Social Text

Professor’s Note:

The pedagogical approach to this class engages my notion of social text. Social text is the pedagogical integration of various platforms for in-class conversation and debate. Here, the integration of multiple media platforms such as films, social media, documentaries, albums and songs, visual and performing arts, and oral story telling through the sharing of experiences and analysis through speech and conversation are paired with written written text such as poetry, newspapers and articles, academic journals and books, blogs, and social media. Throughout this class, we relied heavily on written text and storytelling by reading academic text alongside our in-class individual and collective storytelling and analysis, Tedtalks, fiction and non-fiction documentaries. For a list of all the materials we engaged, please see below:

Introduction: Course Themes

Fox, D., Prilleltensky, I., & Austin, S. (2010). Critical Psychology for Social Justice: Concerns and

Dilemmas. Critical Psychology: An Introduction. Sage


Learning and Behavior I: The Brain and Behavior

Doidge, N. (2007). Redesigning the Brain. The Brain That Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph

from the Frontiers of Brain Science. Penguin.

Samelson, F. (1980). JB Watson’s Little Albert, Cyril Burt’s twins, and the need for critical science.

American Psychologist, 35, 619-625.

Learning and Behavior II: Development and Learning

Ripple, R. E., & Rockcastle, V. N. (1964). Development and Learning. Piaget Rediscovered. Cornell


Kamii, C. (1973). Pedagogical Principles derived from Piaget’s Theory: Relevance for Educational

Practice. In Piaget in the Classroom by M. Schwebel and J. Ralph. Routledge and Kegan Paul.

Personality and Psychological Disorders

Frosh, S. (2012). A family history of psychoanalysis. A Brief Introduction to Psychoanalytic Theory.

Palgrave Macmillan.

Carlat, D. (2010). The Bible of Psychiatry. Unhinged: The Trouble with Psychiatry – A Doctor’s Revelations

about a Profession in Crisis. Simon and Schuster.

Metzl, J. M. (2010). A Racialized Disease. The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black

Disease. Beacon Press.


Paradigms of Scientific Research

Norman K Denzin, Yvonna S. Lincoln, eds. / Handbook of Qualitative Research, 1st Ed., 1994, pp. 105-117

Stainton Rogers, W. (2003). Methods and Analysis. Social psychology: experimental and critical

approaches. Maidenhead: Open Univ. Press.

Billig, M. Repopulating the Depopulated Pages of Social Psychology. Theory and Psychology 4(3), 307-


Haraway, D. (1988). Situated Knowledges: The science question in feminism and the privilege of partial

perspective. Feminist Studies 14(3), 579-599.

Creative and Participatory Approaches to Research

Fine, M., & Sirin, S. R. (2007). Theorizing Hyphenated Selves: Researching Youth Development in and

across Contentious Political Contexts. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 1(1), 16–38.

Arafat Payne, Y. (2008). “Street Life” as a Site of Resiliency: How Street Life-Oriented Black Men Frame

Opportunity in the United States. Journal of Black Psychology, 34(1), 3–31.


Identity I: Whiteness & Double Consciousness

Wong, L. M. Di(s)-secting and Dis(s)-closing ‘Whiteness’; Two Tales about Psychology. Feminism &

Psychology 4(1), 133-153.

Du Bois, W. E. B., & Edwards, B. H. (2008). The souls of black folk. Oxford University Press. Pgs 1-14

Fanon, F., & Markmann, C. (2000). The Fact of Blackness. Black skin, white masks (Nachdr.). London:

Pluto Press.

Identity II: Intersectionality

Crenshaw, K. (1991). Mapping the margins: Intersectionality, identity politics, and violence against

women of color. Stanford law review, 1241-1299.

Ussher, J.M. (2005). The meaning of sexual desire: Experience of heterosexual and lesbian girls.

Lorde, A. (1984). The uses of the erotic: The erotic as power. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, 339–


Identity III: Environment and Change

Kallianes, V., & Rubenfeld, P. (1997). Disabled women and reproductive rights. Disability & Society,

12(2), 203-222.

Liu, W. (2015, June). The embodied crises of neoliberal globalization: The lives and narratives of Filipina

migrant domestic workers. In Women’s Studies International Forum (Vol. 50, pp. 80-88). Pergamon.

Rivlin, L. (1982). Group membership and place meanings in an urban neighborhood. Journal of Social

Issues, 38(3), 75-93

Ruddick, S. (1996). Constructing Difference in Public Spaces: Race, Class, and Gender as Interlocking

Systems. Urban Geography 17(2) 132-151.