets get closer and kill him” said James as they get closer to the dad.


“Hey James, this is crazy how about we just leave, I think he got what he deserved, let’s just leave him” said Gabriel in a nervous tone, as they see the dad on floor.


“Por favor no me mates, tengo una familia” said the dad crying.


“How dare you come to this country and take our jobs and commit crimes, you don’t deserve to live” said James as he takes out his pistol.


“STOP” said Gabriel as a teardrop falls he then grabs on to the dad and kid. “¿Estás bien, puedes caminar?” said Gabriel.

“Si” said the dad.


“Ok, solo ve y toma este dinero para tu viaje” said Gabriel, as the dad and little girl go.


“Muchas gracias” said the dad. He then takes James to the cops and leaves him the way he was position with his gun out. He then goes to his house and lays on his bed and looks on the roof.


“RESUME” said Gabriel. “I know, I’m American but that doesn’t mean I have to forget where I came from. I’m hispanic and I should be proud. I should use my powers to help those who are undocumented people” said Gabriel with a smile.




Ga-briel!!! baja, la comida está listo” said Flor. “OK MOM AND HOW MANY TIMES DO I NEED TO TELL YOU ITS GAI-BREE-UHL AND NOT GA-BRIEL!!!” said Gabriel. Gabriel goes down stairs to the dining table. “What is that? That looks disgusting” said Gabriel. “Those are tacos y ya come chamco” said Flor. “I think I’m going to order some pizza instead” said Gabriel. “I don’t know why you don’t want to eat mexican food if you are in fact a mexican too mi hijo” said Flor. “I know I’m some mexican but I consider myself to be AMERICAN BECAUSE I WAS BORN HERE, and I really don’t like mexican food” said Gabriel. “You know you should be ashamed of your race and ethnicity” said Flor. “I know but everything that’s being going on right now about hispanic people and specialty mexican people being criminals, I rather not consider myself a mexican nor a hispanic person, and tbh I kinda agree with our president” said Gabriel. “I don’t want hear another word from you, go to your ROOM NOW!!!!” said Flor. “Uuh whatever, I could care less” said Gabriel as he’s going to his room. “Oh snap the dallas cowboys are playing right now” said Gabriel as he turns the t.v on. “Breaking news, Another couple dozen undocumented people have been detained by ICE, some are parents who have US citizen children from ages 16-2 years. How does being undocumented or having family members undocumented have an effect on a adolescent’s physiological health? Stay tooned” said news reporter. “How bout I don’t stay tooned but I guess that would suck to be one those kids, and one of them is my age but that’s what they get because their parents came here illegally. I…. better change the channel before the game ends” said gabriel.

Scene2 school

Scene3 way back home

Scene4 powers/school

Scene5 becoming a hero

What powers should I give my hero?

Does it relate to Ms.Marvel?

Any suggestions?

Assignment # 2 — Research Essay Analyzing Anon(ymous)

Ary Sanchez

Professor Jay Polish

ENG 102 Writing Through Literature

May 7,  2018

How does being undocumented or having family members undocumented have an effect on a adolescent’s physiological health portrayed in Anon(ymous)?

In the play Anon(ymous) by Naomi Iizuka it depicts a boy named Anon whos goes on a journey to find his mother Nemasani. At the begin of the play, the chorus of refugees describes where they are from. Even though they don’t tell us where Anon is from we can assume that he represents the chorus of refugees, which is everybody other than Americans. We can also assume that he and his mother are undocumented immigrants. In the past decade many families have immigrated to the united states illegally due to some complications in the origin of their country. This has caused them to live under the shadow of America due to not wanting to be caught by Immigration and Customs Enforcement also know as ICE. Many undocumented immigrants are caught by ICE and are separated from their kids and family only to never see them again. These implications of being an undocumented immigrant can have a serious effects on the physiological health of a kid and adult. These can be depict in the play Anon(ymous), for example Anon who is separated from his mom Nemasni.

WAR in the middle east. POVERTY in Africa. CRIMES in south America. Even though there are other continents with problems these are the main problems. In the recent years many people in the middle east have died due to war between terrorist groups and others. These wars had cause in destruction in cities and homes in which people once lived. Many of this wars had tanks and bombs. Many of these tanks were offered by the united states in order to fight communist. Many of the bombs are from American planes who have not exploded when impact. In the recent years many people have died of starvation in Africa due to poverty. This is because there’s not a lot resource in some parts of Africa. Africa can’t make jobs as there is not much they can produce. Which leads to the country suffering from lack of money, food and other factors. Also many have died in south America due to the high rates of crimes. This is because there is a lot of crimes in south America due to drug lords and gangs. In many differents parts of south america there’s corruption because the drug lords and gangs buying the government and the police. One of these example is Pablo Emilio Escobar who’s net worth was estimated to about $56 billion dollars. He had almost controlled the whole country of Colombia. As he had offer the president to pay Colombia’s debt in order to be left alone and he had also have a puppet president.  That’s the many reasons why people come to the United states of America in the pursed of a better life. Many have sailed thousands of miles and many others have walked 1000 miles in order to reach America and this can take around days. Unlike others who have the luxury to go to another country in hours. Once arriving to this country many have to live in the shadows.

As time passes many of these undocumented immigrants have a stable live, many don’t have the best job in the world but at least it pays for the bills. They have a decent job, they then have a home and finally they have a family. But one day they receive a knock at door. They open the door only to see ICE. As the cops are arresting one parent, the adolescents are seeing this happened. But if the cops are arresting both parent, the adolescents are sent to an orphanage, foster home or foster family. This can cause “trauma occurring to children when families are separated by immigration policies”(Knopf). Also “Forced parent–child separation and parental loss are potentially traumatic events (PTEs) with adverse effects on children’s mental health”(Flores). There was a study conducted by American Psychological Association based on the mental health of citizen adolcensent’s whose parent was about to deported or detained. The study was conducted on 91 Latino U.S.-born children, ages 6 to 12, with mixed-status families. The results “indicate that PTSD symptoms as reported by parent were significantly higher for children of detained and deported parents compared to citizen children whose parents were either legal permanent residents or undocumented without prior contact with immigration enforcement”(Flores). It’s very hard to believe that a children whose parents are in danger of being detained and deported show PTSD symptoms at a very early age compare to those whose parents are legal permanent residents. Also “findings revealed differences in child internalizing problems associated with parental detention and deportation as reported by parent as well as differences in overall child functioning as reported by clinician”(Flores). This means that it affects the development of an adolescent physiological mind, meaning that these kids tend to be sad compare to other kids. Now the solution to this problem is not to separate kids from their parents but to take into consideration the best interest of Latino citizen children and take in factors, like a kids mental health.

The play Anon(ymous) is about Anon who got separated from his mom, and Anon goes on a journey to find her. If we compare our research to Anon(ymous), Anon shows signs of PTSD, trauma, and stress. Even though Anon is not a US citizen he stills shows signs of  PTSD, trauma, and stress. An example of this is on page 15 when Anon got separated from his mom. In this scene he remembers swimming in a storm. This shows of a tragic event that he has flashbacks, which is also known as trauma. But on page 25 he has the same flashback but this time he see his mom vanish which resulted them to be separated which is known as PTSD. This is goes well with my research because Anon and Nemasani got separated resulting Anon to have PTSD and trauma like the kids in the study.

We can assume that Anon is a adolescent, age 12-18. Anon shows signs of PTSD and trauma, but what are the symptoms of PTSD. Well according to the US Government “Children age 12 to 18 have symptoms more similar to adults: depression, anxiety, withdrawal, or reckless behavior like substance abuse or running away”. What about trauma symptoms? The symptoms of trauma are “Loss of interest in previously-enjoyed activities, Angry outbursts, Irritability, Behavioral inhibition, Reckless behaviors, Regression”(villagebh). Trauma and PTSD have similars symptoms. But these symptoms are portrayed in Anon.

If we exam the symptom reckless behaviors in Anon in the play there’s many scenes where he shows reckless behavior. One scene where Anon shows reckless behavior is on page 25. He meets a guy named Pascual whose around the same age as Anon. Anon then gets into a fight with Pascual. Anon then gets on a train with Pascual, which have resulted Anon getting hurt. This is clearly signs of reckless. Another example of reckless is on page 35. Anon meets Strygal who offers a ride to Anon and Belen on his truck. As they are driving, Anon hears people on Strygal’s back of his truck. Anon confronts him but Strygal denies it, Anon then tells him to stop the truck but Strygal doesn’t stop. Anon then tries to control the wheel but results in the truck crashing. Anon then sees these people going to place for dead people and those are the people died in truck. This was so reckless of Anon as he got people to die.

Many people from all of the world come to America to pursed of a better life, something that they didn’t have back home. So many are willing to sail and walk miles to get to America. Many are undocumented immigrants, who then establish a life here. These undocumented immigrants are detained and deported to their country of origin. But what people don’t realize is that this can cause some serious implications for a kid who is separated from his parents, like trauma and PTSD. A perfected example of this Anon who has trauma and PTSD and this can be seen in the play Anon(ymous).


Web Cited

Knopf, Alison. “Immigration Policy: Separating Children from Parents Unnecessary and Costly Trauma.” Freshwater Biology, Wiley/Blackwell (10.1111), 25 Sept. 2017,

Flores, Rojas. “APA PsycNET Login.” American Psychological Association, American Psychological Association, May 2017,

US Government. “PTSD: National Center for PTSD.” Negative Coping and PTSD – PTSD: National Center for PTSD, 1 Jan. 2007, “Causes, Symptoms & Effects of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.” Village Behavioral Health,

Does being undocumented or having family members undocumented have an effect on a adolescent’s physiological health?

Does being undocumented or having family members undocumented have an effect on a adolescent’s physiological health?


In the recent decade many families have been torn apart. This is because the parents came to the united states illegally and therefore are sent back to their country of origin. Many adolescents are left here in america due to being American citizens. Often these adolescents are left in the care of foster homes, foster parents and orphanages. Although is truly sad as many never get another glimpse of their mom’s and dad’s face ever again. This has caused panic in families who have an undocumented family member. But this can be a problem for an adolescent whose brain is currently being developed depending on the age. This can have many physiological problems on a adolescent. These problems can be depression, stress, anxiety and so much more. Many of these symptoms can be reflected on Anon who got separated from his mom.

P1: First study on kids who got separated from their parents

P2: Second study on kids telling someone their parents are undocumented

P3: Long Term?



Does my question related to the play and is it good?

Is my thesis good enough?

Are my topics for my paragraphs relate to my question?


Latina/o Adolescents’ Family Undocumented-Status Disclosures Directed at School Counselors: A Latent Transition Analysis.


Immigration policy: Separating children from parents unnecessary and costly trauma.

Fan Fiction

Ary Sanchez 

Professor Jay Polish 

ENG 102 Writing Through Literature 

March 25, 2018 

“Poem For a Lady Whose Voice I Like”, Fan-fiction 

Before reading my fan fiction, I’ll like to describe somethings before. My fan fiction is about a movie called Hidden Figures which is based on a true story, and its about these three women of color who worked in NASA. I deicide to do a story of Katherine Johnson who worked on all the calculations. There’s this scene where the boss and she are arguing so I decided to that scene with the poem. The story is being told by Katherine Johnson and she is just remembering everything that she went through to get where she is. This essay has expanded my creativity in a way that I would have never imagine. I really had to use my head in order to create a story that goes with the poem. 

It was the 1950’s and it was the space race. We were in a race with the USSR to see who was the better country. Me and two other friends were working on how to launch a rocket at right angle. I did the all calculations for launching the rocket. We were all looking for the right answer to launch the rocket. Fail, after fail it looked like we were never go to be able to launch the rocket.  

One day I was working on my work and I had a lot of work to do but I had to use the bathroom, and I decided to use the bathroom, but the thing was that they didn’t have a bathroom for color people. I decided to go to a store near by which was two miles from the NASA HQ. After getting to the store I had to immediately go back to HQ, but it took me at least 30 minutes to get there. After getting there the boss was waiting for me. He then told me how I’m not smart and how I’m just a woman who doesn’t know anything. After telling me all these things I remember my life and what I gone through to get here. This is my story. 

Growing up in the south in the early 1900’s can be tough for a person who is a person of colored specialty when there’s Jim Crow Laws and no rights for anybody who is not white. My people just getting torture, kidnaped and even getting killed all because of our color of skin. But also, if you’re a woman, it can be really hard for people to respect you. There’s no rights for women as we can’t vote and do other stuff like men. Sometimes I wished I was white and a male. I could do so much stuff, but only one can imagine such thing. Growing up as women of the church have realized that everything happens for a reason. If the lord made me green or yellow, then it was for some reason and I should be grateful for the person he created.  

When going to school, I was so happy to go to school as I would learn so much things especially science class when we learned about space. I was always a big nerd, I would be top of my class, I would also get 100’s on every test. But the class I enjoyed the most had to be science. I can talk endless hours about space and how there’s millions and millions of planets out there but maybe some other time. I always wonder how long it must have taken G-d to create those planets. I always wanted to be a scientist, so I can work and study space. 

Coming home was not my favorite part of the day because that’s when reality struck in. I was always glad to see my parents and my brothers, but it was the conditions that we were living that made me hate life. My house was very small and was made out of any material we can use. When it would rain, there would just be water pouring in from the roof but at least we had a roof over my head. We have two rooms, one of the room is the kitchen/living room and the other room was my parents, brother, and me. It was crowed but I like that because I was with my family and I felt save. We also have land where we grow a range of vegetables. We usually grow them to eat but sometimes we have to sell them to make money. I like when we don’t have to sell crops because when we don’t we eat like kings, but that rarely happens.  

I love my family as they are the reason they keep me going. My dad is the best dad in the world as, I’m his favorite one. He has taught me so much stuff. But sadly, he is missing one hand. He says that it was an accident, but I don’t believe, I know what really happened. Then there’s my mom who I love and admire. She is a strong woman, sometimes I think she’s stronger then my dad. She works, cleans and cooks. Then there’s my older brother who is the best. When my dad is not at the house he takes the role of being my dad/brother. He dropped out of school to work at the farm. I know I had to drop out of school to work in the farms, but my brother dropped out, so I wouldn’t have to, and for that I’m truly grateful. I always thought to myself that I would be somebody important who would earn enough money, so I would help my family out, but at that time it would be something that I thought would never happen. 

After graduating from school with perfect grade, a nice gentleman came to me and asked me to study at their university. But I didn’t want to go because we didn’t have enough money for college. But he started to laugh, and he then said that it would be paid for free. At first, I didn’t believe him but after asking him 100 times if it was a joke, he said no. I was so happy that I went to hug my family and told them that “You guys are the reason why I keep going”. The day before I left to college, I spent the whole day thinking about my family and I don’t want to let them down. When it was the day to leave I told them “I would not let you down guys”. When I went to school I only saw white males and I just saw everybody staring at me like if had something on my face, but it was just the fact that my skin color was different from them. When I would want to raise my hand, people would just make fun of me. I was upset that people didn’t respect, this one time this person just wrote whore at my door. But that really didn’t stop me as I got every 100 on every test and I would often make my professors happy, but they were too scared to show their feelings for a person of colored. As time pass everybody respected me because they saw who was as a person. After graduating one of my favorite professor had told me they had a job at NASA, I couldn’t describe how happy I was. I accept the job and I couldn’t wait to start. 

After remembering all these things that happen in my life. I knew I was strong, smart and independent women. The reason why this man was insulting me is because he is jealous of who I am and what I am capable of. No one can’t judge me, only g-d can. 

“Poem For a Lady Whose Voice I Like”, Fan-fiction

Growing up in the south in the early 1900’s can be tough for a person who is a person of colored specialty when there’s Jim Crow Laws and no rights for anybody who is not white. My people just getting torture, kidnaped and even getting killed all because of our color of skin. But also, if you’re a woman, it can be really hard for people to respect you. There’s no rights for women as we can’t vote and do other stuff like men. Sometimes I wished I was white and a male. I could do so much stuff, but only one can imagine such thing. Growing up as women of the church have realized that everything happens for a reason. If the lord made me green or yellow, then it was for some reason and I should be grateful for the person he created.

When going to school, I was so happy to go to school as I would learn so much things especially science class when we learned about space. I was always a big nerd, I would be top of my class, I would also get 100’s on every test. But the class I enjoyed the most had to be science. I can talk endless hours about space and how there’s millions and millions of planets out there but maybe some other time. I always wonder how long it must have taken G-d to create those planets. I always wanted to be a scientist, so I can work and study space.

Coming home was not my favorite part of the day because that’s when reality struck in. I was always glad to see my parents and my brothers, but it was the conditions that we were living that made me hate life. My house was very small and was made out of any material we can use. When it would rain, there would just be water pouring in from the roof but at least we had a roof over my head. We have two rooms, one of the room is the kitchen/living room and the other room was my parents, brother, and me. It was crowed but I like that because I was with my family and I felt save. We also have land where we grow a range of vegetables. We usually grow them to eat but sometimes we have to sell them to make money. I like when we don’t have to sell crops because when we don’t we eat like kings, but that rarely happens.

I love my family as they are the reason they keep me going. My dad is the best dad in the world as, I’m his favorite one. He has taught me so much stuff. But sadly, he is missing one hand. He says that it was an accident, but I don’t believe, I know what really happened. Then there’s my mom who I love and admire. She is a strong woman, sometimes I think she’s stronger then my dad. She works, cleans and cooks. Then there’s my older brother who is the best. When my dad is not at the house he takes the role of being my dad/brother. He dropped out of school to work at the farm. I know I had to drop out of school to work in the farms, but my brother dropped out, so I wouldn’t have to, and for that I’m truly grateful. I always thought to myself that I would be somebody important who would earn enough money, so I would help my family out, but at that time it would be something that I thought would never happen.

After graduating from school with perfect grade, a nice gentleman came to me and asked me to study at their university. But I didn’t want to go because we didn’t have enough

money for college. But he started to laugh, and he then said that it would be paid for free. At first, I didn’t believe him but after asking him 100 times if it was a joke, he said no. I was so happy that I went to hug my family and told them that “You guys are the reason why I keep going”. The day before I left to college, I spent the whole day thinking about my family and I don’t want to let them down. When it was the day to leave I told them “I would not let you down guys”. When I went to school I only saw white males and I just saw everybody staring at me like if had something on my face, but it was just the fact that my skin color was different from them. When I would want to raise my hand, people would just make fun of me. I was upset that people didn’t respect, this one time this person just wrote whore at my door. But that really didn’t stop me as I got every 100 on every test and I would often make my professors happy, but they were too scared to show their feelings for a person of colored. As time pass everybody respected me because they saw who was as a person. After graduating one of my favorite professor had told me they had a job at NASA, I couldn’t describe how happy I was. I accept the job and I couldn’t wait to start.

It was 1950’s and it was the space race. We were in a race with the USSR to see who was the better country. Me and two other ladies were working on how to launch a rocket at right angle. After cracking the answer, we were applauded because of our work and that made me the happies person ever.

After arguing with this ignorant man, I concluded that all people who judges a person because the way they look are really ignorant people. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I have no talent. They also have no idea what I have done to be where I’m today. The only one who can judge me is G-d.