Language Myths

Rose-Ericka/ September 30, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

I would choose that language can be definied as communication is because I believe that the whole point of language to communicate with one another and express their emotional feelings. Also its like a tool to me in your daily rountines and make things easier for me because if I can’t communiate with other. i don’t know how my everyday

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(Rose-Ericka) Reflective Essay Draft #1

Rose-Ericka/ September 30, 2018/ Reflective Essay #1/ 3 comments

In my lifetime I only speak two languages which is English and French. But actually I would speak English more than French now. Its because I was never really fluent in French even though in my childhood I was surrounded by relatives who only speak French and my mother would teach to me despite me being shaky at learning the

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(Malekie) Reflective Essay Draft #1

Malekie/ September 30, 2018/ Reflective Essay #1/ 3 comments

It’s reasonable to believe that the best way to understand your method of speech is to ask those who normal speak to you, correct? So with that in my I spoke to two of my close friends and asked them to help me understand my dialect. This is how I learned that my way of talking heavily depends on my

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(Manisha) Reflective Essay #1 DRAFT

Manisha/ September 28, 2018/ Reflective Essay #1/ 2 comments

Growing up, I spoke mainly two languages, Hindi and English. I wouldn’t use English as much at home as I would when outside but I did tend to mix it in with my Hindi. In fact, I would, or rather do, tend to mix in Punjabi as well. As an Indian who lives in the U.S.A, the way I talk

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Language Myths

Norely/ September 27, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 1 comments

Myth #11: Women tend to talk more than men. I disagree with this language myth for many reasons. Women have always been identified as social gossipers, always wanting to know what’s going on with the people around them and know all the juicy details about everyone’s lives and are known to spread rumors about the information they know based on

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Writing is more perfect than speech. Is it though?

Malekie/ September 26, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Inherently, there is no such thing as “perfection”. What works for one person isn’t guaranteed to work for another; and the notion of ones preferred method of communication being regarded as superior to another is just sheer arrogance. Both methods of communication, Speech and Writing, come with their own advantages and disadvantages. On one hand, speech allows for a quick

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Language Myths

Inés/ September 24, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 2 comments

After our discussion in class – pick one language myth and write a post about it. The blog posts are an opportunity to explore, expand and question your ideas and thoughts, at the same time that you are reflecting on your experience. They are a low-stake assignment, you will be evaluated based on clarity and depth of content, not based

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The English language is deteriorating.

Daysi/ September 18, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

I believe that the English language is deteriorating because as we may not seem to all agree it slowly is. The English language is deteriorating into slang, misused words, improper abbreviation, and mistakes in general found all over the web. The crazy part is that we are all doing it and seem to accept this when in reality it’s not

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Language Myths #1 Linguists speaks all the languages

Scott/ September 18, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Not true. And I would probably go as far as to say impossible. In my opinion, there are way too many languages for one person to know them all. Languages are like Pokémon, and I don’t know anyone who has caught them all. However, in opposing terms, I also feel that Linguists do not have to speak any other languages

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Language Myths

Alisia/ September 17, 2018/ Uncategorized/ 0 comments

Myth: Raising children bilingually is a mistake because they will get confused and never become truly proficient in either language I do not fully agree with this language myth. I do not think that raising children bilingually is a mistake at all. I believe that a child should be taught as many languages as one pleases. I am a product

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