A coming of age story, thanks dad

Expectations for Assignment #3

Pre-draft for Assignment 3 and answering the questions!

Assignment #3 Draft

Naval was my peer reviewer!
What inspired you to choose the format you did for this project?
I wanted to talk about the comic because I had learned so much from it. I learned that its not only about the text, images played a huge role in understanding the material.
Who is your audience for this project? What should they know before diving into your work?
My audience for this project is anyone and everyone and what I want them to know before diving into this is that ANYONE can be into comics, I never thought I would ever like comics because I thought it would be super hard to understand and read but here I am connecting myself to one haha.
What do you want them to learn from your project?
I want people to know that even if you can’t relate to her being a super hero you can relate to pretty much anything else. She’s a normal girl trying to understand where to fit in the world and how to understand how people see her. She’s the under dog everyone roots for, and I saw a bit of me in Kamala.
Do you think they’ll be able to learn that? Why? Why not?
I do think they will be able to learn this because we can all relate to being teenagers wanting to do our own thing and having our parents constantly annoy us trying to understand why.
What emotional impact were you going for?
Not anyone in paticular, whatever you feel is right and I hope people get different emotions out of it.
What specific panels of Ms. Marvel inspired the type of project you created?
The intimate scenes were the ones I based it all around because it’s something I, as a young women can relate to with my own mom and in many ways am still dealing with.
What did you learn about your own writing/creation process through doing this project?
I learned that writing everything you think is hard and many people might not understand the message you’re trying to present to them but in my best efforts I tried to illustrate that in the best way possible.
What unique perspective did you bring to your close reading of Ms. Marvel that someone else might not have? What is the value of this perspective?
The perspective of my own experience connect to Kamalas relationship with her father. In many ways I relate, and think most can to. You get to an age where you want to do your own thing but parents cant seem to understand why and may view it as lashing out and that couldn’t be further from the truth.
What did you learn through this project?
I learned that with any great literature piece you grow with each piece you write. I learned comics if anything are harder and more complex to understand and that underestamating them closes opportunity to learn about different forms of literature.
What did you not learn?
Still did not know if Bruno and Kamala get together ahahah :(.
What would you still like to learn?
I would like to know if the writers of Ms. Marvel were scared to write another part, wondering if it would be as good as the first.
What, if any, role did class discussions and your peers play in your project? Naval helped me understand that whatever idea I have is a great one, because starting the thought process of a new project is about opening yourself up to new materials and formats.

If you had another week to work on your project, what would you do with it? How would you change it?
I would have gone more deeper in and expanded my writing and maybe even drew something connected to the comic.
What will you take with you from this project into future projects?
To enter everything with an open mind even if challenging.
The last thing you want to tell your audience before they dive into your project is… that this is an analysis from a non comic book reader but I tried my best to understand this different form of art. I’ve learned a lot as a reader and I’m proud to say that I am more open to different types of reading pieces. I hope you all enjoy and remember this class of writing where we all learned something new about ourselves.

Going into reading this comic I really had no idea what it was going to be like. I’ve never been into comics before because I just figured it’s all the same thing. It also takes a lot for me to get into something too so I didn’t really know what to expect. Getting into Ms. Marvel opened my eyes to what comics are really about and I’m not going to lie I was super lost at first. What was really intimidating was that everyone seemed to know a lot and were talking freely about it. So then I’m faced with pretending to know what’s going on or asking questions and getting somewhat a gist of what I will be reading. I chose to ask and I’m pretty glad I did because now I can write this beautiful piece of writing you’re about to read. My analysis of the comic will revolve around the scene with her father and how I believe their relationship shapes and molds her as a super hero and young woman.
It’s no secret her dad is a traditional older muslim man and is protective over Kamala but you see a very compassionate side to him as well. Unlike Kamalas mother, her dad seems to be the voice of reason. We see this when she’s fighting crime because she goes back to say something her father always says. This shows me that even though she finds her father annoying she still views him as a protecter. The scene I want to focus on is the one where she just gets back from fighting the guy and robots from the basement and her mother starts yelling at her about how she’s changing and “this isn’t the Kamala she raised.”During this argument the dad tells the mom that he will have a talk with Kamala. During the conversation he ask her what is going on and although Kamala doesn’t tell him she confides in him for comfort. We see this because they have a one on one in the kitchen showing me a intimate setting. Her dad starts telling her a story on why they decided to name her Kamal and the story is quiet moving. He continues to let her know how her name means perfection and that they named her that because her mother was told that after her brother was born she would no longer be able to have any more children but then came Kamala. This scene showed me another side of her father that I had not really seen before. In the beginning we see him acting his role and being the typical striked dad. But in this scene I saw that protecting fatherly relationship and you see the love he has for Kamala. Kamala is confused with everything thats going on in and around her and her parents note that right away. Her father knows getting it out of her isnt going to happen so to ease her mind he reminds her how much she is love. The author did this on purpose and the reason for this is to show how the dynamic between her and her dad is and in a lot of ways he plays role in how she is. I believe his role impacts the way she deals with situations, she’s careful when being Ms. Marvel and the reason for that is because of they way her father watches over. Kamala won’t put herself in risky situations if she doesn’t have to, she’s always very careful with the way she approaches problems and I feel like the voice of her parents grounds her and helps her become the Ms.Marvel Kamala eventually ends up being.
In many ways I envy the relationship Kamala and her father share. Although I can’t relate to having that father figure there to be a protector, I saw a lot of the characteristics from the father in my mom. My mother plays a huge role in who I am because with every choice I make I think about what my mother would say or do. Kamala is the same way, she goes back to her dads voice whenever things get too much or for a voice of reason. Something that was a cute touch for the scene in the end was when they ended their deep talk but he doesn’t forget his role and reminds her she’s still in trouble. I feel like this whole scene is something we can all relate to because we were all teenagers once and the conflict of wanting to branch out but still being too young to learn is a struggle.
I see myself in Kamala and in many ways it’s a story on a young women coming to become her own person but also learning to not forget where she comes from. I believe her father helps mold her into acceptance and understanding that she is not weird and if anything she is more unique than anyone else and for that I find this comic beautiful because the way we see her become more confidant through out the comic shows her journey to become the strong Ms. Marvel she learns to know and love.

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